Wikipedia:Requests for page importation

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"WP:IMP" redirects here. It is not to be confused with Wikipedia:User access levels § Importers and Transwiki.
Page importation

This is a place to request that pages be imported with history of pages from other Wikimedia Foundation wikis to here. This might be done if a page was copied and pasted from a WMF wiki to here, or, in the case of the Nostalgia Wikipedia, to make very old revisions accessible. Administrators can import pages from Meta, the Outreach Wiki, the Test2 Wikipedia site, and the German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, and Nostalgia Wikipedias to the English Wikipedia (see bug 20280 for relevant shell permission requests, and to request permissions for importing from more projects). It is also possible to indirectly import from Commons, Foundation-wiki, and the Czech-wiki (by first importing to Meta) and to import from En-wikibooks (via Commons). More languages (Danish, Dutch, Greek, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish, Russian, Turkish, Ukranian, Hungarian, Chinese) are possible through another indirect import to the German Wikipedia. With the "importupload" feature, pages from all other wikis can be imported too.

Guidelines for admins

Check the history of the source page before importing. If there are overlapping edits between the source and destination page, import the edits into the MediaWiki talk namespace, since it is very rarely used. Follow this procedure, where "foo" is the title of the page in the English Wikipedia and "bar" is the title of the source page:

  1. Import "bar". When asked for the namespace, select "MediaWiki talk".
  2. Move "foo" to "MediaWiki talk:bar". When asked whether you want to delete the page, answer yes.
  3. From the "move succeeded" window, there is a link to the page history at "MediaWiki talk:bar". Activate it, perhaps in another tab or window, and there will be some text in the form "View or restore xxx deleted edits?". Activate the link associated with that text and undelete the imported edits that you need. The remaining edits will stay safely deleted in the MediaWiki talk namespace.
  4. Revert the move you made in step two. Uncheck the box that says "Leave a redirect behind", since redirects from the MediaWiki talk namespace are useless. If you want, you can use the "revert" link in the "move succeeded" window. The page move should go without a hitch.

The same procedure can be used when there are no overlapping edits, but in this case, it's best to move the page first, so the import appears in the page history.

Check the newly imported history for unregistered account names, which will not have a "contribs" link attached to them. Try to create those accounts to prevent impersonation. If you can't create a particular account due to unified login, it can't be impersonated so it's not a problem. See User:Graham87/Import for guidelines on importing from the Nostalgia Wikipedia. There is a log of all page imports at Special:Log/import.

New Request

Import of de:Niederlauterstein to Niederlauterstein[edit]

Import of de:Hirtstein (Erzgebirge) to Hirtstein[edit]

  • Language: de:Hirtstein (Erzgebirge)
  • New name: Hirtstein
  • Note: Information from German version translated, edited, and referenced. --Schlosser67 (talk) 08:19, 25 May 2016 (UTC)
  • Note by importing administrator: Not done, because of the page history that's already there from before your translation. Graham87 14:19, 25 May 2016 (UTC)

Import of de:Synagoge (Rottweil) to User:Nina Eger/Synagogue (Rottweil)[edit]

Import of de:Gymnasium St. Augustin to Gymnasium St. Augustine[edit]

Import of de:Muldenhammer (Eibenstock) to Muldenhammer (Eibenstock)[edit]

Import of de:Simone Lange to Simone Lange[edit]

Import of de:Gas Connect Austria to Gas Connect Austria[edit]

Thank you very much. I will upload the translated article asap. Ikp WIen (talk) 11:13, 7 June 2016 (UTC)
I just uploaded the english version of the article. would be great if you let me know when its moved to the article space. THX Ikp WIen (talk) 14:02, 9 June 2016 (UTC)
@Ikp WIen: I added the confirmed flag to your user account, you may now use the "Move" function to move this to the article space whenever you think it is ready. — xaosflux Talk 15:03, 9 June 2016 (UTC)
Thanks a lot. I think i have one last question: I´ve updatet the reference 1. in the article Gas_Connect_Austria to an english source. But at the bottom of the page there is still the evidence "(in German"). how can i change this? thank you so much for the support. Ikp WIen (talk) 09:19, 10 June 2016 (UTC)
@Ikp WIen: I've fixed this by using the {{cite web}} template instead of its German equivalent. Graham87 12:42, 10 June 2016 (UTC)
Thank you. You guys are great. Ikp WIen (talk) 06:41, 13 June 2016 (UTC)

Import of de:Paice (Unternehmen) to Paice (enterprise)[edit]

  • Language: de:Paice (Unternehmen)
  • New name: Paice (Enterprise]
  • Note: --bkb (talk) 10:11, 9 June 2016 (UTC)
  • Note by importing administrator: {{notdone}} @Bkb: This article has not yet been translated, we can import it to a draft or sandbox page - or you can create the article as a translation first, then request the history to be imported. Please reply back with how you would like to proceed. — xaosflux Talk 15:11, 9 June 2016 (UTC)
Please import to user space: User:Bussakendle/Sandbox. Thanks bkb (talk) 16:40, 9 June 2016 (UTC)
Yes check.svg Done @Bkb: I imported the page to User:Bussakendle/Paice (enterprise). After translating you can use 'move' to create the article. — xaosflux Talk 17:37, 9 June 2016 (UTC)

Import of DE:Everybody (Backstreet's Back) to [[]][edit]

Import of de:Chaval to User:Bussakendle/Chaval[edit]

Import of de:dieterode to User:Bussakendle/Dieterode[edit]

  • Language: de:dieterode
  • New name: User:Bussakendle/Dieterode
  • Note: The existing page in en:WP is incomplete, the author Ahoerstemeier is inactive since 2007--bkb (talk) 08:41, 14 June 2016 (UTC)
  • Note by importing administrator: I did the import, before realising that there was an already-existing article in the English Wikipedia (I failed to read your note in time). There is no need to do an import as there is already an existing article; just add your translation there, with attribution in the edit summary. Graham87 08:50, 14 June 2016 (UTC)
OK bkb (talk) 17:20, 14 June 2016 (UTC)