- published: 10 Aug 2016
- views: 55
Lombard (lumbaart, or lengua lumbarda, in milanese classical ortography "lengua lombarda") is a member of the Cisalpine or Gallo-Italic group within the Romance languages. It is spoken natively in Northern Italy (most of Lombardy and some areas of neighbouring regions, notably the eastern side of Piedmont) and Southern Switzerland (Ticino and Graubünden).
The two main varieties (Western Lombard dialect and Eastern Lombard dialect) show differences and are often, but not always, mutually comprehensible.
Lombard is considered a minority language, structurally separated from Italian, by the Ethnologue reference catalogue and by the UNESCO Red Book on Endangered Languages. However, Italy and Switzerland do not recognize Lombard speakers as a linguistic minority. This official line is the same as for most other minority languages in Italy, which are normally considered Italian dialects in spite of the fact that they belong to different sub-groups of the Romance language family, and in their historical development are in no way derivative of Italian (this fact being obscured to some extent by the use of Italian orthography to write these languages, and by influence from Italian).
An introduction to the Lombard language (dialetto lombardo)
Trentin part 1 · Parlar lombard int el Trentin ocidental · Lombard Language UNESCO ISO 639-3 lmo
Grimm · Ol prencep çat · Lombard language
Lombard Language, lesson 1 - Lengua Lombarda, lezion 1 - Lingua Lombarda, lezione 1
Lombard language
Lissander Brasca · Interview entirely in Lombard (ISO 639-3 lmo) · Lombard language
Oltrapò Mantovan e fiuma Minç · Lombard Language · UNESCO ISO 639-3 lmo
TGPota · Lissander Brasca · Lombard language ISO 639-3·lmo
Lombard Language, lesson 7 - Lengua Lombarda, lezion 7
WIKITONGUES: Matteo speaking Eastern Lombard
Learn the very basics of the Lombard language, spoken in Lombardy/Piedmont/Tessin. The once one and only language spoken in Milan and the surrounding area.
Duu lombardofon (de la rejon Lombardia) ge parlen insema a dei abitants del Trentin ocidental. Ognidun al parla la so varietaa lenguistega local. In this video two Lombard speaking people (from Lombardy region) talk in Lombard to some people from Western Trent province, each replying in his/her own local linguistic variety. Dei part del test inn sora-scrivude : ativar i "anotazion" per veder-i. Some parts of the spoken text are written in balloons. Please, activate the "annotations" to see them. Realizazion video : Lissander Brasca e Simona Scuri.
Una storia de Jakob e Wilhelm Grimm, voltada in lombard dal Joancarlo Giavaç (Gioancarlo Giaass), ALP - M.D.G. Giaas, 2006. Liberament interpretada da la leitora. Trasliterada con la KOINÈ ORTOGRAFEGA PER LA LENGUA LOMBARDA elaborada dal Lissander Brasca e presentada ind el liber: SCRIVER LOMBARD, ed. Menaresta. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=164253737009497 Comentari musegal del Lissander Brasca. Errata corrige: "marveia" lej "smarveia" Lengua lombarda. Lombard language. Lingua lombarda, Unesco ISO 639-3 lmo
First lombard language lesson (ISO 639-3 lmo). Lombard is a member of the Cisalpine or Gallo-Italic group within the Romance languages. It is spoken natively in Northern Italy (most of Lombardy and some areas of neighbouring regions, notably the eastern side of Piedmont) and Southern Switzerland (Ticino and Graubünden). Lombard has been catalogued among the endangered languages of Europe by the UNESCO Atlas. The texts are written in the koinè orthographic system SL (Scriver Lombard): you can find information at this link http://inlombard.eu.pn/index.html An online dictionary is available here: http://dizionarilombard.eu.pn (monolingual, with koinè orthography, IPA pronunciation, main variants, etc.). Download lesson pdf here (phonetic transcription is based on the pronunciation of the ...
Lombard is a member of the Cisalpine or Gallo-Italic group within the Romance languages. It is spoken natively in Northern Italy and Southern Switzerland. The two main varieties show differences and are often, but not always, mutually comprehensible. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
Intervista intregament in lombard del Lissander Brasca in su Monça Brianza TV. Rejistrad el 24 maj 2012, ind la trasmission "La Parlera" del direitor Luis Losa. Interview entirely in Lombard (ISO 639-3 lmo), by Lissander Brasca, broadcast on Monça Brianza TV. Recorded on 24th May 2012 during the program "La Parlera", presented by Luis Losa (who speaks Italian in the video). Test trascrivud con la koinè ortografega per i jeolets de la lengua lombarda de Scriver Lombard, Lissander Brasca, ed. Menaresta: Losa (in Italian): Lissander, ci spieghi un po' il perché di questa iniziativa e che cosa contiene. Brasca (in Lombard): Si, fors a g'hoo de far un'introduzion plussee jeneral, perqè quest qì l'è un toqell de una stratejia. Mi partissi de l'idea qe "revitalizazion lenguistega" çoè far de ...
Duu milanes ciiciaren insema a dei jent qe stann de cà ind la estremitaa sud-oriental de la provinça mantovana, a nord e a sud del Po. Ognidun parlen el so dialeit e tuts se intenden a la perfezion, senza de besogn de far recors a una varietaa lenguistega qe la sia miga el dialeit qe parlen normalment ind el so paes. In poqe parolle, parlen la LENGUA LOMBARDA, classifegada da l'UNESCO cont el codex ISO 639-3 lmo, intra i lengue qe g'hann besogn de un recognossiment e de un sostegn del Stat italian. La someianza del menut 02:48 l'è de la Ornella Fiorini
Intervista in lombard del TGPota al cantautor Lissander Brasca, autor del liber "SCRIVER LOMBARD, un'ortografia polinomeg-local per la lengua lombarda". L'intervistador, Raffaele Amoruso, al parla la so bella varietaa bressana, el Lissander al ge respond ind la so bella varietaa milanesa. Intra i zone dialetai dei duu interlocutor a g'è incirca 130 km. Rejistrad in Vall Camonega, Jugn 2012. www.tgpota.com El prim telejornal in lengua lombarda SCRIVER LOMBARD Un'ortografia polinomeg-local per la lengua lombarda. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=164253737009497 Lengua lombarda. Lombard language. Lingua lombarda, Unesco ISO 639-3 lmo
Seventh lombard language lesson (ISO 639-3 lmo). Lombard is a member of the Cisalpine or Gallo-Italic group within the Romance languages. It is spoken natively in Northern Italy (most of Lombardy and some areas of neighbouring regions, notably the eastern side of Piedmont) and Southern Switzerland (Ticino and Graubünden). Lombard has been catalogued among the endangered languages of Europe by the UNESCO Atlas. The texts are written in the koinè orthographic system SL (Scriver Lombard): you can find information at this link http://inlombard.eu.pn/index.html An online dictionary is available here: http://dizionarilombard.eu.pn (monolingual, with koinè orthography, IPA pronunciation, main variants, etc.). Download lesson pdf here (with phonetic transcription): https://dl.dropboxuserconten...
Œn salüde a tœts e a tœte, scüxim se sa sent mia fes us ma ol me urdenadur l'è an po isé. Ma sa ciame Matteo e so urguglius de prexentaf ol Ürobeq, che saress la lengua parlada an la lumbardea urientala, an dol nort Italia. Me so talià, ma vive an Qatalünia e qé ma sa so rindit cœnt de l'amportança che le ga le lengue segundaree e rejunai. L'è format de vare vareants, œn grant vixine an tra lure ma con peçene deferençe de leseq e de prununciasiù. La lengua qe parle me, anc'po se l'è recugnuçida de l'UNESCO com patrimone linguistiq, l'è mia ufijala en Italia, e la xet la pensa amo qe la saess œn dialet del talià, e defati l'è dre a pirdiss, perqe sa ga da mia amportança, e i la cunsidera com vergot legat doma al pasat, œna parlada sgrexa, crüda e mia bela de senter, che l'è mei dexmentegass...
How do they sound like? Do the other languages sound similar to Italian or not? Perfect standard Italian 0:29 Tuscan dialect (Italian) 1:42 Romanesco (Italian) 3:40 Neapolitan-Apulian language 6:05 (Neapolitan variety) Apulian-Neapolitan language 6:56 (Apulian variety) Sicilian language 7:44 Sardinian language 10:04 Ligurian language 12:05 Emilian-Romagnol language 14:07 (Emilian variety) Romagnol-Emilian language 16:03 (Romagnol variety) Venetian language 18:05 Lombard language 20:14 Piedmontese language 21:54 Occitan language 23:45 (variety of Piedmont) Arpitan or Francoprovençal language 25:47 (variety of Aosta Valley) Friulian language 27:43 Ladin language 30:09 Austro-Bavarian language 31:45 (variety of South Tyrol)
Duu lombardofon intervisten dei abitants de varie part de la provinça de Pavia. Ognidun al respond ind la so varietaa lombarda local. In this video two Lombard speaking people talk in Lombard to some people from different parts of the province of Pavia, each replying in his/her own local Lombard variety. Dei part del test inn sora-scrivude : ativar i "anotazion" per veder-i. Some parts of the spoken text are written in balloons. Please, activate the "annotations" to see them. Realizazion video : Lissander Brasca e Simona Scuri.
Una collezion de filastroqe lombard. I è traite fœra da le lezion video de lengua lombarda. Fii-le veder e imprender ai vosts bagai e amix! 0:12 - La cunta: Pim Paolin 0:40 - El Bargniff 1:06 - Uciin bell... so fradell 1:33 - Proverbe: Tre done 1:50 - Guarin guaran 2:10 - Filastroca dei cinq dids 2:41 - Luxarœla ven a bass 3:19 - Man morta 3:37 - Lumaga lumagin
La Sireneta in Lengua Lombarda (ISO 639-3 lmo), lejuda da la Simona Scuri. La storia de Andersen l'è staita voltada in Lengua Lombarda. Traduzion del Joancarl Jaass liberament interpretada dal Lissander Brasca. Rejistrazion de la vox traita dal cd de produzion de M.D.G. Giaàss "Andersen, Grimm, Perrault in Lengua Lombarda”.
Teleticino, Simona Scuri, Dimalamì
Duu lombardofon (de la rejon Lombardia) ge parlen insema a dei abitants de la provinça VCO (rejon Piemont). Ognidun al parla la so varietaa lenguistega local. In this video two Lombard speaking people (from Lombardy region) talk in Lombard to some people from the province of VCO (Piedmont region), each replying in his/her own local linguistic variety. Realizazion video : Lissander Brasca e Simona Scuri.
Fifteenth lombard language lesson (ISO 639-3 lmo). Lombard is a member of the Cisalpine or Gallo-Italic group within the Romance languages. It is spoken natively in Northern Italy (most of Lombardy and some areas of neighbouring regions, notably the eastern side of Piedmont) and Southern Switzerland (Ticino and Graubünden). Lombard has been catalogued among the endangered languages of Europe by the UNESCO Atlas. The texts are written in the koinè orthographic system SL (Scriver Lombard): you can find information at this link http://inlombard.eu.pn/index.html An online dictionary is available here: http://dizionarilombard.eu.pn (monolingual, with koinè orthography, IPA pronunciation, main variants, etc.). Download lesson pdf here (with phonetic transcription): https://dl.dropboxusercont...
Lissander Brasca, Simona Scuri: realizazion video. El Miqel Gilardell al spiega in lombard i concets fondamentai del seed saving, l'art de meter via la somenza dei piante de ort. A conference in Lombard language. Conferenza in lingua lombarda. El Miqel al parla la varietaa de la Vall Seriana, Bergom. I spetador in sala inn asquas tuts brianzœl e milanes, capissen tuscoss, dialogen cont el miqel, ge fann dei domande, lu al ge respond. Tuts se intenden qe l'è un piexer. Se vœlen, i lombards pœden parlar la so bella lengua lombarda intra de lor, ognidun el so dialet. Semper. I conferenze al MilesiLab 2012-2013, l'ultem martedì del mes. Via Sirtori, 1 Monça Organizazion e coordinament: Simona Scuri, Lissander Brasca. Sigla musegal: L'arbor l'è cressud del Lissander Brasca dal cd Sot la cen...
Taken From Official UFC Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/UFC Taken From Official MMAFighting Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MMAFightingonSBN Taken From Official Karyn Bryant Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/KarynBryant Taken From Official TTHS Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TommyToeHold Taken From Official MMA Roasted Podcast: http://podbay.fm/show/696336619 Taken From Official Fighter & The Kid Podcast: http://feed.theplatform.com/f/BKQ29B/fs-podcast-fighterandkid Taken From Official Joe Rogan Podcast: http://podcasts.joerogan.net/ 140 Funny UFC Moments Compilation 1 Frank Mir - "Hello, My Name is Frank Muur" 2 Rampage Jackson - What The Fuck? 3 Jon Jones hey pussy, are you still there? 4 Dana White That's Fucking Illegal. 5 Corey Hill Shut The Fuck Up, Gabe. 6 Co...
Lissander Brasca, Simona Scuri: realizazion video. El Renad Ornag (Renato Ornaghi) al presenta un itinerari turisteg-relijos in Insubria, intra Brianza, Milan e Pavia. A conference in Lombard language. Une conférence en langue lombarde. Una conferenza in lingua lombarda. Organizazion e coordinament: Simona Scuri, Lissander Brasca.
Masjid-ul-Haqq, Lombard, IL presents Quran Class every Satruday morning from 10 AM - 1 PM Central time. Taught by Sheikh Mohammed Hasan LIVE every Saturday @ www.youtube.com/user/darulquranchi Insha Allah www.icclombard.org www.chicagoquran.com
UFC Welterweight Hector Lombard is sad, no one will fight him. He has called out division rivals and hasn’t received any responses. He shares the story of his journey to finding an opponent on the Octagon. Also, from VH1’s hit reality show “Couple’s Therapy” MMA fighter and Jenna Jameson’s husband, Jon Wood. Finally, from this season of “The Ultimate Fighter” on FOX Sports 1, Heather Jo Clark shares her experience in the TUF house and her current living situation with Miesha Tate and Bryan Caraway.
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This stream was recorded on October 5, 2016. -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/lombardbrosgaming PLEASE NOTE: This is a business channel open for all ages. Please watch your language and behavior. We closely monitor this channel and any foul language, racial slurs, or bullying of any kind will be cause for permanent ban from this channel. Thank you for your cooperation. Lombard Bros. Gaming
This stream was recorded on October 7, 2016. -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/lombardbrosgaming PLEASE NOTE: This is a business channel open for all ages. Please watch your language and behavior. We closely monitor this channel and any foul language, racial slurs, or bullying of any kind will be cause for permanent ban from this channel. Thank you for your cooperation. Lombard Bros. Gaming
This stream was recorded on October 4, 2016. -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/lombardbrosgaming PLEASE NOTE: This is a business channel open for all ages. Please watch your language and behavior. We closely monitor this channel and any foul language, racial slurs, or bullying of any kind will be cause for permanent ban from this channel. Thank you for your cooperation. Lombard Bros. Gaming