- published: 09 Mar 2016
- views: 275972
Defecation (from late Latin defecatio) is the final act of digestion by which organisms eliminate solid, semisolid or liquid waste material (feces) from the digestive tract via the anus. Waves of muscular contraction known as peristalsis in the walls of the colon move fecal matter through the digestive tract towards the rectum. Undigested food may also be expelled this way in the process called egestion.
In the adult human, the process of defecation, or the defecation cycle, is normally a combination of both voluntary and involuntary processes with force. The defecation cycle is the interval of time between the completion of one defecation, and the completion of the following defecation. At the start of the cycle, the rectal ampulla (anatomically also: ampulla recti) acts as a temporary storage facility for the unneeded material. As additional fecal material enters the rectum, the rectal walls expand. A sufficient increase in fecal material in the rectum causes stretch receptors from the nervous system located in the rectal walls to trigger the contraction of rectal muscles, relaxation of the internal anal sphincter and an initial contraction of the skeletal muscle of the external sphincter. The relaxation of the internal anal sphincter causes a signal to be sent to the brain indicating an urge to defecate.
Angst erwischt dich
angst besetzt dich
angst wird hungrig
angst agiert
angst frisst seele
seele krenkelt
seele zittert
seele friert
defekt ich bin defekt
(ich brenne aus ich brenne aus)
angst wird grosser
angst wird sterker
angst vermehrt sich macht sich breit
angst frisst weiter
seele wehrt sich
seele krummt sich
seele schreit
defekt ich bin defekt
(ich brenne aus ich brenne aus)