IT'S every advertiser's dream: images so real they seem to jump from the billboard, attracting even the most bored consumer.

Melbourne's Westfield, Doncaster and Southland shopping centres are among a handful of centres to get 3D billboards, using printing technology recently developed in Canada.

The posters have been printed with two images overlaid with a plastic lens layer, giving the impression of 3D figures in motion.

The ads are for M&M's and show its self-styled characters dressed in their coloured shells being denuded to plain chocolate, as part of the ad campaign around ''naked'' M&M's chocolates.

TorchMedia, which developed the campaign with Starcom MediaVest, has begun introducing the ads in Melbourne, Geelong, Sydney and Queensland, and plans to soon have them on 100 billboards.

The posters were printed in Canada because Australian and New Zealand manufacturers were unable to produce layers of lenses thin enough for the technology to work.

The 3D technology will also be used in advertisements for Tim Burton's film, Alice in Wonderland.