Last updated: June 13, 2016

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Parents chase down bike riders at Pacific Pines Football Club0:18

Parents chased down motorbike riders who sped through the Pacific Pines Football Club fields on the weekend.

US TX: Floodwaters Swamp Houston Mall Parking Garage June 120:10

The parking garage at the Galleria in Houston, Texas, was thoroughly flooded on Sunday, June 12, after heavy rain poured into the shopping mall. Forecasters warned of frequent lightning strikes, heavy rain and flash flooding for Harris County on Sunday. This video shows a flooded parking garage. Credit: Twitter/mommalampi

Who Is Omar Mateen, the Orlando Shooting Suspect?1:40

The suspected attacker in the mass shootings in Orlando is Omar Mateen, an American citizen and Florida resident. Mateen had twice been the subject of terrorism-related investigations by the FBI

Window smashed by masked man0:34

Cardinia Crime Investigation Unit detectives are looking for a man caught on security cameras smashing the front windows of a Pakenham cafe.

US CT: Connecticut Gun Control Group Stands With Orlando Shooting Victims June 120:37

Members of Newtown Action Alliance in Newtown, Connecticut, sang ?Amazing Grace? and held signs that read ?Newtown stands with Orlando? on Sunday, June 12, in honour of victims of the gay nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida. Authorities confirmed at least 50 deaths and 53 injuries after a gunman opened fire inside Pulse nightclub. The gun-control group was formed after 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown in December, 2012. In this video they can be seen standing outside the National Shooting Sports Foundation in Newtown. Credit: Facebook/Newtown Action Alliance

US TX: Floodwaters Swamp Houston Mall Parking Garage June 120:10

Who Is Omar Mateen, the Orlando Shooting Suspect?1:40

Window smashed by masked man0:34

US CT: Connecticut Gun Control Group Stands With Orlando Shooting Victims June 120:37

US NYC: New Yorkers Show Support for Orlando Shooting Victims June 120:10

PM pledges billion dollar reef fund4:02

ELECTION LIVE: Leaders focus on reef and NBN1:30

Tony Awards host Corden says Orlando "We are with you"0:51

AUSTRALIA: Prime Minister Announces 1 Billion for Great Barrier Reef June 131:42

US NYC: NYC Mourners Sing Somewhere Over the Rainbow for Orlando Victims June 120:21

PM announces billion dollar Barrier Reef plan1:30

Mother of Orlando club patron reacts to texts from son1:16

PM pledges $100m for Townsville stadium1:04

US NYC: Mourners Pay Tribute to Orlando Victims at NYC's Stonewall Inn June 120:21

US NYC: Mourners Remember Orlando Victims at Historic Stonewall Inn June 120:36

Police: Man Arrested in L.A. Area With Weapons, Explosive Material2:16

FEEL GOOD: Vintage WW2 Amphibious Car Rides Through Brooklyn April 191:01

ANIMALS : Dogs Find Lizard and Don't Know What to Do April 264:01

Heavily armed man arrested near L.A. gay pride festival1:16

Australians receive Queen's highest honour3:16