SLAC All Access: Laser Labs
From supermarket checkouts to video game consoles, lasers are ubiquitous in our lives. Here at
SLAC, high-power lasers are critical to the cutting-edge research conducted at the laboratory.
But, despite what you might imagine, SLAC's research lasers bear little resemblance to the blasters and phasers of science fiction. In this edition of
All Access we put on our safety goggles for a peek at what goes on inside some of SLAC's many laser labs.
LCLS staff scientist
Mike Minitti and SLAC laser safety officer
Mike Woods detail how these lasers are used to study the behavior of subatomic particles, broaden our understanding of cosmic rays and even unlock the mysteries of photosynthesis.
For more, read the "
Impressive and
Growing Array of
Lasers at SLAC" by following the link below: