JOIN US for the EU2016
Conference: Elegant
Simplicity//June 17-19//
You can disregard the opening message "This video presentation is for critical review prior to final editing." After critical review, the decision was made to leave the documentary as it stands.
We believe that this critical analysis of textbook comet theory can have a major impact on human understanding of these remarkable bodies. It can also reach well beyond the specialized science of comets to provoke a reconsideration of the Sun, planetary history, and a good deal more.
We live in an
Electric Universe, and the enigmatic behavior of comets provides unique insights into the role of charged particles and electrified plasma throughout the
We ask for your help in inviting scientists and other centers of influence to consider the factual content in this film and will consider all critical suggestions. We'll be especially diligent in addressing any statements of fact that a knowledgeable viewer may call into question. Our conviction is that essential facts, now confirmed by leading investigators, will not allow the institutions of science to hold onto theories that, for too long, have been proclaimed as established science.
For the present listing of credits (being developed simultaneously with extensive scientific review), see our credits page:
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Changing the world through understanding of the Electric Universe."
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- published: 19 Jun 2013
- views: 474316