Kibaki urges politicians to shun tribalism
www.ntv.co.ke President Mwai Kibaki has appealed to people seeking leadership in the next ...
published: 09 Oct 2011
author: NTVKenya
Kibaki urges politicians to shun tribalism
www.ntv.co.ke President Mwai Kibaki has appealed to people seeking leadership in the next General Elections to think of serving the country first, instead of personal or the interests of their respective communities.In a strong indication that the President is preparing for his retirement next year, Kibaki says he had been privileged to serve the country as President.This came as Mama Ngina Kenyatta, the mother of one of those aspiring to lead the country, for the first time spoke passionately about her anxiety, during Uhuru Kenyatta's appearance at the ICC.
Shame of a sanctuary 19/09/09
www.ntv.co.ke The management of Mama Ngina Kenyatta Childrens home is on the spot followin...
published: 19 Sep 2009
author: NTVKenya
Shame of a sanctuary 19/09/09
www.ntv.co.ke The management of Mama Ngina Kenyatta Childrens home is on the spot following allegations that they have been using the institutions infrastructure and other resources for personal gain. Officials from child welfare society stormed the institution early this week and uncovered shocking details. However, it is now emerging that this was just the tip of the iceberg. Martina Akinyi spent time at the Childrens Home and made some startling discoveries.
A question Mama Ngina couldn't answer
www.ntv.co.ke The land question in Kenya is always controversial but it came as a big shoc...
published: 16 Sep 2010
author: NTVKenya
A question Mama Ngina couldn't answer
www.ntv.co.ke The land question in Kenya is always controversial but it came as a big shock to Mama Ngina Kenyatta widow of Kenya's first president when asked if the family would be willing to donate part of its vast estates to resettle internally displaced persons. She had visited an orphanage for Internally Displaced Persons in Naivasha where she donated food supplies and other non-food items.
Kashfa za usimamizi wa kituo cha Mama Ngina 19/09/09
www.ntv.co.ke Siku chache baada ya wanachama wa shirika la maslahi ya watoto nchini CWSK k...
published: 19 Sep 2009
author: NTVKenya
Kashfa za usimamizi wa kituo cha Mama Ngina 19/09/09
www.ntv.co.ke Siku chache baada ya wanachama wa shirika la maslahi ya watoto nchini CWSK kuvamia kituo cha watoto cha Mama Ngina Kenyatta, NTV imeibuka na habari zaidi kuhusu kashfa za usimamizi wa taasisi hiyo. Kwa mujibu wa watoto walionufaika na kituo hicho miaka ya nyuma, mambo yalianza kwenda kombo pindi msimamizi anayeondoka Janet Mwiti ashike hatamu muongo mmoja uliopita.
Kenyatta's Memorial
The 31st anniversary of the death of Kenyas founding father, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. And Presi...
published: 22 Aug 2009
author: kenyacitizentv
Kenyatta's Memorial
The 31st anniversary of the death of Kenyas founding father, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. And President Mwai Kibaki led Kenyans in marking the ceremony by laying a wreath at his mausoleum at parliament buildings. Mzee Kenyatta's widow Mama Ngina Kenyatta and other members of her family attended the ceremony before proceeding to the holy family basilica to a special mass.
Mungikified f-Locust,Martin Ngatia,Mama Ngina
dedicated to Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi and all the Mau Mau that sacrificed their lives t...
published: 24 Apr 2008
author: locustplague
Mungikified f-Locust,Martin Ngatia,Mama Ngina
dedicated to Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi and all the Mau Mau that sacrificed their lives to liberate Kenya from British Imperialism, and to the 38 Dakotah hanged in Mankato,Minnesota 26th December 1862 in America's largest Mass Execution, and to all the champions of democracy, JM Karuiki,Oginga Odinga,Gama Pinto,Tom Mboya,Robert Ouko,Julie Ward,Stella Awinja,Bishop Muge and all unknown souls persecuted by African regimes. written,produced & directed by Locust special thanks to Makozewe for Martin Ngatia footage. myspace.com peace, stay blessed.
Nairobi: Part Two "Mama Ngina Orphanage"
Visiting the orphans at Mama Ngina Childrens Home- South C, Nairobi, Kenya...
published: 19 Oct 2010
author: justantinople
Nairobi: Part Two "Mama Ngina Orphanage"
Visiting the orphans at Mama Ngina Childrens Home- South C, Nairobi, Kenya
Child care accuse home commitee of mismanaging children fund 21/09/09
Members of the committee that has been running Mama Ngina Kenyatta Childrens home now say ...
published: 21 Sep 2009
author: NTVKenya
Child care accuse home commitee of mismanaging children fund 21/09/09
Members of the committee that has been running Mama Ngina Kenyatta Childrens home now say they turned over part of the premises to private users to generate revenue for the home. They claim the property was rented out in consultation with the Child welfare society of Kenya. The Child Welfare Society has in the past few days accused the committee of mismanaging the home
published: 19 Apr 2012
author: olesakuda
Msmamizi wa makao ya watoto atoweka 14/09/09
www.ntv.co.ke Watoto 60 wanaoishi katika makao ya watoto ya Mama Ngina Kenyatta yalioko mt...
published: 14 Sep 2009
author: NTVKenya
Msmamizi wa makao ya watoto atoweka 14/09/09
www.ntv.co.ke Watoto 60 wanaoishi katika makao ya watoto ya Mama Ngina Kenyatta yalioko mtaani South C wamekuwa wakitaabika baada ya msimamizi wao kufunga stoo za vyakula na vitu vya usafi na kutoweka takriban siku tano zilizopita. Wakiongozwa na mwenyekiti wanachama wa shirika la maslahi ya mtoto nchini, walilazimika kuvunja milango baada ya kupata kibali kutoka mahakamani. Msimamizi wa makao hayo Janet Mwiti amehudumu hapo kwa takriban miaka kumi..
El 6 de octubre de 2002 en Roma, en 2 minutos
Han pasado nueve años desde que el Papa Juan Pablo II llamó a san Josemar&ia...;
published: 05 Oct 2011
author: scabious2
El 6 de octubre de 2002 en Roma, en 2 minutos
Han pasado nueve años desde que el Papa Juan Pablo II llamó a san Josemaría "el santo de lo ordinario". Ofrecemos un video de la ceremonia de canonización, celebrada en la Plaza de san Pedro el 6 de octubre de 2002. Datos y cifras de la canonización Los concelebrantes Junto al Papa concelebraron otras 42 personas entre cardenales, arzobispos, obispos y sacerdotes. Entre ellos, el Card. José Saraiva Martins (Prefecto de la Congregación para la Causa de los Santos), así como los cardenales Antonio María Rouco Varela, arzobispo de Madrid (diócesis donde vivió el nuevo santo hasta su traslado a Roma y donde tuvo lugar la fundación del Opus Dei en 1928), Sodano, Ruini, Meissner, Etchegaray. Además, estaban también presentes mons. Omella (obispo de Barbastro, ciudad de nacimiento de san Josemaría), y mons. Javier Echevarría (Prelado del Opus Dei). En el presbiterio A la izquierda del altar papal se encontraban las autoridades eclesiásticas, más de 400 entre cardenales, arzobispos y obispos. Muchos de ellos vinieron a Roma acompañando peregrinajes de sus propios países. Cabe destacar la presencia de 50 obispos africanos, 53 españoles y 55 italianos. Entre los otros obispos se encontraban SE mons. Kondrusievic, de Moscú, arzobispos maronitas y un obispo caldeo del Líbano y dos obispos de Cuba. También había representantes de diversas realidades eclesiales como mons. Camisasca, Kiko Argüello, Carmen Hernández y Andrea Riccardi. Entre los superiores de órdenes religiosas estuvieron <b>...</b>
Initiativen im Bereich von Bildung und Erziehung in Afrika: Harambee
Am Abend des 4. Oktober 2002 versammelten sich zweitausend Menschen im Auditorium von Sant...
published: 07 Jan 2009
author: scabious2
Initiativen im Bereich von Bildung und Erziehung in Afrika: Harambee
Am Abend des 4. Oktober 2002 versammelten sich zweitausend Menschen im Auditorium von Santa Cecilia in Rom, um der Präsentation des Projekts Harambee beizuwohnen. Dies ist eine Stiftung, die mit den Spenden der Teilnehmer an der Heiligsprechung von Josemaría Escrivá begann. Ihr Ziel ist die Finanzierung von Initiativen im Bereich von Bildung und Erziehung in Afrika. Während der Vorstellung wechselten musikalische Einlagen von Gruppen und Sängern aus aller Welt mit Interviews, Dokumentationen der Länder, wo die Initiativen stattfinden werden, und persönlichen Zeugnissen einander ab. Am Ende sangen alle zusammen Harambee: alle gemeinsam, von Japan bis nach Mexiko, von Großbritannien bis Indonesien alle im Rhythmus der Chöre und der afrikanischen Tänze. Sie sehen ein Video mit einem Überblick über den Abend. Wir alle sind für unsere Zukunft verantwortlich, sagte Léon Tshilolo, der das Krankenhaus Monkole im Kongo vertrat. Aber ich möchte besonders einem Menschen danken, der uns wiederholt mit Worten und mit Taten aufgefordert hat, gratis zu geben, was wir gratis empfangen haben. Ich spreche von Johannes Paul II., den wir alle in Afrika unseren Problemen und unserer Arbeit nahe wissen. Mme Ngina Kenyatta, die Witwe von Jomo Kenyatta, dem ersten Präsidenten von Kenia nach der Unabhängigkeit des Landes, richtete an alle einige bewegende Dankesworte auf Swahili, die von ihrer Tochter simultan übersetzt wurden.
Kenyatta land admission stirs debate
www.ntv.co.ke When the issue of landlessness crops up, the name Jomo Kenyatta never fails ...
published: 23 Aug 2011
author: NTVKenya
Kenyatta land admission stirs debate
www.ntv.co.ke When the issue of landlessness crops up, the name Jomo Kenyatta never fails to feature. Many have questioned how the first family acquired tracts and tracts of land. But the man who oversaw the land commission, Paul Ndungu, says Jomo Kenyatta bought at least 99 percent of the land the family owns.
Securing a legacy
www.ntv.co.ke Indeed the IDPs question remains one of the sticking issues as President Mwa...
published: 10 Oct 2011
author: NTVKenya
Securing a legacy
www.ntv.co.ke Indeed the IDPs question remains one of the sticking issues as President Mwai Kibaki begins working on his legacy,a year to the next general election. The president gave a rare thanks giving ceremony in his own backyard of Othaya to hint at his exit plan and how he would wish to be remembered and as Pamela Asigi reports,the prayers event was laden with symbolism.
Mama Ngina Childrens Home
There was a scuffle this morning at the mama Ngina childrens home in south c, after the pu...
published: 28 Jan 2010
author: kenyacitizentv
Mama Ngina Childrens Home
There was a scuffle this morning at the mama Ngina childrens home in south c, after the pupils of Faulu Academy situated within the children's home were locked out. The management of the childrens home say the school was issued with a three month quit notice last year but has ignored it. Theres more than meets the eye in the saga and traces the whole misunderstanding to past mismanagement of the institution.
Mama Ngina wave rush
waves hitting the walls...
published: 16 Jun 2010
author: lahadmg
Mama Ngina wave rush
waves hitting the walls
Final Prayers For Ruto, Uhuru
Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Eldoret north mp William Ruto, and vice president Ka...
published: 04 Apr 2011
author: kenyacitizentv
Final Prayers For Ruto, Uhuru
Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Eldoret north mp William Ruto, and vice president Kalonzo Musyoka and their allies held a final public rally ahead of the visit of the visit to the Hague at Kenyatta's backyard Gatundu. The rally attended by over 55 mps amongst them 6 minister as well as friends and family centred on reaffirming support for the Ocampo six and on the formation of a new political outfit ahead of the 2012 general election. Willis Raburu was in Gatundu and filed the following report.
kenya 1st lady lucy kibaki at her best
wat makes kenya kenya...mama serious need pf polishing on public speaking kibaki n saitoti...
published: 24 Jan 2008
author: juicethedj
kenya 1st lady lucy kibaki at her best
wat makes kenya kenya...mama serious need pf polishing on public speaking kibaki n saitoti need dance lessons...emotions n comedy