- published: 24 Dec 2011
- views: 22437
Ghulāt (Arabic: غلاة; lit. "extremists", the adjectival form of ghuluww), is a term used in the theology of Shia Islam to describe some minority Muslim groups who either ascribe divine characteristics to figures of Islamic history (usually a member of Muhammad's family (Ahl al-Bayt)) or hold beliefs deemed deviant by mainstream Shi'i theology. In later periods, this term was used to describe any Shi'i group not accepted by the Zaydis, orthodox Twelvers, and sometimes the Ismailis.
The usage derives from the idea that the importance or the veneration of such a religious figure has been "exaggerated".
Traditionally, the first of the ghulāt was Abdullah ibn Saba', who may have denied that Ali had died and predicting his return (rajʿa), which was considered one form of ghuluww. Also, the notion of the Occultation or absence of an Imam who is due to return and establish justice as mahdi seem to have appeared first among the ghulāt. Other positions which seem to have been considered ghuluww by early writers were the (public) condemnation (sabb) of Abu Bakr and Umar as usurpers of Ali's right to be a successor of Muhammad, and the notion that the true imams were infallible (maʿṣūm).
www.ahnaf.tv shiaism exposed
Dawateislami.net/Darulifta Dawateislami.net/Book/library/ur Dawateislami.net/Islamic/Speeches/ur Dawateislami.net/Rohani/ilaaj Dawateislami.net/Muzakra/Topics Videos.FaizaneRaza.Org Library.FaizaneAttar.Net Muzakra.FaizaneAttar.Net Mufti.FaizaneAttar.Net www.FaizAhmedOwaisi.Com www.NooreMadinah.Net Speech given by: Founder of Dawat-e-Islami Sheikh-e-Tareeqat Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Aftab-e-Qadriat Mahtab-e-Razaviat Sahib-e-Khauf-o-Khashiat Ashiq-e-Ala-Hazrat Peykar-e-Ilm-O-Hikmat Alim-e-Quran-o-Sunnat Molif-e-faizan-e-Sunnat Hazrat Allama Moulana Al Haaj Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri Razavi (Damat Barkatuhumul Aaliyah)! This is Presented by DawateIslami and Madani Channel and it is for knowing' what to do and How to Spend "Your Life". Please frequently watch "Madani Channel" Progra...
Sheikh hazimi die Bezeichnung ghulat takfir
اے محمد بن علی ! خداوند عالم ان تمام چیزوں سے بہت بزرگ و برتر ہے ، ہم نہ تو اس کے علم میں اس کے شریک ہیں اور نہ قدرت میں بلکہ اس(اللہ) کے سوا اور کوئی علم غیب نہیں جانتا جیسا کہ وہ اپنے کلام پاک میں ارشاد فرماتا ہے (اے رسول) کہہ دو ، سوائے اللہ کے ، زمین و آسمان والی کوئی مخلوق غیب نہیں جانتی ( سورہ نمل: 65). میں اور میرے تمام آباء اولین جیسے حضرت آدم و نوح وابراہیم و موسیٰٰ و وغیرہ اور آباء آخرین جیسے رسول اللہ (ص) و علی مرتضی (ع) اور دیگر آئمہ ھدیٰٰ (ع) جو میرے تک ہوئے ہیں سب کے سب اللہ عزوجل کے بندے ہیں . اللہ کا ارشاد ہے کہ جو شخص بھی میرے ذکر سے رو گردانی کرے گا ، اس کے لئے تنگ زندگی ہے اور ہم اسے قیامت کے دن اندھا محشور کریں گے اور وہ کہے گا کہ تو نے مجھے اندھا کیوں محشور کیا جب میں دنیا میں صاحب بصارت تھا، ارشاد ہوگا کہ اسی طرح ہماری آیات تیرے پاس آئیں اور تُُو نے ان کو بھلا دیا تو ...
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Mengenang syahidnya imam Husayn a.s. (hari Asyura) di Jakarta, Indonesia. Pertama kali mengikuti acara istimewa ini di Indonesia. Gedung Balai Samudera, Kelapa Gading, Jalan Boulevard Barat, Jakarta - Indonesia. Tanggal: 19 Januari 2008.
islampos.com—SYIAH bukan Islam. Bahkan sama sekali tidak serupa tapi tak sama. Barangkali ungkapan ini tepat untuk menggambarkan Islam dan kelompok Syi’ah. Secara fisik, memang sulit dibedakan antara penganut Islam dengan Syi’ah. Namun jika ditelusuri -terutama dari sisi aqidah- perbedaan di antara keduanya ibarat minyak dan air. Sehingga, tidak mungkin disatukan. Apa Itu Syi’ah? Syi’ah menurut etimologi bahasa Arab bermakna: pembela dan pengikut seseorang. Selain itu juga bermakna: Setiap kaum yang berkumpul di atas suatu perkara. (Tahdzibul Lughah, 3/61, karya Azhari dan Tajul Arus, 5/405, karya Az-Zabidi. Dinukil dari kitab Firaq Mu’ashirah, 1/31, karya Dr. Ghalib bin ‘Ali Al-Awaji) Adapun menurut terminologi syariat bermakna: Mereka yang menyatakan bahwa Ali bin Abu Thalib lebi...
Abdul Halim al-Gazi Pendeta Syiah Rafidhah al-Imamiyyah Ghulat Menit 00:50 – 00:60 Para Nabi adalah Syiah (Pengikut) Ahlul Bayt. Lalu bagaimana bisa, kita membandingkan Syiah (pengikut) dengan Asl (sebab penciptaan). Para Nabi adalah Syiah (Pengikut) Ahlul Bayt. Ali al-Korani Pendeta Syiah Rafidhah al-Imamiyyah Ghulat Menit 01:18 – 01:25 Dan Aqidah kita (Syiah Rafidhah al-Imamiyyah Ghulat) bahwasanya Ahlul Bayt lebih utama daripada seluruh Nabi. Yaseen al-Musawi Pendeta Syiah Rafidhah al-Imamiyyah Ghulat Menit 02:15 – 02:46 Akan tetapi ketika kita berkata dengan makna yang demikian, bukan berarti para Nabi lebih utama daripada para Imam. Al-Majlisi (Pendeta Syiah Rafidhah al-Imamiyyah Ghulat) berkata, “Syiah al-Imamiyyah bersepakat bahwa para Imam 12 adalah lebih utama daripada seluruh N...
Can't see too many more
Can't see them anymore
Waving from afar
Can you come back soon
We wish we could
We think we've gone too far
On this ship of fools
We think we've gone too far
On this ship of fools
And now I walk ashore
Searching for my soul
Body sea and sky
Body sea and sky
Cast upon this sea
Is this ship of fools
Cast upon this sea
Is this ship of fools
They're all aboard
Except for me
Can we come back soon
We wish we could
We think we've gone too far
On this ship of fools
On this ship of fools
On this ship of fools
Now I walk the shore
Searching for my soul
Body sea and sky
I was born sea and sky
In this ship of fool
In this ship of fools
Cast upon this sea
Is this ship of fools
We think we've gone too far
We think we've gone too far
We think we've gone too far