Swift Orientation all 3 Days 7.10.12~7.12.12
We have been vlogging on YouTube since 2009 under a few different channel names: ZombieHunter028, TruckingCoule09, NRsAdventures, PiffleVlogs, TheAdoptedGinger & NRSTC09 . But currently with
Nick's health we wanted to just focus on one main channel for
Vlogging TheRobinsons09.
We are here just documenting our
Life now via the same non-sugar coated reality with food and product reviews, along with life updates and us being us as it happens.
If you want a free small
Decal contact us at the
Following email: TaterCheese@
Twitter: https://twitter.com/taterncheese
Our FaceBook
Group is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TaterandCheese/