
Claus Sluter (with Claus de Werve), Mourners, Tomb of Philip the Bold, installed 1410
Claus Sluter (with Claus de Werve), Mourners, Tomb of Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 1...
published: 06 Jan 2013
author: smarthistoryvideos
Claus Sluter (with Claus de Werve), Mourners, Tomb of Philip the Bold, installed 1410
Claus Sluter (with Claus de Werve), Mourners, Tomb of Philip the Bold, installed 1410
Claus Sluter (with Claus de Werve), Mourners, Tomb of Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 1410 (Museum of Fine Arts, Dijon) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris & Dr. St...- published: 06 Jan 2013
- views: 2671
- author: smarthistoryvideos

Tom Smail: Music in the Marble - No.3 The Tomb of Philip the Bold
Tom Smail's Music in the Marble. New symphonic work: 7 short movements inspired by 7 sculp...
published: 21 Apr 2012
author: Tom Smail
Tom Smail: Music in the Marble - No.3 The Tomb of Philip the Bold
Tom Smail: Music in the Marble - No.3 The Tomb of Philip the Bold
Tom Smail's Music in the Marble. New symphonic work: 7 short movements inspired by 7 sculptures. No.3 'The Tomb of Philip the Bold'. City of London Sinfonia ...- published: 21 Apr 2012
- views: 46
- author: Tom Smail

Be Bold Summit: Philip Berber
Philip Berber presents "Eliminating Poverty, Illuminating Lives" at the 2011 Be Bold Summi...
published: 07 Feb 2011
author: echoinggreen1
Be Bold Summit: Philip Berber
Be Bold Summit: Philip Berber
Philip Berber presents "Eliminating Poverty, Illuminating Lives" at the 2011 Be Bold Summit: 10 Ideas Shaking the World. On January 28, 2011 Echoing Green pa...- published: 07 Feb 2011
- views: 127
- author: echoinggreen1

Bold Moves from Germany: A Conversation with Philip Missler, InteractiveMedia
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: appnexus
Bold Moves from Germany: A Conversation with Philip Missler, InteractiveMedia
Bold Moves from Germany: A Conversation with Philip Missler, InteractiveMedia
- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 103
- author: appnexus

Dueil angoisseux - (poem: Christine de Pizan, music: Gilles Binchois)
Christine de Pizan's breathtaking lament upon the loss of her husband in 1390 is one of th...
published: 25 Feb 2013
author: ecumedesjours
Dueil angoisseux - (poem: Christine de Pizan, music: Gilles Binchois)
Dueil angoisseux - (poem: Christine de Pizan, music: Gilles Binchois)
Christine de Pizan's breathtaking lament upon the loss of her husband in 1390 is one of the most haunting and beautiful works of late medieval poetry. Alone,...- published: 25 Feb 2013
- views: 921
- author: ecumedesjours

Quant la doulce jouvencelle - (anon Oxford Can. Misc. 213)
The American medieval and renaissance ensemble Asteria (Sylvia Rhyne, soprano, and Eric Re...
published: 22 May 2007
author: ecumedesjours
Quant la doulce jouvencelle - (anon Oxford Can. Misc. 213)
Quant la doulce jouvencelle - (anon Oxford Can. Misc. 213)
The American medieval and renaissance ensemble Asteria (Sylvia Rhyne, soprano, and Eric Redlinger, lute and tenor) perform "Quant la doulce jouvencelle" live...- published: 22 May 2007
- views: 120197
- author: ecumedesjours

Dragon Dictate 2.5 and Bold style, overcoming quirky behavior
Some users want to Bold going forward but Word won't allow that unless a character, any ch...
published: 29 Dec 2011
author: Philip Blair
Dragon Dictate 2.5 and Bold style, overcoming quirky behavior
Dragon Dictate 2.5 and Bold style, overcoming quirky behavior
Some users want to Bold going forward but Word won't allow that unless a character, any character is already in the style. A keyboard shortcut won't do from ...- published: 29 Dec 2011
- views: 271
- author: Philip Blair

Philip Glass - 03 - CloudScape
Note: 'The Grid' is too long for upload. It's over 20minutes and Youtube only allows 15min...
published: 26 May 2009
author: Leandro Da Silva
Philip Glass - 03 - CloudScape
Philip Glass - 03 - CloudScape
Note: 'The Grid' is too long for upload. It's over 20minutes and Youtube only allows 15min. Some people obviously don't know the Youtube rules. http://www.go...- published: 26 May 2009
- views: 45873
- author: Leandro Da Silva

Baude Cordier: Se cuer d'amant par soy humilier
Baude Cordier (born c. 1380 in Rheims, died before 1440) Baude Cordier means Baude the har...
published: 21 Jul 2010
author: micrologus2
Baude Cordier: Se cuer d'amant par soy humilier
Baude Cordier: Se cuer d'amant par soy humilier
Baude Cordier (born c. 1380 in Rheims, died before 1440) Baude Cordier means Baude the harper, indicating the composer was a court musician. Although the nam...- published: 21 Jul 2010
- views: 1453
- author: micrologus2

Let's Play Endless Space - Part 8 - A Bold Move
Today we make a final move against the hateful GREEN PILGRIMS, plan for the future and tak...
published: 12 Jul 2012
author: Philip Nichols
Let's Play Endless Space - Part 8 - A Bold Move
Let's Play Endless Space - Part 8 - A Bold Move
Today we make a final move against the hateful GREEN PILGRIMS, plan for the future and take the first step of a bold plan to win the game. Action! Suspense! ...- published: 12 Jul 2012
- views: 1282
- author: Philip Nichols

De pleuranten van het graf van Jan zonder Vrees tijdelijk in het Sint-Janshospitaal in Bru...
published: 17 May 2012
author: Rudy De Nolf
De pleuranten van het graf van Jan zonder Vrees tijdelijk in het Sint-Janshospitaal in Brugge. The mourners from the Dijon Fine Arts Museum now in Bruges.- published: 17 May 2012
- views: 543
- author: Rudy De Nolf

Le Puy en Velay, France
Our Lady of Le Puy The Christianization legends of Mons Anicius relate that at the request...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: Massimo Carbone
Le Puy en Velay, France
Le Puy en Velay, France
Our Lady of Le Puy The Christianization legends of Mons Anicius relate that at the request of Bishop Martial of Limoges, Bishop Evodius/Vosy caused an altar ...- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 758
- author: Massimo Carbone

Jimi Hendrix - Ain't No Tellin' - Axis: Bold As Love (HD 1080p)
All belongs to jimi Hendrix. RIP....
published: 04 Sep 2013
Jimi Hendrix - Ain't No Tellin' - Axis: Bold As Love (HD 1080p)
Jimi Hendrix - Ain't No Tellin' - Axis: Bold As Love (HD 1080p)
All belongs to jimi Hendrix. RIP.- published: 04 Sep 2013
- views: 10
Vimeo results:

[critics] Season 3 - Fashion Statements Promo
Co-hosts Steve Weiss and Philip Bloom don't hold back in this behind the scenes promo. Yes...
published: 01 Oct 2012
author: Zacuto
[critics] Season 3 - Fashion Statements Promo
Co-hosts Steve Weiss and Philip Bloom don't hold back in this behind the scenes promo. Yes, more witty banter & bold fashion statements. Also, get a sneak peek at the next 3 short films to be critiqued.

Philip Post is a 16-year-old kid from the streets of Norwalk, Connecticut. Even at this yo...
published: 20 May 2011
Philip Post is a 16-year-old kid from the streets of Norwalk, Connecticut. Even at this young age, however, he runs his own clothing brand called Dertbag Design (and a successful one at that). With a combination of bold and simple graphics, Phil certainly is onto something and has a bright future ahead of him.
Recently Phil and I met up by Tompkins Square Park on the Lower East Side of Manhattan and discussed the meaning behind the brand name, how the company has progressed over the years, the benefit of starting young, and much more.
Brought to you by: www.imaginationdetonation.com

Climate Wave
On the 5th December 2009, over 40,000 women, men, and children gathered together to make t...
published: 07 Dec 2009
author: Trunk Films
Climate Wave
On the 5th December 2009, over 40,000 women, men, and children gathered together to make their voice heard. To urge our world leaders not to faulter, to be bold and do what is right.
Music by Philip Sheppard
Canon EOS 7D, 24p, EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens

BABYLON | ManiaMania
MANIAMANIA excavate fallen empires and lost film to explore ideas of transformation for th...
published: 01 Jul 2013
BABYLON | ManiaMania
MANIAMANIA excavate fallen empires and lost film to explore ideas of transformation for their new
range Babylon. Undertones of morbid exotica are derived from a central muse, the stage actress and first
sex symbol of the movies, Theda Bara. The regular girl from Cincinnati was nicknamed The Serpent of the
Nile for her controversial appearances in more than 40 silent films. The creation and metamorphosis of
her character shares a likeness to mythical phenomena such as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, an arid
city come luscious rainforest and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
In MANIAMANIA tradition bold statement pieces are seen with a new expansion of the delicate range.
Theda’s costumes for her iconic role in the 1917 film Cleopatra are transfigured into cocktail rings,
headpieces and bracelets of art deco styling for the Ancient Wonder, Empire and Hollywood pieces. The
Theda choker and ring summon her strong, absurd and vampirish personality on and off stage. Double
layered finger rings are adorned with tiny crystals and joined with chains to suggest bondage undertones
for the Epoque and Vixen styles. Deadly sized biker rings feature scarabs, a sacred icon of Theda’s mythical
origin, Egypt. The claws of lust that encase rectangular stones in the Babylon story are inspired by the
scandalous book, Hollywood Babylon by the experimental filmmaker Kenneth Anger.
For Babylon Brass, Silver, Smokey and Clear Quartz are purposefully integrated. MANIAMANIA continue their
enquiry into elemental forces with the introduction of Chlorite, a stone available in many shades and with the
appearance of a ghost-like garden. Its vibrations are said to assist with creation and expansion.
The essence of theatre and Theda’s transformation into character are captured in an intimate campaign
starring new model and striking reincarnation Ruby Jean Wilson. Moods of undress offer a behind the
façade look at the real person between costume changes. Inspired by the lushness of Babylon and Theda’s
sets, Wilson acts with macabre companions such as skulls, live snakes and owls. Alongside stills shot by
photographer Darren McDonald MANIAMANIA continue to explore the medium of film and moving image
technology through a collaboration with cinematographer Velinda Wardell.
Collection now available at www.themaniamania.com
FILM Velinda Wardell
MANIAGRAPHS Philip Erbacher
HAIR Jenny Kim
MAKEUP Victoria Baron
MUSIC Young Magic www.youngmagicsounds.com
Youtube results:

Magnolia Tree - Bold and Beautiful
Watching a magnolia tree from buds to blossom to petals turning brown over the course of f...
published: 03 Jun 2009
author: PhilipDeanVideo
Magnolia Tree - Bold and Beautiful
Magnolia Tree - Bold and Beautiful
Watching a magnolia tree from buds to blossom to petals turning brown over the course of four days. When the tree blooms the birds and the bees and the squir...- published: 03 Jun 2009
- views: 4049
- author: PhilipDeanVideo

Jackson, The Bold New CIty 1988 TV Commercial
Directed & edited by Jim Dollarhide Production Company: Imageworks, Inc. 1988....
published: 09 May 2011
author: Philip H. Scarborough Jr.
Jackson, The Bold New CIty 1988 TV Commercial
Jackson, The Bold New CIty 1988 TV Commercial
Directed & edited by Jim Dollarhide Production Company: Imageworks, Inc. 1988.- published: 09 May 2011
- views: 1197
- author: Philip H. Scarborough Jr.

Tin Shed Singers perform Bold Tommy Payne
Recorded almost live at one of our regular practices, with audience of friends who came ar...
published: 10 Jul 2011
author: Philip Shaw
Tin Shed Singers perform Bold Tommy Payne
Tin Shed Singers perform Bold Tommy Payne
Recorded almost live at one of our regular practices, with audience of friends who came around for pizzas afterwards.- published: 10 Jul 2011
- views: 280
- author: Philip Shaw