- published: 20 May 2016
- views: 5768517
The given name Eric, Erik, or Erick is derived from the Old Norse name Eiríkr (or Eríkr in Eastern Scandinavia due to monophthongization). The first element, ei- is derived either from the older Proto-Norse *aina(z) meaning "one" or "alone" or from Proto-Norse *aiwa(z) meaning "ever" or "eternal". The second element -ríkr derives either from *rík(a)z meaning "ruler" or "prince" (cf. Gothic reiks) or from an even older Proto-Germanic *ríkiaz which meant "powerful" and "rich". The name is thus usually taken to mean "one ruler", "autocrat", "eternal ruler" or "ever powerful", "warrior", and "government".
The most common spelling in Scandinavia is Erik. In Norway, another form of the name (which has kept the Old Norse diphthong) Eirik is also commonly used. In Finland, the form Erkki is also used. The modern Icelandic version is Eiríkur, while the modern Faroese version is Eirikur. Éric [eʁik] is used in French, and in Germany Eric, Erik and Erich are used.
Although the name was in use in Anglo-Saxon England, its use was reinforced by Scandinavian settlers arriving before the Norman Invasion. It was an uncommon name in England until the Middle Ages, when it gained popularity, and finally became a common name in the 19th century. This was partly because of the publishing of the novel Eric, or, Little by Little by Frederick William Farrar in 1858.
A house is a building that functions as a home, ranging from simple dwellings such as rudimentary huts of nomadic tribes and the improvised shacks in shantytowns to complex, fixed structures of wood, brick, marble or other materials containing plumbing, ventilation and electrical systems. Most conventional modern houses in Western cultures will contain a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or cooking area, and a living room. In traditional agriculture-oriented societies, domestic animals such as chickens or larger livestock (like cattle) may share part of the house with humans. The social unit that lives in a house is known as a household. Most commonly, a household is a family unit of some kind, although households may also be other social groups or individuals. The design and structure of the house is also subject to change as a consequence of globalization, urbanization and other social, economic, demographic, and technological reasons. Various other cultural factors also influence the building style and patterns of domestic space.
戲劇小王子 又一影視音樂力作 周興哲全新創作 2016最新單曲- 【你,好不好?】 創作靈感源源不絕,作曲功力也備受肯定的周興哲,又再獲TVBS電視台力邀,為即將於5/6上檔的新戲《遺憾拼圖》創作片尾曲《你,好不好?》。由於《16個夏天》與周興哲《以後別做朋友》的完美結合獲得了空前的成功,TVBS對這次雙方的合作也更有信心,才21歲的周興哲總可以將歌曲寫的如泣如訴並極富張力,跟戲劇達到最佳的搭配效果,TVBS跟索尼音樂都希望這次的合作可以再創高峰! 酸楚的遺憾滋味 21歲老靈魂貼切入歌 《遺憾拼圖》由楊貴媚、謝佳見、黃姵嘉等硬裏子實力派演員聯袂演出,劇情描述年屆60的楊貴媚想為自己舉辦一場生前告別式,因而找上了由謝佳見創立的公關公司處理,然而負責這件案子的AE竟然就是楊貴媚的女兒黃姵嘉,黃姵嘉驚訝於母親竟想舉辦生前告別式之餘,也經由處理這個案子的過程更加了解自己的母親,並與謝佳見一起進入了母親的生命旅程,攜手完成母親心中的遺憾拼圖,故事中充滿著濃濃的酸楚遺憾滋味。 而周興哲在創作這首歌曲時,當下就是把遺憾化為思念,唱出那種很思念很思念一個人的感覺,當對方不在自己身邊時,總會想起相處的點點滴滴,無論酸甜苦辣,多希望時間可以停留在最甜蜜、最美好的那一刻。當歌曲Demo完成後,周興哲自己相當滿意,也請公司同事幫忙評鑑,眾人聆聽後都再度驚訝於周興哲對旋律的掌控能力,並讚嘆才21歲的周興哲竟然可以駕馭關於遺憾這個深沉的主題。 而在音樂製作方面,周興哲有請老搭檔陳建騏老師操刀,也找來吳易緯一同寫詞,借重兩位在文字和音樂方面的長才,將《你,好不好?》這首歌曲的能量發揮到極致,勢必再度打動所有聆聽者的心! ●數位平台 Linkfire►► https://SMET.lnk.to/Eric_HHYB iTunes►► https://itun.es/tw/-htscb Spoti...
開了口 故事就從這個夏天開始 || SONY質感新男聲 Eric周興哲 || 第一首發表夏悸好評抒情曲 [ 以後別做朋友 ] Eric周興哲官方FB 做我朋友→https://www.facebook.com/ericchou0622 * 林心如監製、楊一展、許瑋甯主演強勢華劇<16個夏天>片尾曲 超越2400萬收視人次共同催生見證 最強好男聲 / 好口碑首選獻聲 * SONY MUSIC品牌年度力捧創作型才子新人 * 三金音樂神手 - 陳建騏領軍製作:熟稔的音樂性X青澀的情感面 創新交織首席大提琴家范宗沛 | 茱莉亞音樂學院的古典小提琴家蘇子茵 | 電影/劇場配樂佳人 羅恩妮 * 琴歌才子第一首琴感式創作,獻給承擔與不承擔的那些穹蒼之愛 給觸不到的戀人們 聽完這首歌 我們都不准哭... Eric周興哲的歌陪你渡日 以後別做朋友,是問號?還是驚歎號! 答案 也許就在這個夏天見分曉... <16個夏天>電視原聲帶|錯過與遺憾珍藏盤 ♠精裝實體通路 博客來►►http://goo.gl/ywkvpS 五大►►http://goo.gl/bR0npX 佳佳►►http://goo.gl/XayGKM 誠品►►http://goo.gl/nvKPQB 玫瑰大眾►►http://goo.gl/mGJpzC 山海山►►http://goo.gl/FAvwEC ♠數位下載 ◎iTunes►►http://goo.gl/2X2Hyw ◎KKBOX►►http://goo.gl/WpR6MG ◎myMusic►►http://goo.gl/Y19tui ◎Omusic►►http://goo.gl/pFyXl7 ◎Spotify►►http://goo.gl/nP9afL ♠鈴聲下載 ◎中華►►http://goo.gl/XttgH...
華語樂壇創作暖男Eric周興哲 VS. 台北電影節最佳女配角 簡嫚書 This is love兩小無猜純情談愛 激起Eric周興哲戲劇細胞大噴發 Eric周興哲的紳士浪漫 簡嫚書不領情?! 【This is love】歌曲充滿正面意義,在構思腳本與女主角人選時,氣質的「純淨感」是很重要的元素,因此剛出爐的台北電影節最佳女配角–簡嫚書成了不二人選。 飾演從小兩小無猜、青梅竹馬的兩人,貼切的演出了「緣分即使因為物換星移卻仍深深牽引著彼此,長大後的相遇仍然可以感受到曾有過的美好記憶,因為年少時喜歡對方的情愫與心情是最純粹、純真,不帶任何雜質的,相對也更容易停駐在心中,深刻且歷久彌新」的愛的本質,Eric周興哲在劇中就是一個單純簡單的大男孩,一心只希望心儀的女孩快樂,許多現實中的歧異反差,透過故事的鋪陳,在在呼應了歌曲想要表達的愛的意義。 睽違兩、三年沒有接演MV的簡嫚書,和Eric周興哲的第一場戲就是頂著大太陽在山坡上來回騎腳踏車,為了盡善盡美,資深導演黃中平一拍就拍了三個多小時,Eric周興哲與簡嫚書兩人,不僅不喊累,還表示大清早就騎腳踏車,運動流流汗其實很健康! 兩人對戲過程,簡嫚書的演技無庸置疑,不久前才參與微電影拍攝的Eric周興哲也不是省油的燈,許多細膩的表情與心情都詮釋得不錯,其中一場激烈爭吵拉扯的橋段,令人見識到簡嫚書的好演技,Eric周興哲的表現也可圈可點。然而MV裡為了顯現Eric周興哲的貼心與浪漫,其中一幕Eric周興哲因為幫簡嫚書慶生而在屋內點滿蠟燭的情節,畫面氣氛看來唯美感動,沒想到實際派的簡嫚書卻說,若是現實生活中有男生這麼做,她第一個念頭應該會是「這男的沒錢繳電費嗎?!」,此話一出笑翻全場,無疑是打槍Eric周興哲精心的浪漫設計! 值得一提的是,這支MV的構想幾乎都來自於周興哲自己的Idea,包括小時候青梅竹馬長大後再次相遇,因男主角不敢...
數位音樂壓倒性冠軍單曲【你,好不好?】 金曲獎入圍導演操刀話題情歌 故事賺人熱淚 Eric周興哲首度穿上高中制服 初嘗台灣高中生滋味 天公不作美 Eric周興哲日曬雨淋 只求畫面感動肺腑 【你,好不好?】MV特地邀請曾入圍第二十五屆金曲獎「最佳音樂錄影帶獎」的導演JIZO執導筒,劇情講述一位老先生回憶與已逝妻子年兩人相處的點滴,懷念遙想美好片段的遺憾心情。 Eric周興哲扮演年輕時的老先生。因應劇中高中時期,Eric周興哲首次穿上了台灣的高中制服、背書包,對從小在國外求學、沒穿過制服的他而言,感覺相當新鮮有趣。穿上制服的Eric周興哲一股青春氣息油然而生,毫無違和感,相當自在。然而拍攝當天氣候不佳,開拍不到三小時立刻下起滂礡大雨,導演靈機一動,不但沒有暫停拍攝,反而利用下雨的唯美感,用細膩的畫面語言營造出更深刻的互動情節,只是苦了Eric周興哲與女主角,先是差點被大太陽曬昏頭,接著為了達到導演的要求,又淋了好一陣子的雨,全身都濕透,相當辛苦,所幸MV成果十分感人,和歌曲緊密貼合,勢必能再創話題及翻新YouTube點擊率最高紀錄! ................................................................................................. 在愛的獲得裡 謙虛自在 在愛的失去裡 綻放勇敢 優質無可取代 創作鮮活世代 華語樂壇 創作暖男 1年8個月 我們跟著他學著愛 也學會等待 Eric周興哲 第2張創作專輯〔愛,教會我們的事〕 What love has taught us… 2016/07/22 開始預購(限量預購精裝版) 2016/08/05 興鮮發行! 博客來:http://goo.gl/OPgX6s 佳佳唱片行:https://goo.gl/LddHjW...
Watch the official music video for “Record Year”, the new radio single from Eric Church off his latest album 'Mr. Misunderstood'. Check out the full album here- http://umgn.us/Misunderstood Listen to Eric's “Record Year” playlist on Spotify, inspired by all of the songs he mentions in the song-http://smarturl.it/RecYearPly Keep up with Eric Church here: http://ericchurch.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ericchurch https://twitter.com/ericchurch https://www.instagram.com/ericchurchmusic Music video by Eric Church performing Record Year. (C) 2016 EMI Records Nashville http://vevo.ly/kWTQRx
作曲 Composed by: Eric周興哲 作词 Lyrics by: 徐世珍、吳輝福 Purchase Eric's digital single: 《數位下載連結》 iTunes/Apple Music:https://goo.gl/rdsqVU Spotify:https://goo.gl/y7J3MU KKBOX:http://kkbox.fm/2a10y1 Mymusic 音樂在我:http://goo.gl/A2irWh Omusic:http://goo.gl/drNuoa 心音樂:www.heartmusic.com.tw/ (請搜尋Eric周興哲) 遠傳電信:http://goo.gl/Bh7Lyz Support Eric by following his Official accounts: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ericchou0622 Instagram: http://instagram.com/ericchou0622 Weibo: http://weibo.com/0622ericchou Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/Eric%E5%91%A8%E8%88%88%E5%93%B2 Youtube #2: https://www.youtube.com/user/choue622
在愛的獲得裡 謙虛自在 在愛的失去裡 綻放勇敢 天王天后御用攝影大師黃中平掌鏡 以「玫瑰」與「紙團」入題 傳達愛情與學習概念 打造全新創作暖男Eric周興哲〔愛,教會我們的事〕視覺 平實誠懇的歌詞直接道出從一段青澀的愛情得到的體悟。 對於青春的橫衝直撞、對於面對愛情時我們的軟弱與不解…,在愛情的面前,姿態總是卑微渺小,思考與行為卻有無限被開發的可能性,Eric周興哲用誠懇極富情感的口吻,唱出動人的經歷過程與故事,撫慰了每個在愛情裡曾經傷害與被傷害的靈魂,透過這首歌的抒發,明白了愛情教會我們的實在太多太多,讓我們成長也讓我們學會了勇氣。 愛情教會我們的事 詞:吳易緯@植光土壤/Eric周興哲 曲:Eric周興哲 某座天橋 某一張合照 愛情來的預告 這世界 很微妙 越在乎想要 往往得不到 最後爭吵 誰都不示好 縱容寂寞咆哮 美好 取代不了 散場前又哭又笑 真的不是故意 傷你的心 還搞不懂原因 勇敢是我愛的 和愛我的人 教會我們的事情 多麼幸運 找到你 多麼堅定 我愛你 面對命運 好多難題 學不會放棄 多麼幸運 擁抱你 多麼遺憾 失去你 多麼可惜 錯過愛情 學會刻骨銘心 懷念都是你 最後爭吵 誰都不示好 縱容寂寞咆哮 美好 取代不了 散場前又哭又笑 真的不是故意 傷你的心 還搞不懂原因 勇氣是我愛的 和愛我的人 教會我們的事情 多麼幸運 找到你 多麼堅定 我愛你 面對命運 好多難題 學不會放棄 幸福有多美 答案誰能給 後悔都不再後悔 結局怎麼寫 時間 不可能倒退 想起你總會 流淚 多麼幸運 找到你 多麼堅定 我愛你 面對命運 好多難題 學不會放棄 多麼幸運 擁抱你 多麼遺憾 失去你 多麼可惜 錯過愛情 學會刻骨銘心 懷念都是你 Lyricist 詞:吳易緯@植光土壤/Eric周興哲 Composer 曲:Eric周興哲 Producer 製作...
Snort as much as possible, it can't hurt you. Either way you gonna have good time, it's fun and it's safe.
一段來自過去的心聲 打開了不為人知的的秘密... 2014年最後一刻 聽見感動的聲音 Eric周興哲 私房情歌 [在你耳邊說] 音樂電影MV完整版 ★鬼才電影導演柯孟融 全心感動之作!!! ★全台破億票房[總鋪師]女主角夏于喬 收放自如大展精湛演技!!! ★Eric周興哲開啟音樂人生的私房重點情歌! ★感動自己的情歌,才能感動別人,繼[以後別做朋友]之後,再次寫下全新抒情經典! [在你耳邊說]這首歌對Eric來說,絕對是影響人生最重要的歌曲之一,不僅寫下面對過去的深刻遺憾,同時也憑著這首歌曲得認同,開啟與SONY音樂合作的大門! 從按下PLAY鍵開始,點滴鋼琴聲交織著淡淡的敘事唱法,像是一波一波回憶擊上心頭的衝擊,雖然華語流行歌曲常聽到”抒情”的原罪包袱,但隨著旋律轉到鬱鬱的節奏氛圍,搭配富有旋律起伏的鼓點與副歌真假音的轉換,或許甚麼包袱也已經不重要了,因為形式是一時的,當Eric周興哲用盡心力寫下最初的感動與純粹之時,歌曲與你之間開始有了自己的故事,僅以這首歌曲獻給一樣喜愛Eric周興哲的你 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 「沿著歌聲走到盡頭,那裡就是屬於他的森林」 500萬人期待的聲音 Eric周興哲首張創作專輯 [學著愛 My Way to Love] 12歲 他選擇出國留學,只為看見世界的廣闊 15歲 他選擇音樂創作,點滴抒發外地的孤獨 18歲 他選擇回到台灣,踏上艱辛的演藝人生 尋求『愛』的課題,踏上驗證自我的旅途 聽聽Eric周興哲唱出心中最直接也最深處的呼求 19歲的Eric周興哲以超齡的創作實力與歌聲,唱出超過500萬人點閱的經典情歌「以後別做朋友」,句句呼應愛情裡的不捨與無奈心聲,一舉打下iTunes、KKbox...等各家數位音...
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Flo Rida's new EP "My House" is available now! Download here: http://smarturl.it/MyHouseEP Stream here: http://smarturl.it/MyHouseSpotify Listen to other tracks from “My House” here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbo88FM1ETaVMxQheq24X-HTwfcIpnCLP Stream “My House“ on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/MyHouseSpotify "My House" EP Available Now! Flo Rida - My House [Official Video] Directed by: Alex Acosta Follow Flo Rida: http://officialflo.com http://imgstrongarmworld.com http://twitter.com/official_flo http://instagram.com/official_flo http://facebook.com/officialflo
★ DeepMixNation - NEW Deep House Music 2016 & Chill Out Club NEW Music 2016 ★ https://goo.gl/xbtKJ8 ★ FREE DOWNLOAD ★ https://www.toneden.io/deepmixnation/post/vocal-deep-house-music-mix-chillout-music-2016-151-mixed-by-xypo SUBSCRIBE to our new channel MUSIC FREAKS: https://goo.gl/aRX9bw ★ Follow DeepMixNation ★ ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeepMixNation ▶ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/deepmixnation ★ Follow XYPO ★ ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XYPOOfficial ▶ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/xypoofficial ★ TRACKLIST HERE ★ https://goo.gl/adLMFH -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DeepMixNation create new music compilations for you to enjoy daily, whether you enjoy chill-out music, prefer to listen to new music 2016 or ...
✖ Future House Mix 2016 ● Subscribe (it's free): http://bit.ly/VKdZ7V ● Facebook: http://bit.ly/1qQI0tQ | Download: https://bit.ly/1SvoTya *TRACKLIST*: http://sh.st/YH8xX This mix includes tracks from "Future House Music" - be sure to follow them! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/futurehousemusic Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/futurehousemusic Website: http://futurehousemusic.net/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/futurehousemusic Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/FutureHousMusic Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/futurehousmusic Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/user/futureofhouse/playlist/7DyH8C8HXh5RzYKKEy2BQI Follow Crunkz: - Website: http://crunkz-sick.weebly.com/ ● Facebook: http://on.fb.me/UWXndK ● Twitter: http://bit.ly/1gDAmre ● Ask.fm: http://bit.ly/1cSMPbC - contact/...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRACK LIST : https://www.facebook.com/Drop-G-1340370779311136/app/208195102528120/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop G Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPg3xfvygstC-AkG2Fg3ZXw?sub_confirmation=1 -------------------- SoundCloud : https://soundcloud.com/djdropg -------------------- MixCloud Listen : -------------------- __________________________________________ Photography : http://vk.com/mavrinstudios __________________________________________ Video by : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO0RBMR9ILNLhy_mbWbF4dg __________________________________________ If you have any problem, or question please write to me in this email djdropgdeephouse@gmail.co...
Best Remixes Of Popular Songs & Deep House 24/7 Live Stream/EDM/Chill Out Music/Tropical/Electro Club Dance Music Mix | https://goo.gl/xbtKJ8 Be BRO & Donate to help us grow ▶ https://goo.gl/7lEAA3 ▶ Top Donators Daniela Nistor - €110 Have FUN with our Nightbot !sub !hug !love !KeyToSuccess !donut ★ Follow DeepMixNation ★ ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeepMixNation ▶ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/deepmixnation Don't forget to Like & Share the mix if you enjoy it!
★ PARADISE DEEP MIX 2016 BEST DEEP HOUSE MUSIC CHILL OUT MIX BY MARTINO Don't forget to Like & Share the mix if you enjoy it! ▶ Genres : Deep House / Chill Out / House Music ★ Free Download & Tracklist : ★ Deep House Mixes Playlist : https://goo.gl/GIZvlO ★ Electro Dance Mixes Playlist : https://goo.gl/pRRMjv ★Follow Martino ★ ★Faceboook Page: https://goo.gl/SYuz4M ★YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/xohruK ★Instagram: www.instagram.com/szb.mrtn ★ Follow Miranda Music★ ▶ https://www.facebook.com/MirandaMusicOfficial ▶ https://soundcloud.com/miranda_music_official ★ Snapchat : dj-christopher ▶ If any producer or label and photo has an issue with copyright please get in contact with us and we will delete it immediately. ★ Photo ★ https://500px.com/mavrin https://www.facebook.com/art.mav...
Put your jordans on yeah they gotta stay fresh
I stay wearin J's from birth to death
I got all pairs from 1 to 22
I even got a pair that came in seethrough
I'm a start out with the 1's because they came first
Mine stay fresh like a pack of Starburst
I stay with the Jordans not with the Shaq's
And I don't wear Vans like the Wolfpack
My Jordan's stay fresh yeah they don't stank
I'll be like T-pain and buy you a drank
I stick with my Jordan's in all white
If you scuff them up you know we gonna fight
Put your jordans on yeah they gotta stay fresh
I stay wearin J's from birth to death
I got all pairs from 1 to 22
I even got a pair that came in seethrough
Put them on keep them on yeah they all white
When I go to my boys they stay on all night
Put your girl before you shoes you must have issues
If you done it before you ain't had these shoes
These shoes got a spot in my heart that a girl couldn't fill
I got them in all colors like Paul Walls grill
Put your jordans on yeah they gotta stay fresh
I stay wearin J's from birth to death
I got all pairs from 1 to 22