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The four contract clauses which show you're getting screwed

Kelly O'Dwyer, Minister for Small Business, has secured the passage of the unfair contracts legislation.

Kelly O'Dwyer, Minister for Small Business, has secured the passage of the unfair contracts legislation. Photo: Ben Rushton

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says businesses need to closely review contracts in light of new laws offering small businesses protection against unfair contracts which were passed last week. 

The laws take effect on November 12, 2016, following a 12-month transition period, and supplement the existing law on unfair contract terms for consumers.

Ask yourself whether or not you have the capacity to wait until November next year or can you sign a shorter term contract? 

Dr Michael Schaper

They apply to standard form contracts between businesses where one of the businesses employs less than 20 people and the contract is worth up to $300,000 in a single year or $1 million if the contract runs for more than a year, and will be enforced by the ACCC, Australian Securities and Investments Commission and state and territory offices of fair trading.

Contract terms to look out for

ACCC deputy chairman Dr Michael Schaper says the following contractual terms are likely to be caught by the legislation: 

  • enabling one party (but not another) to avoid or limit their obligations under the contract;
  • enabling one party (but not another) to terminate the contract;
  • penalising one party (but not another) for breaching or terminating the contract; and
  • enabling one party (but not another) to vary the terms of the contract.

"They are the sorts of areas that we think are going to be potentially difficult areas," he says.   

"The industries that we think there will be a particular focus are advertising contracts, telcos, small business franchising contracts, commercial leases and potentially independent contracting arrangements." 

Schaper says there are "special issues" to consider in relation to franchises. 

"It's obviously the upfront agreement as the standard contract," he says. "Our take on this is that if the operations manual is explicitly part of the contract we will look at that as well.  Even if you have an industry code the unfair contracts provisions apply."

Delay entering into contracts

Schaper says small businesses should consider delaying entering into contracts until the transition period is over.

"Ask yourself whether or not you have the capacity to wait until November next year or can you sign a shorter term contract?" he says.  "Can you delay it or make it a periodic contract? Can you just renew it after November next year in which case it will be be caught."

But Schaper admits larger businesses are likely to want to rush through contracts to avoid the legislation.  

"Conversely I can imagine many large businesses saying you need to sign now," he says. 

Enforcing the legislation

Schaper says small businesses should bear in mind it is only the unfair part of a contract that will potentially be struck out, the rest of the contract remains.

"You can't say 'great I can get out of a whole contract', this is not going to be a panacea," he says. "You have to satisfy a judge as to what is unfair, it's not just 'I'm unhappy with it', it is a stricter legal test."   

He says the ACCC has not received many inquiries  yet but once the watchdog starts enforcing the legislation this is likely to change.  

"Once the new law comes in and we start winning a few court cases you will see a whole lot of other ones making sure they comply," he says.  

But Schaper says the legislation will not result in a "lawyers' picnic". 

"Every time a new amendment is made to the Competition and Consumer act, especially when it gives small business more rights, this claim comes up," he says. 

"It is really fairly and squarely aimed at those people who push the boundaries of hard bargaining and push competition well beyond the accepted limits. Part of our job to help avoid a lawyers' picnic is to help explain it in plain language so we need to educate people."   

$1.4 million for transition

Minister for Small Business Kelly O'Dwyer, says the government is giving the ACCC $1.4 million to help businesses through the transition period.

"The Small Business and Unfair Contract Terms Bill will enable Australia's 2 million small businesses to have more time and more resources to invest in their business' success, instead of navigating a confusing maze of standard form contract terms," she says. 

"The Coalition government wants to ensure small businesses can grow and succeed as they contribute to the economy and create local jobs."

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14 comments so far

  • "The laws take effect on November 12, 2016, following a 12-month transition period.." The current situation is clearly unfair. So why the 12 month wait? Just so the big end of town can have its way again?? Premier Baird, this and the Andrew John Stoner situation are beneath you and any honourable government. Time to act NOW, not in 12 months.

    Date and time
    November 18, 2015, 1:34AM
    • Agreed. No party is worse off by not bringing the start date forward. Politicians come up with a good idea then stuff up implementation. Fairness dictates it starts immediately.

      Date and time
      November 19, 2015, 7:26AM
  • Will this law apply to all the fine print stuff we sign up to on the web?

    Date and time
    November 18, 2015, 9:16AM
    • I suppose this is a start. But why limit these protections to small businesses? Don't ordinary consumers deserve protection from unfair contracts too? Look at the fine print of any standard utilitiy contract, for example, and see how the terms are stacked in favour of the supplier.

      Date and time
      November 18, 2015, 9:49AM
      • They already exist for ordinary consumers. They were introduced a few years ago.

        Date and time
        November 18, 2015, 12:59PM
      • Could not agree more should be across the board to cover all contracts

        Date and time
        November 18, 2015, 1:18PM
      • The contract terms to look out for are reminiscent of the contract the electorate sought with the Liberal Party last election.
        Do we get our money back?

        Date and time
        November 18, 2015, 2:57PM
    • This is easy to fix, all exiting contracts in place are overridden the the current legislation and will come into effect immediately.

      All new contacts from this date must be written to show the new changers by x date.

      All existing contracts cannot be enforced with these new changes to legislation and must abide by these changes.

      The penalty for taking action against and business or individual will be penalised the amount sort by either party and a fine of 10% of the total contract value.

      Surely there are some good legal people that could have made this quite easy for this piece of legislation and for this Minister to enforce against these stupid contracts.

      Date and time
      November 18, 2015, 1:16PM
      • Has the minister read any of the opresseive contracts ict contractors are forced to sign by commonwaeth departments?
        enabling one party (but not another) to avoid or limit their obligations under the contract;
        enabling one party (but not another) to terminate the contract;
        penalising one party (but not another) for breaching or terminating the contract; and
        enabling one party (but not another) to vary the terms of the contract.

        The undocumented xmass stand down?
        The PI/PL obligations?
        The idea you can bind a third party to conract.
        the covering up of an employee relationship in the corporate vail and legal BS.
        the Idea a cwth is not responible for sexual assualts of contractors or other abuses of contractors

        Date and time
        November 18, 2015, 2:14PM
        • As an IT contractor I always read the small print, and never agree to the terms you have outlaid above. If the contract is unfair, and as was often the case, not legal, don't sign it. I have lost count of the number of times I was told we never use that clause, so I got it removed or I didn't sign it, I guess it depends on whether you are willing to compromise or not. No job is worth signing your rights away for. And yes, it has cost me jobs, but I reckon they probably weren't worth having in the first place. If your boss doesn't respect you in your terms of employment, you can probably expect little respect in any other way.

          Date and time
          November 18, 2015, 9:06PM

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