Liberty (Adventist magazine)
Liberty is a magazine published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church that covers issues involving separation of church and state, and current events in politics. It has a circulation of over 200,000.
Liberty is one of three religious freedom outreaches sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the other two being the North American Religious Liberty Association and the International Religious Liberty Association.
Liberty was first called American Sentinel and then Sentinel of Liberty before being shortened to its current name.
The American Sentinel (1886-1900)
The first edition of The American Sentinel, January, 1886 proclaimed:
"THE AMERICAN SENTINEL. AN EIGHT-PAGE MONTHLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO: The defense of American Institutions, the preservation of the United States Constitution as it is, so far as regards religion or religious tests, and
the maintenance of human rights, both civil and religious. It will ever be uncompromisingly opposed to anything tending toward & union of Church and State, either in name or in fact."