Reflections on Orlando: Terror Does Not Discriminate

In the midst of pitched battles over whether some Americans can discriminate against LGBT Americans based on religion, we are viscerally reminded that terror and violence do not discriminate.
Terrance Heath
  • 362

If Anything Can Unite the Democrats, It’s Climate

Even if you are convinced that Clinton's climate platform is insufficient, the logical course of action is not to let the Oval Office become occupied by someone who calls global warming a "hoax."
Bill Scher
  • 194

Burning Issues: U.S. Corporations Evading Taxes

Hillary Clinton has yet to make herself clear on how she would crack down on corporations using offshore havens to avoid paying taxes, Frank Clemente of Americans for Tax Reform says in this Burning Issues video.
Burning Issues Video
  • 150

The Fight for $15 Takes On D.C. and the Democratic Platform

Members of the Democratic Party platform committee were greeted by dozens of low-wage workers challenging them to support "$15 and a union" – on the heels of a victory that showed how people power has changed the game.
Isaiah J. Poole
  • 241

Wasserman Schultz’s Change of Heart Is Too Little, Too Late

The Democratic National Committee chair, in supporting the payday lending industry before changing course, had become a symbol of the failure of Democratic elites to understand that there is an uprising in the land.
Bill Moyers
  • 86

Clinton Makes History; For Sanders “The Struggle Continues”

Hillary Clinton established herself as the "presumptive nominee" of the Democratic Party last night, the first woman to capture that honor. Bernie Sanders, in a speech the media burlesqued, promised to continue the struggle.
Robert Borosage

Burning Issues: Military Trainers in Iraq and Afghanistan

Lt. Col. Daniel Davis questions in this Burning Issues video the strategy of using U.S. troops to train foreign fighters after seeing first hand the failures of this strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Burning Issues Video
  • 392

The Anti-Job-Creation Party Wants Welfare Recipients To Work

The principle that every person who wants to work should have a job is one that progressives and conservatives could unite around – if conservatives believed that government had a role to play in helping to create jobs.
Isaiah J. Poole
  • 117

The Buck Never Stops at Donald Trump

Donald Trump told veterans on national TV that he raised $6 million for them. Then he refused to account for where the money went. Trump believes he should always be praised and never held liable, no matter what he does.
Leo Gerard
  • 391

Social Security’s Enemies Are Down – But They’re Not Out

Things have changed. An idea that was widely dismissed when Sen. Bernie Sanders proposed it in Congress is now the Democratic position. The anti-Social Security army seems to be in ragged retreat. But this isn't over.
Richard Eskow
  • 94

American Culture Is Threatened by Hate Speech

If we allow Donald Trump to radically alter our national culture, to make the unacceptable acceptable, it will be nearly impossible to change it back. Crudeness and bigotry will become mainstream—the new normal.

Trump Has No Use For Dog Whistles

Donald Trump's brazen racism, in addition to being immoral and appalling, is political malpractice. He is so consumed by racism that he can't contain it. He is blinded by it, and is incapable of rational political decision-making.
Bill Scher
  • 110

Burning Issues: How Currency Manipulation Costs Us

The Trans-Pacific Partnership does not address a key driver of the job-sapping trade deficits the United States has with some of its trading partners, trade expert Pat Mulloy explains in this Burning Issues video.
Burning Issues Video
  • 389

Muhammad Ali Speaks to the Activist Soul

Ali's occupation was inseparable from his aspirations, his spiritual ideals inseparable from his worldly activities. That's an important lesson for any historical moment, and for this moment more than most.
Richard Eskow
  • 117

No Gender Bias in Politics? Not So Fast

A professor's provocative assertion that they found "no evidence whatsoever that voters are biased against female candidates" demands a reality check – and more women running for office regardless of whether bias exists.
Courtney Freudenthal
  • 311

May Jobs Report: Ouch!

Startlingly low jobs growth of 38,000 in May, and reductions in previously reported figures for March and April, should warn the Federal Reserve not to raise interest rates. This economy isn't overheating, it's cooling off.
Robert Borosage
  • 242

Making The Case For A Family-Friendly Economy

Economist Heather Boushey's new book, "Finding Time: The Economics of Work-Life Conflict," explains how progressives can make the case for government policies that can help families balance life and work.
Courtney Freudenthal
  • 312

Who Needs To Reach Higher For Higher Education?

Michele Obama on Friday may commend City College of New York graduates for their effort to "reach higher" in education. Let's hope she also tells policy leaders and public officials to reach higher to fund it.
Jeff Bryant
  • 195

Crooked Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s campaign strategy thus far is to paint Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton as “crooked,” but “Crooked Donald Trump” is far more accurate. A Trump presidency would be just another scam, like Trump University.
Terrance Heath
  • 105
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