Isis is a goddess from the polytheistic pantheon of Egypt.
Isis or ISIS may also refer to:
Isis (stylized as ISIS) was a Los Angeles-based post-metal band, founded in Boston, Massachusetts, with a career spanning from 1997 to 2010. They borrowed from and helped to evolve a sound pioneered by the likes of Neurosis and Godflesh, creating heavy music consisting of lengthy songs that focus on repetition and evolution of structure.
The band's last album, Wavering Radiant, was released on 5 May 2009. They disbanded in June 2010, just before the release of a split EP with the Melvins.
This is a list of the Goa'uld characters that appear in Stargate, Stargate SG-1, and Stargate Atlantis. In the Stargate fictional universe, the Goa'uld are a parasitic alien race that use other beings as hosts. Ra had stated in the original Stargate film that he had used humans exclusively as hosts for millennia, because Goa'uld technology can repair human bodies so easily that by inhabiting human forms they can be in effect ageless, though they can still be injured or killed. Most Goa'uld pose as gods in order to control slave armies, and are considered evil, egocentric megalomaniacs by those who do not worship them. The Goa'uld are extremely intelligent and have an aptitude for understanding, working with, and using technology that is superior to that of humans. They each have full access to their species' genetic memory from the moment of birth. As a result, no Goa'uld has to learn how to operate any technological device; they 'know' how to do so innately.
The RAM P99 is a paintball marker manufactured by Chinese company Qian Wei and distributed in the United States by Umarex USA under the "Real Action Markers" brand. It is distributed in Europe by Umarex, Germany. The RAM P99 is made under license and designed to replicate the Walther P99.
Powered by a 12g disposable CO2 cartridge or re-fillable internal air system, it features a blowback design and 9 shot capacity magazine using .43 caliber paintballs or rubberballs. The trigger is double-action (DA/SA). First versions did not have a conventional on/off safety. Current versions now have a manual trigger-lock safety. The marker is cocked by working the slide and there is also a functional de-cocker. It differs from the RAP4/5 system as it does not use (and therefore) eject shell casings. Muzzle velocity is adjustable between 200 ft/s and 300 ft/s. For .43 cal paintball - 0.029 oz it is about 3.4371 J (at 300 ft/s).
The RAM P99 looks, feels and shoots with great accuracy just like the Walther P99 firearm making it ideal for law enforcement and military training, especially close quarter battles and room clearings. The RAM P99 is also used for virtual reality paintball play.
Rap1 (Ras-proximate-1 or Ras-related protein 1) is a small GTPase, which are small cytosolic proteins that act like cellular switches and are vital for effective signal transduction. There are two isoforms of the Rap1 protein, each encoded by a separate gene, RAP1A and RAP1B. Rap1 belongs to Ras-related protein family.
GTPases are inactive when in their GDP-bound form, and become active when they bind to GTP. GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) and guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) regulate small GTPases, with GAPs promoting the GDP-bound (inactive) form, and GEFs promoting the GTP-bound (active) form. When bound to GTP, small GTPases regulate myriad cellular processes. These proteins are divided into families depending on their protein structure, and the most well studied is the Ras superfamily, of which Rap1 is a member. Whereas Ras is known for its role in cell proliferation and survival, Rap1 is predominantly involved in cell adhesion and cell junction formation. Ras and Rap are regulated by different sets of guanine nucleotide exchange factors and GTPase-activating proteins, thus providing one level of specificity.
RAP6 is the abbreviation for Rab5-activating protein 6, a novel endosomal protein with a role in endocytosis. RAP6 was discovered by Alejandro Barbieri and his group of researchers (Christine Hunker, Adriana Galvis, Ivan Kruk, Hugo Giambini, Lina Torres and Maria Luisa Veisaga) working at Florida International University.
This novel human protein has been reported to be involved in membrane trafficking. It has been shown that RAP6 has a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity specific to Rab5 and a GTPase activating protein (GAP) activity specific to RAS.
The original GeneBank Identifications (GIs) have been published in the NCBI Nucleotide databases with GIs 77176718 and 77176720. Since then, many names have been coined to the validated protein such as RabGEF1, GeneID: 27342. RAP6 belongs to the family of the GAPVD1, GeneID: 26130