Communist Party of Great Britain
Towards a Communist Party of the EU  |

Communist University 2016

Join us for our annual school, August 6-13, Westminster University, London

Latest updates

Vote for George Galloway and Labour

Vote for George Galloway and Labour

01 May 2016

PCC statement on the May 5 elections

Nationalise Tata

Nationalise Tata

07 April 2016

The CPGB Provisional Central Committee at its meeting on April 3 called for the expropriation of Tata’s UK steel assets in order temporarily to preserve steelworkers’ jobs.

Boycott the EU referendum!

Boycott the EU referendum!

25 February 2016

CPGB statement

Why we're out of Left Unity

Why we're out of Left Unity

22 February 2016

Statement from the Provisional Central Committee of the CPGB

Their Europe - and ours

Their Europe - and ours

05 February 2016

The June 23 referendum on Britain's membership in the EU is a contest between reactionary forces

Concrete actions for socialists in the Labour Party

Concrete actions for socialists in the Labour Party

04 February 2016

Put forward by the Labour Party Marxists

Open the borders!

Open the borders!

03 February 2016

There have never been as many displaced people - and it's all down to capitalism's destructiveness

Theses on the Labour Party

Theses on the Labour Party

02 February 2016

In the light of the revival of the Labour left, we reproduce a motion agreed at a CPGB aggregate in November 2010.

Fascism and the left

Fascism and the left

01 February 2016

Adopted by a members' aggregate in April 19 2008

The Arab awakening and Israel-Palestine

The Arab awakening and Israel-Palestine

01 February 2016

CPGB members' aggregate agrees theses, adopted in 2011