- published: 17 Nov 2014
- views: 4160
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (German: [ˈjoːhan ˈkʁɪstɔf ˈfʁiːdʁɪç fɔn ˈʃɪlɐ]; 10 November 1759 – 9 May 1805) was a German poet, philosopher, physician, historian, and playwright. During the last seventeen years of his life (1788–1805), Schiller struck up a productive, if complicated, friendship with the already famous and influential Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. They frequently discussed issues concerning aesthetics, and Schiller encouraged Goethe to finish works he left as sketches. This relationship and these discussions led to a period now referred to as Weimar Classicism. They also worked together on Xenien, a collection of short satirical poems in which both Schiller and Goethe challenge opponents to their philosophical vision.
Friedrich Schiller was born on 10 November 1759, in Marbach, Württemberg as the only son of military doctor Johann Kaspar Schiller (1733–96) and Elisabeth Dorothea Kodweiß (1732–1802). Schiller grew up in a very religious family and spent much of his youth studying the Bible, which would later influence his writing for the theatre. They also had five daughters. His father was away in the Seven Years' War when Friedrich was born. He was named after king Frederick the Great, but he was called Fritz by nearly everyone. Kaspar Schiller was rarely home during the war, but he did manage to visit the family once in a while. His wife and children also visited him occasionally wherever he happened to be stationed. When the war ended in 1763, Schiller's father became a recruiting officer and was stationed in Schwäbisch Gmünd. The family moved with him. Due to the high cost of living—especially the rent—the family moved to nearby Lorch.
Frederick may refer to:
Friedrich may refer to:
Der Handschuh (The Glove) is a ballad by Friedrich Schiller, written in 1797, the year of his friendly ballad competition ("Balladenjahr", "Year of the Ballads") with Goethe.
The ballad is based on a true story, which Schiller found in a volume Essais historiques sur Paris de Monsieur de Saint-Foix (1797). It took place at the court of Francis I of France.
Alongside other members of his court, King Francis I watches a fight between wild animals. A lion is sent out into the arena first, but it just yawns and lies down. The king then orders a tiger to be released, but after a few moments of excitement it just walks around the lion before also lying down. Next, the king commands two leopards be brought out. These attack the tiger, the lion roars and stands up, but then they all lie down, hot after their murderous exertions.
At this point Fräulein Kunigund loses her glove: it falls from the balcony into the midst of the animals. She asks the knight Delorges to retrieve the glove as a proof of his proclaimed love. He accepts the challenge, enters the circle, and recovers the glove without being harmed. The court is impressed by his bravery and Kunigunde looks at him with a promise in her eyes, but Delorges throws the glove in her face and says that he has no interest in her gratitude.
Friedrich Schiller: A Genius Finds Words (1759-1783)
Friedrich Schiller - Poet of Freedom
Friedrich Schiller erklärt | Promis der Geschichte mit Mirko Drotschmann
Friedrich Schiller: Der Handschuh - Mit Text!!!
Friedrich Schiller: Das Lied von der Glocke. (1799)
Friedrich Schiller - Top 10 Quotes
Friedrich Schiller „Das Lied von der Glocke“ (1800)
Friedrich Schiller - Loupežníci - Rozhlasová hra - česky
Intrigă şi iubire Teatru radiofonic după Friedrich Schiller
Mary Stuart (Friedrich Schiller)
The early years of German poet/philosopher/historian/playwright Friedrich Schiller, from his birth to young adulthood, including his tenure at a brutal military academy, conflict with the local ruler, Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg, and his first significant theatrical success, "The Robbers." Narrated in English over scenes of the places and locales where Schiller resided and worked. Dramatic reenactments are interspersed, including one long segment enacting a scene from "The Robbers" in German with no translation. Produced by Cologne-based German TV company, TransTel.
A biography of the life and works of Friedrich Schiller (November 10, 1759 - May 9, 1805) produced by the Schiller Institute in 1984. Translations of his poetry, drama, historical studies, and aesthetics can be found at www.schillerinstitute.org
Kabale und Liebe, Die Räuber, Der Handschuh … wen hat der Deutschlehrer nicht mit Friedrich Schillers Dramen und Balladen gequält? Aber was der erfolgreiche Dichter für ein bewegtes und oft hartes Leben hatte, ist eher weniger bekannt. Genauso, dass er nicht nur auf der Bühne, sondern auch in der Liebe sehr unkonventionelle Ansichten hatte. Darum geht es jetzt.
Amazon ♡ http://amzn.to/1OZuxXz Spotify ♡ http://spoti.fi/1Ni7O8y Der Handschuh ist eine der bekanntesten Balladen Friedrich Schillers aus dem Jahr 1797, dem Jahr des freundschaftlichen Wettstreits um die besseren Balladen mit Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Die achtstrophige Ballade handelt vom Missbrauch einer Liebe. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (* 10. November 1759 in Marbach am Neckar, Württemberg; † 9. Mai 1805 in Weimar, Sachsen-Weimar), 1802 geadelt, war ein deutscher Dichter, Philosoph und Historiker. Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Dramatiker und Lyriker. Quelle: Wikipedia
Friedrich Schiller: Das Lied von der Glocke. (1799) Fest gemauert in der Erden Steht die Form, aus Lehm gebrannt. ... Der komplette Gedichttext auf www.lyrik123.de: http://www.lyrik123.de/friedrich-schi...von-der-glocke-10408/
The ten best quotes by the great German poet, writer and philosopher Friedrich Schiller! (1759 - 1805) See all quotes by Friedrich Schiller at http://www.iperceptive.com/authors/friedrich_schiller_quotes... Enlighten yourself at http://www.iPerceptive.com The music used in this video is "Virtutes Instrumenti" Like iPerceptive at Facebook http://on.fb.me/raUG1o Follow iPerceptive at Twitter http://twitter.com/iPerceptive
Rezitation: Dieter Mann von der CD - „die schönsten deutschen Balladen“ erschienen im Patmos Verlag ISBN 978-3-491-91149-4 Text: Text in voller Länge bei http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Das_Lied_von_der_Glocke_(1800) eine wunderbare, und sehr ausführliche, Interpretation findet sich hier. Es wird auch ein Abriss gegeben über die Entstehung des Gedichtes: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Das_Lied_von_der_Glocke Bilder: verschiedene Zyklen zu Schillers Texten gefunden im www.goethezeitportal.de
Această lucrare se deschide cu o adâncă undă nostalgică pe care nu o divulg aici. Trebuie ascultată! 1951
The entire play. First staged in Weimar, 1800.
Wie unterscheiden sich Goethe und Schiller von ihren Denkansätzen und wer wäre heute der beste Freund von Rüdiger Safranski? Goethe oder Schiller? Oliver Preusche spricht mit Rüdiger Safranski über sein aktuelles Buch "Goethe und Schiller. Geschichte einer Freundschaft". Weitere Informationen zum Buch unter http://www.hanser-literaturverlage.de/978-3-446-23326-3
Henriette Confurius ( Charlotte Lengefeld ) und Florian Stetter ( Friedrich Schiller ) zu Gast bei Knut Elstermann im radioeins Berlinale Nighttalk im Interview zum Film "Die geliebten Schwestern" von Dominik Graf. Der radioeins Berlinale Nighttalk ist noch bis 15.2.2014 ab 21:00Uhr unter: http://www.radioeins.de/themen/kunst_kultur/berlinale/der_berlinale_nighttalk.html zu sehen
The film is a tribute to the anniversary of 200 years of Friedrich Schillers Death celebrated in 2005 at the Schiller High School in Münster / Germany.
The film is a tribute to the anniversary of 200 years of Friedrich Schillers Death celebrated in 2005 at the Schiller High School in Münster / Germany.
The film is a tribute to the anniversary of 200 years of Friedrich Schillers Death celebrated in 2005 at the Schiller High School in Münster / Germany.
Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Iris Radisch, Hellmuth Karasek und Elke Heidenreich diskutieren über folgende Dramen von Schiller: Don Carlos (ab 05:12), Wallenstein (ab 18:36) , Die Räuber (ab 32:55) und Kabale und Liebe (ab 44:48)
Hessencam besuchte Matthias Schweighöfer und Friedrich Mücke bei ihrer Kinotour für den neuen Film "Vaterfreuden" in Gießen (Kinopolis). Als Zeichen gegen Homophobie geben sich beide einen Kuss.
Der erste Teil der Videobibliothek zur Geschichte Mitteldeutschlands. Viel Spaß
Theater Ulm - Spielzeit 2014/2015 KABALE UND LIEBE Bürgerliches Trauerspiel von Friedrich Schiller INSZENIERUNG Andreas von Studnitz BÜHNE & KOSTÜME Marianne Hollenstein DRAMATURGIE Daniel Grünauer MIT Jörg-Heinrich Benthien (Präsident von Walter), Dan Glazer (Ferdinand, sein Sohn), Wilhelm Schlotterer (Hofmarschall von Kalb), Tini Prüfert (Lady Milford), Fabian Gröver (Wurm, Haussekretär des Präsidenten), Gunther Nickles (Miller, Stadtmusikant), Sibylle Schleicher (Millerin, dessen Frau), Sidonie von Krosigk (Luise, dessen Tochter), Christel Mayr (Dienerin der Lady) PREMIERE 02.10.2014, 20 Uhr, Großes Haus MEHR INFOS UNTER http://theater.ulm.de/schauspiel/spielplan-neue-spielzeit-schauspiel/1164-kabale-und-liebe
HORIZONTE - Expertengespräche des Stifterverbandes: Interview mit Hartmut Rosa, Professor für Soziologie an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Ein Gespräch über die vermeintlich souveräne Nutzung von Technologien und über endlose Datenströme, deren Dynamik unser ganzes Leben erfasst hat. Nach Hartmut Rosa ist die allgegenwärtige Steigerungs- und Beschleunigungslogik strukturell in unserer Gesellschaft verankert. Wir müssen uns aber entscheiden, ob wir die unablässigen Daten-, Waren- oder Geldströme, die wir entfesselt haben, unter Kontrolle bringen wollen oder nicht. Sie unter Kontrolle zu bringen hieße allerdings, die Ströme zu verlangsamen. Dies geschieht aber nicht. Im Gegenteil: Selbst die politische Klasse wird immer öfter von Erregungswellen erfasst, die binnen kürzester Zeit ...
https://www.kla.tv/9739 „Für die große Zahl seiner Leser im In- und Ausland, für seine Freunde und Kollegen ist es nahezu unvorstellbar: [...] Wenige Tage vor seinem 57. Geburtstag erlag der engagierte Journalist und Autor am 13. Januar 2017 einem Herzversagen. Die Menschen, die ihn kannten und schätzten, traf diese Nachricht wie ein Schock. Mit seinem plötzlichen Tod verlieren alle, die eine Alternative zum politischen und publizistischen Mainstream suchten, einen unerschrockenen, mutigen Protagonisten. [...]“ So lautet es in dem von Jochen Kopp geschriebenen Nachruf zu Udo Ulfkotte. Weiter schreibt Jochen Kopp, wir zitieren auszugsweise: „Der promovierte Politikwissenschaftler arbeitete viele Jahre im Auslandsressort der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung. Er bereiste über 60 Staaten. Dur...
We talk to Dominik Graf about his ideas for a better world. Dominik Graf is an internationally-renowned German film and TV director. He has won 10 Grimme prizes, making him the most frequent recipient of that award. Graf’s work is characterised by its unusual willingness to experiment. He is influenced by US film genres and also French improvisation and Dogma-style film, from which he takes the typical fragmented narrative. After the success of “Der Felsen” (The Cliff, 2002), this year’s historical film “Die geliebten Schwestern” (The Beloved Sisters, about the life of German writer Friedrich Schiller) was in the running at this year’s Berlinale. Graf has one daughter with his partner, director and Oscar winner Caroline Link (Nowhere in Africa). ____ Lemonaid is a project based in Ham...
In der heutigen Ausgabe von artort.tv treffen wir auf den Akkordeonisten Welf Kerner. Welf stand uns in unserem Ofen-Office für ein lauschig-musikalisches Interview zur Verfügung. Zudem besuchten wir ihn bei seinem Bühnenstück "Nietzsche und Ich" im Foto-Motel in Kassel. Die Presse feiert den Liedermacher zurecht, was folgende Zeilen, die wir von Welf Kerner erhalten haben, eindrücklich besingen. Aber zu Beginn steht Nietzsche! "Euch, den kühnen Suchern, Versuchern, und wer je sich mit listigen Segeln auf furchtbare Meere einschiffte, - euch, den Rätsel-Trunkenen, den Zwielicht-Frohen, euch allein erzähle ich das Rätsel, das ich sah ..." ( aus Zarathustra) Der Kasseler Akkordeonist, Sänger und Komponist Welf Kerner erzählt von seinem persönlichem "Nietzsche Erlebnis" und geht "mit Nie...
The early years of German poet/philosopher/historian/playwright Friedrich Schiller, from his birth to young adulthood, including his tenure at a brutal military academy, conflict with the local ruler, Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg, and his first significant theatrical success, "The Robbers." Narrated in English over scenes of the places and locales where Schiller resided and worked. Dramatic reenactments are interspersed, including one long segment enacting a scene from "The Robbers" in German with no translation. Produced by Cologne-based German TV company, TransTel.
A biography of the life and works of Friedrich Schiller (November 10, 1759 - May 9, 1805) produced by the Schiller Institute in 1984. Translations of his poetry, drama, historical studies, and aesthetics can be found at www.schillerinstitute.org
Kabale und Liebe, Die Räuber, Der Handschuh … wen hat der Deutschlehrer nicht mit Friedrich Schillers Dramen und Balladen gequält? Aber was der erfolgreiche Dichter für ein bewegtes und oft hartes Leben hatte, ist eher weniger bekannt. Genauso, dass er nicht nur auf der Bühne, sondern auch in der Liebe sehr unkonventionelle Ansichten hatte. Darum geht es jetzt.
Amazon ♡ http://amzn.to/1OZuxXz Spotify ♡ http://spoti.fi/1Ni7O8y Der Handschuh ist eine der bekanntesten Balladen Friedrich Schillers aus dem Jahr 1797, dem Jahr des freundschaftlichen Wettstreits um die besseren Balladen mit Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Die achtstrophige Ballade handelt vom Missbrauch einer Liebe. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (* 10. November 1759 in Marbach am Neckar, Württemberg; † 9. Mai 1805 in Weimar, Sachsen-Weimar), 1802 geadelt, war ein deutscher Dichter, Philosoph und Historiker. Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Dramatiker und Lyriker. Quelle: Wikipedia
Friedrich Schiller: Das Lied von der Glocke. (1799) Fest gemauert in der Erden Steht die Form, aus Lehm gebrannt. ... Der komplette Gedichttext auf www.lyrik123.de: http://www.lyrik123.de/friedrich-schi...von-der-glocke-10408/
The ten best quotes by the great German poet, writer and philosopher Friedrich Schiller! (1759 - 1805) See all quotes by Friedrich Schiller at http://www.iperceptive.com/authors/friedrich_schiller_quotes... Enlighten yourself at http://www.iPerceptive.com The music used in this video is "Virtutes Instrumenti" Like iPerceptive at Facebook http://on.fb.me/raUG1o Follow iPerceptive at Twitter http://twitter.com/iPerceptive
Rezitation: Dieter Mann von der CD - „die schönsten deutschen Balladen“ erschienen im Patmos Verlag ISBN 978-3-491-91149-4 Text: Text in voller Länge bei http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Das_Lied_von_der_Glocke_(1800) eine wunderbare, und sehr ausführliche, Interpretation findet sich hier. Es wird auch ein Abriss gegeben über die Entstehung des Gedichtes: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Das_Lied_von_der_Glocke Bilder: verschiedene Zyklen zu Schillers Texten gefunden im www.goethezeitportal.de
Această lucrare se deschide cu o adâncă undă nostalgică pe care nu o divulg aici. Trebuie ascultată! 1951
The entire play. First staged in Weimar, 1800.
Librivox recording of Ronicky Doone by Max Brand. Read by Rowdy Delaney. Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944), is best known today for his western fiction.
Director: Harold S. Bucquet Actors: Lew Ayres, Lionel Barrymore, Laraine Day, Shepperd Strudwick, Samuel S. Hinds, Emma Dunn, Nat Pendleton, Walter Kingsford, Alma Kruger, John Eldredge, Nell Craig, Marie Blake, Charles Waldron, George Lessey, Tom Collins, George Reed, Paul Porcasi, Horace McMahon, Frank Orth, Margaret Seddon, Fay Helm Based on: Dr. Kildare stories by Frederick Schiller Faust
Director: Harold S. Bucquet Actors: Lew Ayres, Lionel Barrymore, Laraine Day, Shepperd Strudwick, Samuel S. Hinds, Emma Dunn, Nat Pendleton, Walter Kingsford, Alma Kruger, John Eldredge, Nell Craig, Marie Blake, Charles Waldron, George Lessey, Tom Collins, George Reed, Paul Porcasi, Horace McMahon, Frank Orth, Margaret Seddon, Fay Helm Based on: Dr. Kildare stories by Frederick Schiller Faust
The Cross Brand - audiobook Max BRAND (1892 - 1944) Jack Bristol shot the sheriff and stole his horse. He rode off, not into the sunset, but into the mountains. The mountain man held him captive for months and then released him. Why? And why did the girl scream with terror when she saw his face? Read this 1922 pulp Western to find the answers. Max Brand was one of many pseudonyms used by Frederick Schiller Faust (1892 – 1944), an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns. - Summary by david wales Genre(s): Westerns, Published 1900 onward Language: English (Audio Book)
Sheriff Larrabee's Prisoner - audiobook Max BRAND (1892 - 1944) The stranger rode up in the pouring rain to the lonely ranch house. Before dawn he was riding quickly away. Who had killed old Mr. Benton? The stranger, or Gus, or Mrs. Zellar? And why was Jack Montagne’s behavior so gentlemanly? Read this 1921 pulp western to find out. Max Brand was one of many pseudonyms used by Frederick Schiller Faust (1892 – 1944), an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns. - Summary by david wales Genre(s): Westerns Language: English (Audio Book)
Trailin'! Audiobook by Max Brand Learn how to get this or another Audiobook for Free: https://audiobookportal.com/ab/Trailin-Max-Brand/?youtube Audiobook length: 7:23:21 Audiobook Summary: “Max Brand", the most used pseudonym of Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944), is best known today for his western fiction. Faust began in the early twentieth century selling his stories to the pulp magazines, writing in many genres under numerous pseudonyms. He is probably best known as the creator of the character Destry. His novel Destry Rides Again has been filmed several times, most notably the 1939 version starring James Stewart and Marlene Dietrich. Also his character Dr. Kildare which was... Audiobook and cover provided by Librivox.org to the public domain. Please visit them to show your suppo...
S1, Ep5 20 Jan. 1966 Enemy of the State Mannering and Cordelia are in an Iron Curtain country where they are about to hand over some money at a secret rendezvous. However Mannering's contact has been caught by the police and forced to name his contact. Though warned to keep away Mannering and Cordelia fall into a trap and she is taken by the police. Mannering plans to spring her by taking his own prisoner - the chief of police. Cast: Steve Forrest Anton Diffring Joseph Fürst Sue Lloyd Colin Gordon John Abineri Michael Wolf Brian Phelan Richard Carpenter Gary Watson Veronica Strong Terence Lodge Carl Duering Stephen Hubay Gertan Klauber Martin Miller George Roubicek Frederick Schiller Screenplay by: Dennis Spooner Based on the character created by: John Creasey Directed by: Jeremy Summ...
Sheriff Larrabee's Prisoner | Max Brand | Westerns | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 2/2 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. The stranger rode up in the pouring rain to the lonely ranch house. Before dawn he was riding quickly away. Who had killed old Mr. Benton? The stranger, or Gus, or Mrs. Zellar? And why was Jack Montagne’s behavior so gentlemanly? Read this 1921 pulp western to find out. Max Brand was one of many pseudonyms used by Frederick Schiller Faust (1892 – 1944), an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns. - Summary by david wales This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/
Cross Brand | Max Brand | Published 1900 onward, Westerns | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 2/3 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Jack Bristol shot the sheriff and stole his horse. He rode off, not into the sunset, but into the mountains. The mountain man held him captive for months and then released him. Why? And why did the girl scream with terror when she saw his face? Read this 1922 pulp Western to find the answers. Max Brand was one of many pseudonyms used by Frederick Schiller Faust (1892 – 1944), an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns. - Summary by david wales This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit htt...
Sheriff Larrabee's Prisoner | Max Brand | Westerns | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 1/2 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. The stranger rode up in the pouring rain to the lonely ranch house. Before dawn he was riding quickly away. Who had killed old Mr. Benton? The stranger, or Gus, or Mrs. Zellar? And why was Jack Montagne’s behavior so gentlemanly? Read this 1921 pulp western to find out. Max Brand was one of many pseudonyms used by Frederick Schiller Faust (1892 – 1944), an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns. - Summary by david wales This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/