There has been rumours of an Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim remaster on the internet for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, we’ll update you further on the matter with the Bethesda E3 conference on Sunday 12th, June.
As well as this, popular website Eurogamer has reason to believe that Bethesda will be announcing sequels to very popular games such as The Evil Within, Wolfenstein and Prey with the Skyrim remaster – which initially originated from a very reputable insider of the gaming industry Shinobi602, who mentioned a “remaster of sorts … for something”.
Skyrim put users in the shoes of Dovahkiin, Dragon Slayer.
Yesterday was also big for this news as a German gaming website had a story saying that Skyrim was the remastered game that we should all be looking forward to, with NeoGAF user Enter the Dragon Punch backing up the assumptions saying “it’s real“.
The GAF user went on to say that the remastered game will support “mods, all DLC [and] improved visuals” which, with the release of Fallout 4 mods, I can see this happening and currently works well on Xbox One.
Prey 2 is thought to be different from the initially developed preview we saw way back in 2011, developed by Human Head. We’re now expecting to see a new game build by the developers of the ever popular Dishonoured series, Arkane.
Wolfenstein: New Order 2 is still quiet on the main front, however rumours began to spread with the announcement of the voice actor from the first in the series mentioning that she was working on another game in the series. The Evil Within 2 is in the same boat, with not a lot of notable things being heard, however with the positive response from the first game it’s expected that Bethesda will continue down this route and create a sequel.
We’ll keep you updated when we know any more information. Until then, let us know what you’re expecting to hear from Bethesda at E3! Are you hoping for a Skyrim remaster, or a new Elder Scrolls game entirely? Let us know down below!