
Weed of the Week #803 - Wild Proso Millet (Air Date 8/25/13)
It's our Weed of the Week, Wild Proso Millet....
published: 28 Aug 2013
Weed of the Week #803 - Wild Proso Millet (Air Date 8/25/13)
Weed of the Week #803 - Wild Proso Millet (Air Date 8/25/13)
It's our Weed of the Week, Wild Proso Millet.- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 50

2013 Millet
2013 Proso Millet Planting....
published: 16 May 2013
author: Nathan Pearce
2013 Millet

Weed of the Week #712-Wild Proso Millet (Air Date 11/27/11)
It's our Weed of the Week, Wild Proso Millet....
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: AgPhD
Weed of the Week #712-Wild Proso Millet (Air Date 11/27/11)
Weed of the Week #712-Wild Proso Millet (Air Date 11/27/11)
It's our Weed of the Week, Wild Proso Millet.- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 244
- author: AgPhD

India-Forgotten foodgrain- Proso millet
The proso millet is called Baragu in Kannada. A very nutritious foodgrain , it can grow in...
published: 11 Feb 2009
author: zenrainman
India-Forgotten foodgrain- Proso millet
India-Forgotten foodgrain- Proso millet
The proso millet is called Baragu in Kannada. A very nutritious foodgrain , it can grow in the most dryland conditions and with very little water. In a water...- published: 11 Feb 2009
- views: 1134
- author: zenrainman

Jára Cimrman: PROSO - Světová premiéra - PRAGUE PROMS
13.7. Obecní dům v Praze
SVĚTOVÁ PREMIÉRA operety Járy Cimrmana, Proso. Koncertní proveden...
published: 09 Sep 2013
Jára Cimrman: PROSO - Světová premiéra - PRAGUE PROMS
Jára Cimrman: PROSO - Světová premiéra - PRAGUE PROMS
13.7. Obecní dům v Praze SVĚTOVÁ PREMIÉRA operety Járy Cimrmana, Proso. Koncertní provedení U příležitosti zahájení provozu slavného vídeňského „Riesenradu" byla vypsána soutěž o nejlepší operetu. Obeslal ji také Čech Jára Cimrman, a to rozmáchlým sedmihodinovým dílem Proso. Díky své snad jediné záporné vlastnosti - drobnému škudlilství - nepodal zásilku s partiturou doporučeně, což umožnilo Franzi Lehárovi, Johannu Straussovi, Oskaru Nedbalovi a dalším členům poroty, aby si geniální operetní fresku doslova rozebrali. Vědecký tým českých cimrmanologů dokázal, že autorem světově proslulých melodií z Netopýrů, Polských krví a mnoha dalších operet je zapomenutý Pojizeřan Cimrman. Světovou premiéru kompletní a nově nalezené operety Járy Cimrmana Proso uvedla skupina badatelů vedená Zdeňkem Svěrákem. Během večera, uvedeného tradičním seminářem, se ukázalo, jak bezostyšně si světoví operetní autoři "své" slavné melodie od Cimrmana "vypůjčovali." Večer proběhl v režii Jana Svěráka. July 13 Sat Jára Cimrman: Proso, Operetta World Premiere (concert perfromance) On the occasion of the Vienna's "Riesenrad" Opening, Best Operetta Contest was announced. One of the greatest Czech playwrights, poets, composers, teachers, travellers, philosophers, inventors, detectives, mathematicians and sportsmen of the 19th and early 20th century of course could not have missed such an event. Jára Cimrman participated in the contest composing a huge, seven-hour work entitled "Proso" (The Millet). Due to his, perhaps the only negative feature - he was a scrooge - Cimrman refused to pay for sending the scores as a registered mail. This enabled members of the jury - Franz Lehár, Johann Strauss, Oskar Nedbal and the others to take the whole work completely apart. The Cimrmanologists have gathered the evidence that it was Jára Cimrman who composed the world famous operetta tunes today known from "Die Fliedermouse", "Polish Blood", and many more operettas. The World Premiere of the newfound, complete work was brought to the audience by the group of Cimrmanologists, led by Zdeněk Svěrák, a legendary Czech actor, humorist and scriptwriter. Together witnessed how the world renowned authors "borrowed" from Cimrman. Performance Stage Director was Jan Svěrák, an acclaimed Czech film director, and son of Zdeněk Svěrák.- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 5

Amazing Cover Crop Field of Millborn's Premium Grazing Mix
Justin Fruechte, Cover Crop and Forage Specialist at Millborn Seeds, discusses Millborn's ...
published: 22 Oct 2013
Amazing Cover Crop Field of Millborn's Premium Grazing Mix
Amazing Cover Crop Field of Millborn's Premium Grazing Mix
Justin Fruechte, Cover Crop and Forage Specialist at Millborn Seeds, discusses Millborn's Premium Grazing Mix. Millborn's Premium Grazing Mix produces high yields in terms of cover crop vegetation. This particular field was planted with Millborn's Premium Grazing Mix in early August, resulting in what you can see is a "jungle of growth" as Justin calls it...by early October when this video was recorded in the field! The highest yielding portion of Millborn's Premium Grazing Mix is the sorghum sudangrass. This mix also includes Proso Millet. These two grass components help maintain some dry matter in the cow's diet during grazing. In addition to the Sorghum Sudangrass and Proso Millet grasses, there's some brassica components including Turnips, Grazing Radish, and Winfred (hybrid rape). These brassicas provide premium quality feed that's extremely digestible and high in protein value. These brassicas can endure frost down to about 18 degrees which means they will maintain their feed value while the warm season grasses (sorghum sudangrass and proso millet) begin to freeze and dry down. Cattle will be turned in to this field by early November, providing them with high quality feed and get them out of pastures a little earlier...until corn stalks are ready. Millborn's Premium Grazing Mix is a great opportunity to fill the forage void in early Fall and late Winter. Again, Millborn's Premium Grazing Mix provides a lot of good quality, high yielding forage for your cattle. If you have more questions, please contact Justin Fruechte at Millborn Seeds http://www.millbornseeds.com/forage.htm- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 63

Wiosna 2013!!-Orka Pod Proso NewHollandt5060
published: 06 May 2013
author: SzefAmberGold
Wiosna 2013!!-Orka Pod Proso NewHollandt5060
Wiosna 2013!!-Orka Pod Proso NewHollandt5060
- published: 06 May 2013
- views: 188
- author: SzefAmberGold

How To Cook Millet
Nikki Moses shows you how to prepare and cook Millet, a very healthful gluten-free grain. ...
published: 06 Feb 2012
author: MosesNutrition
How To Cook Millet
How To Cook Millet
Nikki Moses shows you how to prepare and cook Millet, a very healthful gluten-free grain. For this recipe, you will need: millet grain, water (or stock or br...- published: 06 Feb 2012
- views: 17919
- author: MosesNutrition

Summer Millet Field Run
published: 12 Nov 2012
author: Rowco Kennels
Summer Millet Field Run
Youtube results:

India-Forgotten foodgrain-Little millet- samey
Millets are grasses with edible seeds. Saamay or little millet is an extremely nutritious ...
published: 11 Feb 2009
author: zenrainman
India-Forgotten foodgrain-Little millet- samey
India-Forgotten foodgrain-Little millet- samey
Millets are grasses with edible seeds. Saamay or little millet is an extremely nutritious crop. Generally regarded as poor peoples food, millets can make a c...- published: 11 Feb 2009
- views: 1293
- author: zenrainman

Western Nebraska Crops - Market Journal - July 6, 2012
The lack of moisture in the western part of the state is taking a toll on dryland crops. U...
published: 06 Jul 2012
author: marketjournal
Western Nebraska Crops - Market Journal - July 6, 2012
Western Nebraska Crops - Market Journal - July 6, 2012
The lack of moisture in the western part of the state is taking a toll on dryland crops. UNL Extension dryland crops specialist Drew Lyon explains how corn, ...- published: 06 Jul 2012
- views: 105
- author: marketjournal

Forgotten Foods: Cooking with Amaranth
Three cereal grains: Wheat, corn/maize and rice provide most of human calories, and compri...
published: 03 Apr 2011
author: EcoWALKthetalk
Forgotten Foods: Cooking with Amaranth
Forgotten Foods: Cooking with Amaranth
Three cereal grains: Wheat, corn/maize and rice provide most of human calories, and comprise together at least 75% of the world's grain production. Navdanya,...- published: 03 Apr 2011
- views: 7779
- author: EcoWALKthetalk