Five Trump Staffers And Cop Are Placed In Isolation Following White Powder Scare At Trump ...

Edit Inquisitr 29 Apr 2016
The isolation comes as fears that the white powder could be anthrax. A dangerous substance that was mailed to numerous media outlets and members of Congress following the 9/11 attacks in New York City. The 2001 anthrax attacks left five people dead and caused a massive manhunt for the culprit ... the mail attacks on Trump did not end with Eric Trump....

What Has Anthrax Taught Us About Public Health? (Texas A&M; University)

Edit Public Technologies 19 Apr 2016
The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States marked the first time public health was deemed central to emergency response and national security, and has since served as a catalyst for national, state, and local efforts to ensure public health preparedness efforts are in place ... Since the anthrax attacks in 2001, dozens of policy, intelligence, ......

Ruth Marcus: What if Clinton isn't indicted?

Edit The Oklahoman 30 Mar 2016
There is a school of people — a big school, judging from my email — for whom there are only two possibilities. ... Heads, she's indicted; tails, they're corrupt ... Similarly, the Justice Department in 2010 issued a 92-page investigative summary that detailed the evidence against Bruce Ivins, the Fort Detrick researcher who was the suspect in the 2001 anthrax attacks but who committed suicide while under investigation ... Bush?....

How I Helped Solve The 2001 Anthrax Case

Edit Forbes 15 Mar 2016
This video describes how a small team of scientists, of which I was a member, used genome sequencing and bioinformatics technology to come up with one of the first real breakthroughs in the investigation of the 2001 anthrax attacks. For years we were required by the FBI to keep our work confidential, but we're now able to describe our role in the case ... ....

Green Cross at India Conference on Global Nuclear Governance (Green Cross International)

Edit Public Technologies 04 Mar 2016
(Source. Green Cross International). 2016Mar03 ... Dr. Paul F ... Dr ... Dr ... Most participants agreed on the need for enforceable safety and security standards - not only in the nuclear sphere, but also in chemistry and biology - in order to protect humankind from catastrophes such as the 2011 Fukushima reactor meltdowns in Japan, the 2015 Tianjin chemical explosions in China, and the 2001 anthrax attacks in the US. Related Articles. 2016Mar03 ... Dr....

Troubling truth beneath Litvinenko headlines

Edit CNN 21 Jan 2016
Large-scale use of gas killed an estimated 1.3 million in World War I, while the nuclear attacks in World War II were used with devastating effect against Japan ... One need only look at what happened in the United States during the 2001 anthrax attacks to see the impact that a mere several grams of biological material can have, even when delivered through rudimentary means, like letters sent through the mail....

Florida Court Public Information Officers Elect New Board. (Florida Supreme Court)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jan 2016
All Florida state court divisions were directed to appoint PIOs by the Chief Justice following a 2002 special report on emergency preparedness after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the anthrax attacks that followed in Florida....

Capitol Police team up with MPs for hazmat training (Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jan 2016
(Source. Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA). By Ida Irby ... In 2001, anthrax attacks killed five people and infected 17 others, which resulted in the Department of Defense's focus on chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) response forces ... Since 2003, Sprifke has been part of the Hazmat Response Team, which is in addition to his well-established career as a former Marine Corps police officer and firefighter until 2001 ... - Writer....

Report Finds Major Gaps in Country's Ability to Prevent and Control Infectious Disease Outbreaks 28 States and Washington, D.C. Reach Half or Fewer of Key Indicators

Edit PR Newswire 17 Dec 2015
WASHINGTON, Dec ... Five states—Delaware, Kentucky, Maine, New York and Virginia—tied for the top score, achieving eight out of 10 indicators ... "We cannot afford to continue to be complacent ... Some key findings from the Outbreaks ... Significant advances have been made in preparing for public health emergencies, including potential bioterror or natural disease outbreaks, since the September 11, 2001 and anthrax attacks ... Superbugs ... ....

Muslim group evacuates US headquarters after getting white powder in mail

Edit New York Post 11 Dec 2015
A Muslim advocacy group evacuated its national headquarters on Capitol Hill on Thursday after receiving a letter containing white powder, but staff were later allowed to re-enter after authorities conducted preliminary tests and deemed the substance harmless ... The presence of white powder in the letter sent to CAIR was reminiscent of the 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people and sickened 17 ... 10.Photo. AP ... ....

Muslim group CAIR evacuates US HQ after getting white powder in mail

Edit Dawn 11 Dec 2015
WASHINGTON. A Muslim advocacy group evacuated its national headquarters on Capitol Hill on Thursday after receiving a letter containing white powder, but staff were later allowed to re-enter after authorities conducted preliminary tests and deemed the substance harmless ... The presence of white powder in the letter sent to CAIR was reminiscent of the 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people and sickened 17 ... ....

Muslim group sent white powder, evacuates office

Edit Otago Daily Times 10 Dec 2015
A Muslim advocacy group evacuated its national headquarters on Capitol Hill after receiving a letter containing white powder. Staff were later allowed to re-enter after authorities conducted preliminary tests and deemed the substance harmless ... The presence of white powder in the letter sent to CAIR was reminiscent of the 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people and sickened 17 ... Reuters. ....

The First Question to Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It a False Flag?

Edit Information Clearing House 14 Nov 2015
“You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game ... (32) Although the FBI now admits that the 2001 anthrax attacks were carried out by one or more U.S. government scientists, a senior FBI official says that the FBI was actually told to blame the Anthrax attacks on Al Qaeda by White House officials (remember what the anthrax letters )....