Interstitial Lung Disease - Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis
Pulmonology - Pathology - Interstitial Lung Disease - Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis - https:...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: Andrew Valdes
Interstitial Lung Disease - Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis
Interstitial Lung Disease - Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis
Pulmonology - Pathology - Interstitial Lung Disease - Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis - https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17388924/Interstitial%20Lung%20Disease%20-%20Coa...- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 159
- author: Andrew Valdes
NIOSH Faces of Black Lung Part 1
Each year, approximately 1000 miners in the U.S. die from coal workers' pneumoconiosis, or...
published: 14 Nov 2008
author: NIOSHSafetyVideos
NIOSH Faces of Black Lung Part 1
NIOSH Faces of Black Lung Part 1
Each year, approximately 1000 miners in the U.S. die from coal workers' pneumoconiosis, or 'black lung disease,' a preventable illness caused by exposure to...- published: 14 Nov 2008
- views: 3157
- author: NIOSHSafetyVideos
Black Lung Disease Coal Dust Occupational Disease 1980 MSHA
In the last decade, over 10000 miners have died of coal workers' pneumoconiosis, or what i...
published: 17 Feb 2009
author: markdcatlin
Black Lung Disease Coal Dust Occupational Disease 1980 MSHA
Black Lung Disease Coal Dust Occupational Disease 1980 MSHA
In the last decade, over 10000 miners have died of coal workers' pneumoconiosis, or what is commonly called black lung disease.1 Black lung disease, which i...- published: 17 Feb 2009
- views: 12174
- author: markdcatlin
Hi, i'm a student of Environmental Health, University Selangor in Malaysia. Just want to s...
published: 24 Feb 2011
author: Hescort10
Hi, i'm a student of Environmental Health, University Selangor in Malaysia. Just want to share some fundamental knowledge about Pneumoconiosis. That are few ...- published: 24 Feb 2011
- views: 2334
- author: Hescort10
Coal Miner Mash (Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis)
By Jdalonz and AJeezy A festive song about Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis. The video is anno...
published: 26 Oct 2010
author: Jdalonz
Coal Miner Mash (Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis)
Coal Miner Mash (Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis)
By Jdalonz and AJeezy A festive song about Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis. The video is annotated with lyrics on the screen that don't show up on mobile versio...- published: 26 Oct 2010
- views: 2340
- author: Jdalonz
Pneumoconiosis Powerpoint Templates - Pneumoconiosis PowerPoint (PPT) Template (Download)
Download - beefile.info/apps/download.php?dl=Pneumoconiosis-Powerpoint-Templates---Pneumoc...
published: 18 Jan 2013
author: alan baumen
Pneumoconiosis Powerpoint Templates - Pneumoconiosis PowerPoint (PPT) Template (Download)
Pneumoconiosis Powerpoint Templates - Pneumoconiosis PowerPoint (PPT) Template (Download)
Download - beefile.info/apps/download.php?dl=Pneumoconiosis-Powerpoint-Templates---Pneumoconiosis-PowerPoint-(PPT)-Template.- published: 18 Jan 2013
- views: 46
- author: alan baumen
Pneumoconiosis mesothelioma Documentary "Deep breath" Health care illness for your lungs
Pneumoconiosis is a lung condition that is caused by inhaling particles of mineral dust, u...
published: 04 Jan 2014
Pneumoconiosis mesothelioma Documentary "Deep breath" Health care illness for your lungs
Pneumoconiosis mesothelioma Documentary "Deep breath" Health care illness for your lungs
Pneumoconiosis is a lung condition that is caused by inhaling particles of mineral dust, usually while working in a high-risk, mineral-related industry. At first, irritating mineral dust can trigger lung inflammation, which causes areas of the lung to be temporarily damaged. Over time, these areas can progress to form tough, fibrous tissue deposits. This stage of pneumoconiosis is called fibrosis. Fibrosis stiffens the lungs and interferes with the lung's normal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Asbestosis — Asbestos is the general name for a family of irritating fibrous minerals that are mined from underground deposits and used in the manufacture of home insulation, fireproof materials, tiles for floors and ceilings, automobile brake linings, and other products. Workers with the highest asbestos exposure include miners, construction workers, demolition workers, shipbuilders and auto mechanics who work with brakes. Asbestos exposure also can affect people who live or work in buildings where asbestos-containing building products are deteriorating. In most cases, signs of asbestosis do not develop for 20 or more years after a person is first exposed to asbestos dust. Silicosis — This form of pneumoconiosis affects people who work with silica, usually in the form of quartz that is found in sand, sandstone, slate, some clays, granite and other ores. Workers with the highest exposure to silica include sandblasters, miners, tunnel builders, silica millers, quarry workers, foundry workers and those who make ceramics or glass. Silicosis can cause progressive fibrosis in the lung with a significant decrease in lung function, especially in cigarette smokers. Talc pneumoconiosis — This is caused by exposure to talc dust, usually during talc mining or milling. Talc pneumoconiosis also can lead to lung fibrosis. Kaolin (china clay) pneumoconiosis — This pneumoconiosis is caused by inhaling kaolin, an ingredient used in the manufacture of ceramics, paper, medicines, cosmetics and toothpaste. Workers who mine, mill or bag kaolin are at risk. Siderosis of the lung — This pneumoconiosis, also known as welder's lung or silver polisher's lung, is caused by inhaling iron particles. Although welder's lung often looks abnormal on a chest X-ray, it usually does not cause any symptoms. Other pneumoconiosis — Less often, pneumoconiosis can be caused by inhaling barium sulfate, tin oxide, compounds containing hard metal (cobalt and tungsten carbide) or other forms of mineral dust. Symptoms:Pneumoconiosis sometimes does not cause any symptoms. When symptoms develop, they can include: Cough (with or without mucus) Wheezing Shortness of breath, especially during exercise If pneumoconiosis causes severe lung fibrosis, breathing can become extremely difficult. When this happens, the patient's lips and fingernails may have a bluish tinge. In very advanced disease, there also may be signs of leg swelling caused by too much strain on the heart. Your doctor will ask about your exposure to mineral dusts, the number of years you were exposed, and whether you used protective clothing and equipment. Your doctor will examine you, paying special attention to your chest. This will be followed by a chest X-ray, which will be compared to a set of standard X-rays published by the International Labor Office for the evaluation of pneumoconiosis. Your doctor may order breathing tests, called pulmonary function tests. In some patients, a more detailed computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest is necessary. Less often, a doctor will order a test called a bronchoscopy with a lung biopsy. In this test, a flexible tube is inserted into a lung and a small piece of lung tissue is removed to be examined in a laboratory. If you have pneumoconiosis and you develop breathing problems, your doctor will advise you to avoid further exposure to the mineral dust. He or she may prescribe one or two medicines that are inhaled to decrease inflammation in your airways and to help keep your bronchial tubes open. If the oxygen level in your blood is below 90%, you may need to breathe additional oxygen at home. Also, to help protect your damaged lungs against respiratory infections, your doctor will recommend immunization with the influenza (flu) and pneumococcal vaccines. If you develop a respiratory infection, you may need to be treated with antibiotics. When pneumoconiosis causes extreme breathing problems, a lung transplant is the only cure. Pneumoconiosis mesothelioma Documentary Deep breath Health care illness for your lungs,more information about health medicine sports subscribe and browse channal at http://youtube.com/user/cosmeticmachines- published: 04 Jan 2014
- views: 7
The aetiology of pneumoconiosis, morphology and different types including coal workers' pn...
published: 09 Jan 2014
The aetiology of pneumoconiosis, morphology and different types including coal workers' pneumoconiosis, silicosis and asbestosis.- published: 09 Jan 2014
- views: 0
three man cannon - Pneumoconiosis
"Nelson" www.threemancannon.bandcamp.com....
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: collaredurchin
three man cannon - Pneumoconiosis
three man cannon - Pneumoconiosis
"Nelson" www.threemancannon.bandcamp.com.- published: 30 Jan 2012
- views: 115
- author: collaredurchin
How to Pronounce Pneumoconiosis
Learn how to say Pneumoconiosis correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tu...
published: 29 Dec 2013
How to Pronounce Pneumoconiosis
How to Pronounce Pneumoconiosis
Learn how to say Pneumoconiosis correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of pneumoconiosis (oxford dictionary): noun [mass noun] Medicine a disease of the lungs due to inhalation of dust, characterized by inflammation, coughing, and fibrosis. Origin: late 19th century: from pneumo- 'relating to the lungs' + Greek konis 'dust' + -osis http://www.emmasaying.com/ Take a look at my comparison tutorials here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying/videos?view=1 Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 4
Laparotomy by hydrops vesicae felleae by patient with Pneumoconiosis with epidural anaesthesia
This is Laparotomy by hydrops vesicae felleae et cholangitis acuta suppurativa.Cholecystec...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: kiril slavov
Laparotomy by hydrops vesicae felleae by patient with Pneumoconiosis with epidural anaesthesia
Laparotomy by hydrops vesicae felleae by patient with Pneumoconiosis with epidural anaesthesia
This is Laparotomy by hydrops vesicae felleae et cholangitis acuta suppurativa.Cholecystectomy.Drainage a modo Kehr by patient with Pneumoconiosis, with epid...- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 105
- author: kiril slavov
Youtube results:
NIOSH Faces of Black Lung Part 2
Each year, approximately 1000 miners in the U.S. die from coal workers' pneumoconiosis, or...
published: 14 Nov 2008
author: NIOSHSafetyVideos
NIOSH Faces of Black Lung Part 2
NIOSH Faces of Black Lung Part 2
Each year, approximately 1000 miners in the U.S. die from coal workers' pneumoconiosis, or 'black lung disease,' a preventable illness caused by exposure to...- published: 14 Nov 2008
- views: 1510
- author: NIOSHSafetyVideos
Chinese Miners Die from Untreated Lung Disease
For more news visit ☛ http://english.ntdtv.com or Follow us on Twitter ☛ http://twitter.co...
published: 25 Feb 2011
author: NTDTV
Chinese Miners Die from Untreated Lung Disease
Chinese Miners Die from Untreated Lung Disease
For more news visit ☛ http://english.ntdtv.com or Follow us on Twitter ☛ http://twitter.com/NTDTelevision Black lung is a common disease for mine workers. In...- published: 25 Feb 2011
- views: 1194
- author: NTDTV
Silicosis - A Preventable Disease (1038HE)
Silicosis - A Preventable Disease program will help you recognize the hazards of working w...
published: 05 Mar 2013
author: Digital2000Safety
Silicosis - A Preventable Disease (1038HE)
Silicosis - A Preventable Disease (1038HE)
Silicosis - A Preventable Disease program will help you recognize the hazards of working with silica. Silicosis is a form of pneumoconiosis, which means dust...- published: 05 Mar 2013
- views: 69
- author: Digital2000Safety