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About us

Let’s run the world with clean technologies The two record-breaking solo flights of André Borschberg from Nagoya to Hawaii and Bertrand Piccard from Hawaii to San Francisco give a clear message: everybody could use the same technologies on the ground to halve our world’s energy consumption, save natural resources and improve our quality of life.


Pioneering for clean technologies Two pilots associated to demonstrate the potential of cleantechs: Bertrand Piccard, psychiatrist and explorer with his avant-gardist vision, and André Borschberg, engineer and entrepreneur with his managerial experience.

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The adventure continues

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Around the world

35 000 km without fuel to show change is possible A bold challenge and an meaningful adventure around the world to encourage people to protect our quality of life by using energy efficiency and renewable energies. Travelling across land and ocean, to inspire the public, students, entrepreneurs and political leaders. Let’s spread the #futureisclean message.

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Leg 1
Abu Dhabi to Muscat

Leg 2
Muscat to Ahmedabad

Leg 3
Ahmedabad to Varanasi

Leg 4
Varanasi to Mandalay

Leg 5
Mandalay to Chongqing

Leg 6
Chongqing to Nanjing

Leg 7
Nanjing to Nagoya

Leg 8
Nagoya to Hawaii

Leg 9
Hawaii to San Francisco

Leg 10
San Francisco to Phoenix

Leg 11
Phoenix to Tulsa

Leg 12
Tulsa to Dayton

Leg 13
Dayton to Lehigh Valley

Leg 14
Lehigh Valley to New York


A flying laboratory full of clean technologies 12 years of research and development, to develop an aircraft powered by dozens of environmentally friendly products and processes built with our partners. These technologies are opening up new industrial markets and offering an opportunity for economic development, job creation and profit.

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Join us

Spread the word A clean future will not happen without you. Invite friends and family to join the cause and get involved in the discussion. Apply clean technologies to your life, and encourage others to do so. Help us raise awareness about clean techs in schools by helping us to finance our educational activities.