- published: 03 Mar 2016
- views: 6419
Handling stolen goods is the name of a statutory offence in England and Wales and Northern Ireland. It takes place after a theft or other dishonest acquisition is completed and may be committed by a fence or other person who helps the thief to realise the value of the stolen goods. It replaces the offence of receiving stolen goods under section 33 of the Larceny Act 1916.
Handling stolen property is the name of a statutory offence in the Republic of Ireland.
This offence is created by section 22(1) of the Theft Act 1968 which provides:
A person handles stolen goods if (otherwise than in the course of stealing), knowing or believing them to be stolen goods he dishonestly receives the goods, or dishonestly undertakes or assists in their retention, removal, disposal or realisation by or for the benefit of another person, or if he arranges to do so.
This term means property stolen anywhere, as long as the theft amounted to an offence where committed. It includes any proceeds of that property, including money for which it has been sold, and anything bought with those proceeds.
Jedn Dog deng ma i
ez sitz i mi amoi hi und schreib an Brief an di.
Aba jedn Dog kimmd irgenwos dazwischn
es haud einfach ned hi.
I geh a ofd ans Telefon und wäi dei Numma
de i auswendig kon
aba nochm zwoadn moi Leidtn leg ich meißtens wida auf.
I hob di lang scho nimma g'seng.
Wo bist du bloß
wo bleibst du denn ?
I hob di lang scho nimma g'seng.
Wo bist du bloß
wo bleibst du denn ?
De Zeit rinnd dahi und i deng ma jedn Dog
i bsuach di ezad
wirklich amoi.
Und i schtell ma dobei vor
wia sauba das werd mid uns zwoa.
Da Deifi soi mi hoin
wenn i di ned boid widaseg.
I mechd so gern bei dir sei
i sog da's
sonsd wear i no ganz
I hob di lang scho nimma g'seng.
Wo bist du bloß
wo bleibst du denn ?
I hob di lang scho nimma g'seng.
Wo bist du bloß
wo bleibst du denn ?
I ko ned schlafa
i drahh me hin und he
und wenn i schlafa kon
dann dram i nur von dir.
I ko ned schlafa
i drahh me hin und he
meine Gedanken
de san nua bei dir.
I hob di lang scho nimma g'seng.
Wo bist du bloß
wo bleibst du denn ?
I hob di lang scho nimma g'seng.
Wo bist du bloß