The 2013 LIFE projects (European Commission - Directorate-General for the Environment)

Edit noodls 30 Apr 2014
(Source. European Commission - Directorate-General for the Environment). European Commission. MEMO. Brussels, 30 April 2014. The 2013 LIFE projects. Belgium (BE) 4 projects (28.7 million euros). LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (2 projects - 9.8 million). LIFE-GREEN4GREY (Vlaamse Landmaatschappij ) ... This project aims to preserve the semi-xerophilous forest of Reunion, and to re-establish connectivity between restored and relict plots....

>NAMFS Hosts Webinar on "Mold: Things you Should Know" for Members

Edit Seattle Post 01 Mar 2014
On Thursday, February 27 NAMFS hosted a webinar for their members on “Mold. What you should Know” presented by Michael Shain. Michael is the owner of N.Y. Indoor Air Quality Solutions which specializes in indoor air quality testing, mold remediation and indoor air quality environmental investigations. (PRWEB) February 28, 2014 ... It is xerophilic, which means it can obtain moisture from the air if humidity is at 60% or higher....

NAMFS Hosts Webinar on "Mold: Things you Should Know" for Members

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 01 Mar 2014
On Thursday, February 27 NAMFS hosted a webinar for their members on “Mold. What you should Know” presented by Michael Shain. Michael is the owner of N.Y. Indoor Air Quality Solutions which specializes in indoor air quality testing, mold remediation and indoor air quality environmental investigations. (PRWEB) February 28, 2014 ... It is xerophilic, which means it can obtain moisture from the air if humidity is at 60% or higher....

Why do gulls like mall parking lots?

Edit The News & Observer 01 Dec 2013
Q. Why do sea gulls like suburban mall parking lots so much, even when they are nowhere near the ocean?. A. The birds that ornithologists call gulls, not sea gulls, do not strictly live by the sea and often find the open spaces of parking lots a bounteous refuge, said Jessie Barry of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology ... Indeed, some live primarily inland ... Mold and water activity. Q ... A ... Such organisms, which love dry places, are called xerophiles....