The End (1978)
Wendell Lawson has only 6 months to live. Not wanting to live his last few months of life waiting for the end, he decides to take his own life. He enlists the help of a humorously delusional mental patient, and the movie chronicles his many unsuccessful attempts to kill himself. Will he ever succeed...?
Keywords: bell-tower, black-comedy, criminally-insane, deafness, directed-by-star, divorce, grand-theft-auto, gun, independent-film, mental-institution
Are there laughs before death?
Think Of Death As A Pie In The Face From God.
A comedy for you and your next of kin.
Wendell Sonny Lawson: I'm talking about dying.::Marty Lieberman: What do you mean?::Wendell Sonny Lawson: I mean lying in the ground with dirt on your face and holding your breath forever.
Wendell Sonny Lawson: [trying to drown] I want to live. I want to live.
Wendell Sonny Lawson: Fifty percent, Lord! I'm talking gross!
Marlon Borunki: [Sonny is running away] That man's nuts! Grab 'im!
Marlon Borunki: You sure got a lotta rules about pee'in.
Jessica Lawson: Sleepig pills? Oh, Sonny, why do you need sleeping pills? If you would just go on a good diet.::Wendell Sonny Lawson: Dont lecture me from classes I paid for!::Jessica Lawson: What's the matter, Wendell?::Wendell Sonny Lawson: I don't feel good.::Jessica Lawson: [pouring a shake into a glass] Here, why don't you drink this? It'll make you feel better. [Wendell drinks it and then gags quietly]::Jessica Lawson: Why don't you borrow some pills from your folks? They're hypocondriacs.::Wendell Sonny Lawson: My folks are not hypocondriacs! You always call them hypocondriacs! They might have a couple downers, though.::Jessica Lawson: Sonny, why are you here?::Wendell Sonny Lawson: I told you, I have something to discuss with Julie. It's very important.::Jessica Lawson: Will it depress me?::Wendell Sonny Lawson: God, I hope so.::Jessica Lawson: Then would you save it until tomorrow? I have had a bad day. Julie woke up at 5:30, this morning, screaming tha the shark was after her again. I'll never forgive you for taking her to see that movie. You know she's afraid of te water anyway.::Wendell Sonny Lawson: I'm sorry, Jessie. I took her to see it because she wanted to. I was trying to make her happy.::Jessica Lawson: Oh, she'll say yes to look brave to you. You're so dumb.::Wendell Sonny Lawson: I will not be called "dumb" by the woman that I support!::Jessica Lawson: Shhh! The maid is taking a nap.::Wendell Sonny Lawson: I support the maid too!::Jessica Lawson: You wake up Maria, Sonny I'll...::Wendell Sonny Lawson: We fired Maria!::Jessica Lawson: This is another Maria!::Wendell Sonny Lawson: Oh.::Jessica Lawson: Julie's screaming woke her up at 5:30 in the morning, too. Then Maria starting screaing because she thught it was the Border Patrol. [She then notices her date arriving] That's my date. Now will you just get out of here, please?::Wendell Sonny Lawson: No. [Jessica screams aggravately, then Sonny laughs]::Jessica Lawson: Why don't do you just drop dead? [Throws her apron at Sonny's head]::Wendell Sonny Lawson: [Muffled] I'm working on it!
Marlon Borunki: [Talking about why he strangled his father, which caused him to be put in the mental institution] You know, a lot of doctors have different theories about why I did it: Mother complex. Father complex. Feelings of inferiority. Suppressed rage. But I, and I alone, know the reason that I did it... It was because... he was so Polish!::Wendell Sonny Lawson: [a bit confused] "Polish"?::Marlon Borunki: When I was a kid, I was tormented with Polish jokes. Oh, you know, "Who was Poland's Man of the Year?" - Nobody. "How do you sing the Polish National Anthem?" - Ya' don't sing it, ya' fart it. "How do you tell a Polack's identification?" - By the shit in his wallet. [starts to sob]::Wendell Sonny Lawson: [Grudgingly showing some sympathy] Kids can be very cruel.::Marlon Borunki: What "kids"? My father told me those! He was ALWAYS teasing me! He was a big, loud, hairy, sweaty... POLACK!... He was covered with sweat, always. The only man I know who could sweat... while he was swimming! And I could NEVER have friends over because... he'd challenge them to a nose-picking contest... and he always won!
Wendell Sonny Lawson: [while out in the ocean] Oh, God! Let me live, and I promise to obey every one of the Ten Commandments. I shall not kill... I shall not commit adultery... I shall not... I... uh... [apparently forgetting the remaining eight Commandments]::Wendell Sonny Lawson: I'll *learn* the Ten Commandments, and *then* I'll obey every fucking one of them!
Wendell Sonny Lawson: So you got the calling?::Father Dave Benson: Well, it was more of a whisper.
Marlon Borunki: It's very interesting the way you woke up cursing. A large percentage of attempted suicides wake up with exclamations of hostility.::Wendell Sonny Lawson: Where am I?::Marlon Borunki: 92% of them ask that. You're in La Playa.::Wendell Sonny Lawson: The nut house?::Marlon Borunki: That's a cruel label. We prefer, booby hatch.