Another Neocon Endorses Clinton, Calling Her '2016's Real Conservative' and 'the Candidate of the Status Quo'

Edit Alternet 11 Jun 2016
Neocon James Kirchick joins a slew of right-wing pundits who support war hawk Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump ... Some of the biggest names in the U.S ... He cites Burke’s intellectual heir Michael Oakeshott, who said conservative ideology “prefers small and limited innovations to large and indefinite” ones and “favors a slow rather than a rapid pace, and pauses to observe current consequences and make appropriate adjustments.”....

Trump's Rise Was Fueled by Elitism, not 'Hyperdemocracy'

Edit Alternet 27 May 2016
The trouble with Trump isn't because of too much democracy; it's decades of political malfeasance that have made Americans furious ... The culprit responsible for Trump is too much democracy, and the cure is more elite control of the political process. Sullivan gets everything backward ... Plato’s Retread ... Boone Pickens ... L ... He favors some fantasy version of the conservatism espoused by his idol, the British political scientist Michael Oakeshott....

The left-wing firebrands who turned to the right

Edit New Statesman 25 Apr 2016
Daniel Oppenheimer's Exit Right ... Whether their thinking was grounded in a religious belief in original sin (as in the cases of Edmund Burke and the American conservative Russell Kirk) or a sceptical view of the power of human reason (as in David Hume and Michael Oakeshott), conservatives distrusted any attempt to remake the world according to the dictates of high-minded ideals and abstract models ... “The reek of life was on it ... Photo ... ....

Randhir Singh obituary

Edit The Guardian 24 Feb 2016
Later on, in 1950, Randhir published a book of his poems written in Punjabi, Rahan Di Dhoor, and then attracted critical acclaim in the world of political science with his book Reason, Revolution and Political Theory (1967), a Marxist critique of the work of the conservative philosopher and political theorist Michael Oakeshott ... ....

Liberalism: The Life of an Idea by Edmund Fawcett review – what is a liberal?

Edit The Guardian 29 Jan 2016
Gladstone, Lloyd GeorgeBernie Sanders? This remarkable book about a still controversial body of thought helps us understand not just the positions of philosophers but the actions of politicians ... “Your background is fairly liberal, isn’t it, Mr Blair?”. “Background?” ... “No ... We get our share of Mill, Leonard Hobhouse and Hayek; we get rather more Michael Oakeshott than I expected; and there are a few pages towards the end on John Rawls ... ....

Iris Murdoch is ‘promiscuous’ while Ted Hughes is ‘nomadic’. Why the double standards?

Edit The Guardian 27 Nov 2015
As editors of Iris Murdoch’s letters, it is galling to see reviewers concentrating so salaciously on her sex life. We know it’s not good behaviour to complain about reviews ... We have yet to read similar personal attacks on the behaviour of Michael Oakeshott – the political theorist and one of Murdoch’s correspondents – who was nicknamed “dipstick” during his army years because of his sexual philandering. Related ... ....

P.J.’s Guide to Talking Like A Pundit

Edit The Daily Beast 14 Nov 2015
P.J. O’Rourke introduces you to the wonderful world of a profession that literally anyone can do. The 2016 political cycle has been subject to extensive commentary by political pundits such as myself. But what we pundits are saying isn’t always clear. This is because political pundits speak a foreign language, “Punditese.” ... The last two native speakers of OP, Michael Oakeshott and Isaiah Berlin, died in the 1990s ... beltway insider—me ... ....

Literacy, Competence and Virtue (Australian Human Rights Commission)

Edit Public Technologies 06 Nov 2015
(Source. Australian Human Rights Commission). Keynote Speech to The University of Sydney Teaching Colloquium. 4 November 2015. It is wonderful to be joining your colloquium today, and I acknowledge that we meet on the traditional lands of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation ... For the English philosopher Michael Oakeshott, conversation was something more elemental ... There is, I believe, some truth to this diagnosis ... It is crucial ... is.. ......

Tony Abbott, the 'lonely nihilist', has one last lesson for us

Edit The Guardian 17 Aug 2015
The British conservative philosopher, Michael Oakeshott, has been and remains a profound influence on conservatives – from Margaret Thatcher to Andrew Sullivan ... Oakeshott, who died in 1990, was suspicious of modern, rationalist political projects, but is beloved because of his espousal of a “conservative disposition” that prefers “the sufficient to the superabundant, the convenient to the perfect, present laughter to utopian bliss”....

A Point of View: The awful truth about how dispensable we are

Edit BBC News 21 Jun 2015
21 June 2015. From the section Magazine. Adam Gopnik looks at the cooking instructions for a packet of waffles, and finds a sobering lesson on why we're not as indispensible as we think we are. Until a few weeks ago, I thought I was an indispensable man ... Silence ... The great conservative philosopher Michael Oakeshott used to say that governing and politics were, like baking, not something you could read from a recipe, a set of instructions....

Abbott government acts as law unto itself to stop boats and strip citizenship

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 17 Jun 2015
Tony Abbott is a self-confessed admirer and follower of the great 18th century Anglo-Irish politician Edmund Burke, whom many view as the father of modern political conservatism. Abbott's 2009 book Battle Lines is peppered with references to Burke and more contemporary British political conservative thinkers like Michael Oakeshott and Roger Scruton ... Jesse Norman, the author of a 2013 biography of Burke titled Edmund Burke....

David Brooks commentary: Dynastic families can nurture high achievement

Edit The Columbus Dispatch 12 May 2015
Americans are embarrassed. Over the past 35 years there have been only two elections without a Bush or Clinton on the national ticket. Next year, both names could rest atop the ballot. In one poll, voters saw this as a bad thing by a ratio of 8 to 1. Some of the people who are upset have a false view of how life works ... In California, Browns ... The philosopher Michael Oakeshott once observed that it takes three generations to make a career ... ....

David Brooks: Mothers and presidents

Edit Fresno Bee 11 May 2015
Americans are embarrassed. Over the last 35 years there have only been two elections without a Bush or Clinton on the national ticket. Next year both names could rest atop the ballot. In one poll voters saw this as a bad thing by a ratio of 8 to 1. Some of the people who are upset have a false view of how life works ... In California, Browns ... The philosopher Michael Oakeshott once observed that it takes three generations to make a career ... ....