As their presumptive nominee continues an unrelenting string of bluster and gaffe, Republicans against Donald Trump continue to search for a way to block him from becoming the party’s standard-bearer. Last month, the #neverTrump campaign focused on finding an independent presidential candidate who would either thwart any chance at a Trump presidency or maybe even win in November ...Try Newsweek. Subscription offers ... ....
DENVER (AP) - Summoned by the sound of screams, a Colorado woman raced to her front yard to find a terrifying sight. A mountain lion was hunched over her 5-year-old son, biting him. The woman charged the animal, yanked away one of its paws and discovered her son's whole head was in its mouth. She didn't back down. "She was able to pry the cat's jaws open," Pitkin CountySheriff's Deputy Michael Buglione said. "She's a hero." ... ....
By building on the myth of a water-scarce region - Ramallah has than London -Israel has deliberately denied Palestinians control over their water resources and successfully set the ground for water domination, granting itself a further tool to exercise its hegemony over the occupied population and territory....
A humanitarian disaster is unfolding in Falluja, aid workers say, with civilians fleeing as government forces drive back Islamic State fighters ... ....
Mr Afridi pointed out that many IDPs complained about facing difficulties in getting cash from ATM, and urged the federal government to conduct a comprehensive survey to ascertain number of the damaged and destroyed residential and commercialbuildings in order to give compensation to the affected people....
It's in our homes, our buildings and the air we breathe - which makes the clean-up bill a big one ... The same was true of most commercialbuildings constructed from 1940 to 2000, which harboured many of the same threats ... A plan to make asbestos registers compulsory had been delayed, for now at least, but the regulations introduced on April 4 still placed more emphasis on building owners to be proactive about asbestos problems....
The report said the ability to develop more hotels was dependent on a number of constraints like financial feasibility, site availability and building costs. "In addition ... These included a public-private partnership to open up strategic sites for hotel development, conversions of commercialbuildings, expansion of hotels and more development where land prices were less expensive, such as Frankton and Fernhill ... ....
Using satellite imagery analysis of al-Qatirji, Human Rights Watch identified at least three distinct sites in the area hit on June 5 showing multiple mixed residential and commercialbuildings damaged ... 'Buildings were destroyed and three shops were completely burned,' said 'Pierre,' a resident of government-held Aleppo who visited al-Midan after the June 4 attacks. 'I saw burned bodies inside the buildings and ashes everywhere....
Using satellite imagery analysis of al-Qatirji, Human Rights Watch identified at least three distinct sites in the area hit on June 5 showing multiple mixed residential and commercialbuildings damaged ... 'Buildings were destroyed and three shops were completely burned,' said 'Pierre,' a resident of government-held Aleppo who visited al-Midan after the June 4 attacks. 'I saw burned bodies inside the buildings and ashes everywhere....
Mumbai. The city traffic police have caught 36,216 bikers and motorists for rash driving and have collected Rs 69.15 lakh in fines from 2011-15. The police have also booked 20,137 for over-speeding and collected Rs 34 lakh in fines during the period ... It is also found that reckless driving scores high in risk-taking personality traits ... V.Narayan. Mumbai ... The CCTV camera that captured the accident was in a commercialbuilding ... RELATED....
(Source. TehranMunicipality) ... The fire brought under control by the Fire Department after battling the inferno for two hours ... Also, two residential and commercialbuildings in the vicinity caught fire but no deaths or injuries were reported. All the buildings were evacuated ... Public permalinkhttp.// (noodl....
It is also building two state-of-the-art nuclear plants in Georgia... According to Fanning, the idea is to go to blighted city areas where there is a shortage of fresh produce — the kind produced by truck farms — and convert old industrial and office buildings into urban farms. “We’re taking vacant, commercialbuildings and creating farms that are vertical....
“One advantage of being a greenfield project is that we can build a modern city from scratch. We can keep the future needs in mind while building such smart enclaves ... “We are building a living space in a commercialbuilding. These are serviced apartments and we have invited people to come and register for this property,” says Prashant Tripathi, official spokesperson of Viridian Group that is building the WTC at the GIFT City....
The cause of the cumbersome blaze remains under investigation, RobertDiaz of the Los Angeles County Fire Department said, adding that a damage assessment team is working on determining an estimate for the fire ... The three-alarm fire in the 3500 block of FruitlandAvenue ripped through a pair of commercialbuildings early Tuesday, sparking a series of strong explosions and sending a thick plume of noxious smoke over the region....
Just outside stands the Cortez Cultural Center that opened last February and covers other village history; and the Burton Store, the first commercialbuilding erected by pioneer settlers in the village in 1890, and moved years ago to be next to the museum ... Its compact size, distinctiveness and nexus of commercial and private boating and fishing, ......