- published: 10 Nov 2008
- views: 66958
In a Heartbeat was a Disney Channel Original Series inspired by real life EMT squads whose staff consists of high school students in Darien, Connecticut. The series follows the lives of several teenagers who volunteer as part-time EMTs while going to school and trying to maintain their lives as normal teenagers. In Canada, the series was aired on Family Channel while in the United States it was aired on the Disney Channel. The series is based on Post 53, a real EMT emergency response program run by high school students in Darien, CT.
The EMT squad is made up of Hank Beecham (Danso Gordon) who manages playing football with the high school team as well as being the EMT-Intermediate of the group; Val Lanier (Reagan Pasternak) who is noted for being a good student and cheerleader; Tyler Connell (Shawn Ashmore), a football player and Hank’s best friend; and Jamie Waite (Christopher Ralph), the newest member of the squad initially there not by his own choice but as a result of a new program to help troubled teens get their life together by becoming EMTs.
Part 1 of the Pilot. 1/3 In a Heartbeat was a Disney Channel Original Series inspired by real life EMT squads whose staff consists of high school students located all over the country. The show follows the lives of several teenagers who volunteer as part-time EMTs while going to school and trying to maintain their lives as normal teenagers. --THIS IS NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE, JUST FOR FUN I DO NOT CLAIM ANY RIGHTS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY THE DISNEY CHANNEL-- In a heartbeat ist Copyright by the Disney Channel. It's a Disney Channel Original Series.
In a Heartbeat - Cinderella Syndrome While the rest of the students jockey for dates to the Homecoming Dance, Caitie and Jamie come up with a plan to mock the event; Brooke tries to inject some romance into her parent’s upcoming anniversary plans.
This is the intro to Disney's "In a Heartbeat". It was a GREAT teen show about teenage EMTs but after season 1 it got cancelled. Comments is love!
Fun Fact: In this episode we see Brooke meet Nick who we already saw her being friends with in the previous episode (Things Go Bump in the Night). Obviously, these episodes were filmed/shown out of order. In a Heartbeat is a Disney Channel Original Series inspired by real life EMT squads whose staff consists of high school students located all over the country that premiered in 2000 and ran from 2000-2001. The series follows the lives of several teenagers who volunteer as part-time EMTs while going to school and trying to maintain their lives as normal teenagers. In Canada, the series was aired on Family while in the U.S. it was aired on the Disney Channel. The series is based on Post 53, a real EMT emergency response program run by high school students in Darien, CT; one of the only orga...
In a Heartbeat - New Kid in Town! Brooke is jealous of Nick’s friendship with Amanda, the new girl in school; Matchmaker Val is convinced that her fueding friends are really meant for each other.
In a Heartbeat is a Disney Channel Original Series inspired by real life EMT squads whose staff consists of high school students located all over the country that premiered in 2000 and ran from 2000-2001. The series follows the lives of several teenagers who volunteer as part-time EMTs while going to school and trying to maintain their lives as normal teenagers. In Canada, the series was aired on Family while in the U.S. it was aired on the Disney Channel. The series is based on Post 53, a real EMT emergency response program run by high school students in Darien, CT; one of the only organizations in the world to have high school students be first-response EMTs. Cast: Hank Beecham (Danso Gordon) Val Lanier (Reagan Pasternak) Tyler Connell (Shawn Ashmore) Jamie Waite (Christopher Ra...
In a Heartbeat is a Disney Channel Original Series inspired by real life EMT squads whose staff consists of high school students located all over the country that premiered in 2000 and ran from 2000-2001. The series follows the lives of several teenagers who volunteer as part-time EMTs while going to school and trying to maintain their lives as normal teenagers. In Canada, the series was aired on Family while in the U.S. it was aired on the Disney Channel. The series is based on Post 53, a real EMT emergency response program run by high school students in Darien, CT; one of the only organizations in the world to have high school students be first-response EMTs. Cast: Hank Beecham (Danso Gordon) Val Lanier (Reagan Pasternak) Tyler Connell (Shawn Ashmore) Jamie Waite (Christopher Ra...
In a Heartbeat is a Disney Channel Original Series inspired by real life EMT squads whose staff consists of high school students located all over the country that premiered in 2000 and ran from 2000-2001. The series follows the lives of several teenagers who volunteer as part-time EMTs while going to school and trying to maintain their lives as normal teenagers. In Canada, the series was aired on Family while in the U.S. it was aired on the Disney Channel. The series is based on Post 53, a real EMT emergency response program run by high school students in Darien, CT; one of the only organizations in the world to have high school students be first-response EMTs. Cast: Hank Beecham (Danso Gordon) Val Lanier (Reagan Pasternak) Tyler Connell (Shawn Ashmore) Jamie Waite (Christopher Ra...
In a Heartbeat is a Disney Channel Original Series inspired by real life EMT squads whose staff consists of high school students located all over the country that premiered in 2000 and ran from 2000-2001. The series follows the lives of several teenagers who volunteer as part-time EMTs while going to school and trying to maintain their lives as normal teenagers. In Canada, the series was aired on Family while in the U.S. it was aired on the Disney Channel. The series is based on Post 53, a real EMT emergency response program run by high school students in Darien, CT; one of the only organizations in the world to have high school students be first-response EMTs. Cast: Hank Beecham (Danso Gordon) Val Lanier (Reagan Pasternak) Tyler Connell (Shawn Ashmore) Jamie Waite (Christopher Ralph) Br...
In an alternate universe, [as] picked up where MTV left off. Voice | Bill Pullman in "The End of Violence" Video | Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (2003) Music | "Just For Tonight" by Mark Redito
LYRICS : "Heartbeat" It's like a song, that no one hears I'm screaming out, but you're not here All I wanna do All I wanna do Is say I love you All I wanna do All I wanna do Is say I care I swear my words don't work Feeling like they have no worth Here and now Is nothing in between How could I Ever describe the way I feel? Why should I Even try when obviously All the words that I say seem to get in my way Only wish I could Say it with a heartbeat, say it with a (say it with a, say it with a) Its like a stage Without a crowd The best performers But no one's proud All I wanna do All I wanna do Is say I love you All I wanna do All I wanna do Is say I care I swear my words don't work Feeling they have no worth Here and now there's nothing in between How could I Ever describe the way I fee...
XinRui was born with a hole in her heart. Her family is poor and unable to afford lifesaving surgery—all her family could do was pray. God brought the answer in a most unusual way!
► Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0vucpOdHc9U1BRrkhWbmuA ►This track and this image used in this video are the property of their owners. No copyright infringement intended, strictly for promotional use. If there is a problem with this video, please let me know and I will remove in 24 hours . ►Buy here: http://www.goastore.com/compilation-set-10-compiled-by-dj-emok-and-lenny-ibizarre-compactstick.html ► Emok & Lenny Ibizarre – Set 10 - CPH-IBZ Genre: Electronic Style: Progressive Trance Year: 2009 ► Subscribe To Iboga: http://www.bit.ly/IbogaSubscribe ►More Iboga: http://www.iboga.dk/ https://www.facebook.com/ibogarecords https://soundcloud.com/ibogaemok http://www.beatport.com/label/iboga-r... https://twitter.com/IbogaRecords ► Managed by the two Danish DJs Emok & Banel ...
Download: http://sh.st/BVv0b Music by Kevin MacLeod. Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. MacLeod's description: Genre: Electronica Length: 3:37 Electronica (industrial dance). Hard, hard, super-hard, gritty, you-had--better-want-to-be-angry electronica. This piece is fast and harsh. 012 ISRC: US-UAN-11-00197 Aggressive, Unnerving, Action, Driving, Dark, Intense 2006
In a Heartbeat - pilot film: High school football stars Tyler Connell (Shawn Ashmore) and Hank Beecham (Danso Gordon) and cheerleader Val Lanier (Reagan Pasternak) know there’s more to life than scoring touchdowns. As members of the experimental Kingsport Emergency Medical Services (EMS) squad, the young paramedics find themselves regularly doing something much more important—saving lives.
In a Heartbeat - Race of a Lifetime! Jamie (Christopher Ralph) enters the Oasis Four On Four Motocross Derby and finds himself competing against Bobby “The Bullet” (Catherine Black), a gorgeous ex-girlfriend with whom he is obviously still smitten. While Bobby’s competitive streak becomes increasingly apparent, it’s Caitie’s (Jackie Rosenbaum) instincts that tell her this girl is dangerous. She warns Jamie to be careful, but he just assumes she’s jealous.
In the House In a Heartbeat (Oxylice Remix) (1 Hours) Original Remix By theDuBandTrance2
In a Heartbeat - Hero! Jamie’s teammates feel excluded when he is honoured as a hero; Brooke befriends a homely stray dog.
FIDOCKAVE213 - SEVENTHVIAL213 - A HEARTBEAT AWAY FROM ETERNITY....... Unless Jesus Christ returns soon Death is inevitable. All of humanity will face it at some stage, however death is not the end but merely the beginning..... what actions you take now in this life will ultimately set your eternal future. Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. CREDIT - PREACHER CHARLES LAWSON - TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH - www.youtube.com/user/zion4131 To be saved, seek Jesus Christ with your whole heart, believe on him in faith, that he is the only ...
In a Heartbeat - Things That Go Bump In The Night! The EMT squad tends to the victim of a bizarre accident involving an exploding cactus which releases hundreds of tarantulas into the neighborhood. The news terrifies Brooke (Lauren Collins) who is deathly afraid of spiders.
The story of Dick Cheney, the man historians have dubbed the most powerful Vice President in the history of the United States. The story is recounted in his own words, reflecting on his modest upbringing in Casper, his lifelong high-risk heart problems, and his assessment of the world leaders he dealt with. In intimate detail, he recalls the attack on Sept. 11, 2001, and reveals details of the crisis never told before. Other voices lend perspective - Wyoming friends who have known Dick Cheney his entire life, journalists critical of his grip on the levers of power, and first-hand observers of his near half a century in politics and government. From this emerges a full-rounded portrait of one of the most powerful men of the last century.
Kevin MacLeod - In a Heartbeat 1 HOUR! Subscribe here : https://www.youtube.com/user/RoyalFreeSound?sub_confirmation=1 Visit my channel for more Royalty Free Music : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_r9Wui4FVajYZqBJjLqWQA • Licence: You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste): Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Music provided by RoyalFreeSound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ9wA-3kRkY Enjoy!
Subscribe our channel: http://bit.ly/1fpXL5l High school football stars Tyler Connell (Shawn Ashmore) and Hank Beecham (Danso Gordon) and cheerleader Val Lanier (Reagan Pasternak) know there’s more to life than scoring touchdowns. As members of the experimental Kingsport Emergency Medical Services (EMS) squad, the young paramedics find themselves regularly doing something much more important—saving lives.
In a heartbeat fortunes are won - oh
In a heartbeat worlds collide
I’ve been told if wishes were horses
In a heartbeat beggars would ride
From a steam bed carved a canyon
Footsteps promise to grow into miles
From an arrow an empire begun - oh
First is to stand up and then is to run
Where is the symmetry that I have dreamed bout?
Said to be waiting is the beauty on a distant shore
Idea to moon walking yet people do without
All what for?
Bright star spinning feeding all living things
Eyes holding laughter so soon after tears
Atom splitting harness the universe
Tree falling over does anyone hear?
Earth tone skin writes pages of history
One shot fires reaches everyone’s ears
Jubilations replacing the misery