Rome Total War: Alexander [Part 05] - Plains Of Lampsacus!
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
Manastirea Dervent .Slujba Sfantului Mucenic Trifon 01 02 2015
Sfântul Mucenic Trifon s-a născut în Frigia, unul din districtele Asiei Mici, în satul Lampsacus. Încă din tinereţe Domnul l-a învrednicit cu puterea izgonirii demonilor şi a vindecării diferitelor boli. Odată, mucenicul a salvat întreaga sa comunitate de la înfometare, oprind cu puterea rugăciunii, invazia lăcustelor care devorau culturile şi grânele oamenilor.
Sf. Trifon a devenit faimos o dată
Faust - Flashback Caruso
You, you are my LSD... I see the world like this song, with you, or without you, forever, in my mind... ______...
Let's Play Rome: Total War: Alexander - Episode 05
By request, the fifth episode of my Rome: Total War: Alexander let's play. In this episode: Alexander engages with the forces of Captain Arsaces, Astrabacus ...
La Expression Connue #1 - Dormirse en los laureles
Episodio #1 de "La Expression Connue" sobre el origen de la expresión "Dormirse en los laureles".
Música utilizada:
Soft - Jingle Punks
Imágenes utilizadas:
"Amphi-Rome" by Tataryn77 - Via Wikimedia Commons
"Greek Colonization Archaic Period" de Regaliorum - Via Wikimedia Commons
"Stater Zeus Lampsacus CdM" de Marie-Lan Nguyen - Via Wikimedia Commons
"Julius Caesar" de Nicolas Coustou - Via Wi
The angel of this day for The Holy Martyr Tryphon- Bekhit Fahim
Coptic church music
The Holy Martyr Tryphon was from Lampsacus in Phrygia, and as a young man he tended geese. Being filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, he also healed sufferings and cast out demons. During the reign of the Emperor Decius, about the year 250, he was betrayed as a Christian and taken to Nicea, where he was beaten, bound to horses and dra
Making Your Own Custom Coin
In this video we're looking closer at how to make your own brass coin, all the way from getting a 3d model of a head to put on the coin, to milling and finishing the coin to make it look interesting. Follow along on this numismatic journey!
Autodesk 123D Catch: http://www.123dapp.com/catch
Shapeways: http://www.shapeways.com
Follow and like Switch & Lever on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com
The strange and fascinating counter-culture or underground that flourished in that decade. No satisfactory scholarly history of this period presently exists,...
The Courageous Sufferings of Faith
The Courageous Sufferings of Faith (Hebrews 11:35b-38) by Rev. Martyn McGeown I. Terrible Sufferings II. Sufferings Through Faith III. Victorious Sufferings ...
Shogun: Total War [Part 1]: Clan Shimazu
It is the middle of the 15th century, the Sengoku Jidai- the age of a country at war- is upon us. Seven warring clans are fighting for control over Japan, bu...
King Arthur's Gold - Zombie What?
Messed up rendering Shogun Total War, it will resume tomorrow.
Amber is fossilized tree resin , which has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since Neolithic times. Much valued from antiquity to the present...
(Re-Upload) Zombie Genocide #01
This is a re-upload from my old channel, TheWanderMark. The game is King Arthur's Gold, developed by Transhuman Design. Thanks for watching, enjoy!
(Re-Upload) Zombie Genocide #08
This is a re-upload from my old channel, TheWanderMark. The game is King Arthur's Gold, developed by Transhuman Design. Thanks for watching, enjoy!
Rome Total War: Alexander [Part 04] - March To War!
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
Rome Total War: Alexander [Part 01] - Fortune Favors The Bold!
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
Project: Total War
I want to strangle myself right now! I tried to make it sound all epic-like, but it ended up all un-epic.
Rome Total War: Alexander [Part 03] - Surrounded, Not Hopeless!
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
Themistocles or Themistokles (/θəˈmɪstəˌkliːz/; Greek: Θεμιστοκλῆς [tʰemistoklɛ̂ːs]; "Glory of the Law"; c. 524–459 BC) was an Athenian politician and genera...
ockpii and WanderMark Play KAG Zombie Fortress Special! Part 2
Hi, hey, hello! Here's a special treat, for all of you that are into good old fashioned, pixelated carnage! In this King Arthur's Gold special, I've joined f...
Alexander The Great --- Book (Full) With Subtitles
Visit to read with original illustration:: http://mysticbookz.blogspot.com/2013/07/alexander-great-by-jacob-abbott.html Please Subscribe and Share:: Alexande...
Lapseki Lampsakos ΝΕΑ ΖΩΗ Λάμψακος Tanıtım Trailer
Shogun: Total War [Part 2]: Conquering The Isle
It is the middle of the 15th century, the Sengoku Jidai- the age of a country at war- is upon us. Seven warring clans are fighting for control over Japan, bu...
Rome Total War: Alexander [Part 05] - Plains Of Lampsacus!
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!...
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
wn.com/Rome Total War Alexander Part 05 Plains Of Lampsacus
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
- published: 27 Apr 2014
- views: 18
author: MarkAtWar
Manastirea Dervent .Slujba Sfantului Mucenic Trifon 01 02 2015
Sfântul Mucenic Trifon s-a născut în Frigia, unul din districtele Asiei Mici, în satul Lampsacus. Încă din tinereţe Domnul l-a învrednicit cu puterea izgonirii ...
Sfântul Mucenic Trifon s-a născut în Frigia, unul din districtele Asiei Mici, în satul Lampsacus. Încă din tinereţe Domnul l-a învrednicit cu puterea izgonirii demonilor şi a vindecării diferitelor boli. Odată, mucenicul a salvat întreaga sa comunitate de la înfometare, oprind cu puterea rugăciunii, invazia lăcustelor care devorau culturile şi grânele oamenilor.
Sf. Trifon a devenit faimos o dată cu izgonirea unui demon din fiica împăratului roman Gordian (238-244) şi atunci când îi ajuta pe cei neputincioşi nu le cerea altceva decât credinţă în Mântuitorul Iisus Hristos cu a Cărui slavă îi vindeca.
Când la tronul imperial a ajuns împăratul Decius (249-251), acesta a început o persecuţie atroce împotriva creştinilor. Cineva l-a pârât comandantului Aquilinus pe Sf. Trifon spunându-i că acesta propovăduia cu mare evlavie credinţa în Hristos şi că pe mulţi i-a botezat. Curând sfântul a fost arestat şi interogat, timp în care şi-a apărat cu putere credinţa sa.
Pentru mărturisirea sa sfântul a fost supus unor torturi îngrozitoare: a fost lovit cu bâtele, trupul i-a fost scrijelit cu gheare de fier, a fost ars, i s-au bătut cuie în tălpi şi dus prin oraş pe jos. Toate acestea sfântul le-a îndurat cu răbdare.
În cele din urmă a fost condamnat la tăierea capului cu sabia. Sfântul mucenic s-a rugat înainte de execuţie, mulţumind lui Dumnezeu pentru că l-a întărit în încercările sale. El s-a mai rugat Domnului să miluiască pe cei care-l vor chema în ajutor. Când soldaţii au ridicat sabia să-i taie capul, sfântul şi-a şi dat sufletul în mâinile lui Dumnezeu, acestea petrecându-se în Niceea, în anul 250.
Creştinii au înfăşurat trupul sfântului într-un giulgiu curat, cu intenţia de a-l îngropa în Niceea, acolo unde a suferit, dar sfântul li s-a arătat şi le-a cerut să-i ducă trupul în satul natal, Lampsacus. Mai târziu, moaştele Sfântului Trifon au fost mutate la Constantinopol şi apoi la Roma.
În Rusia, Sf. Trifon este considerat sfântul patron al păsărilor deoarece, după cum se povesteşte, odată Ţarul Ivan cel Groaznic a ieşit la vânătoare iar îngrijitorul şoimului a scăpat din neatenţie pasărea preferată a ţarului. Acesta i-a dat termen îngrijitorului Trifon Patrikeiev să aducă pasărea în trei zile, iar dacă nu, va fi condamnat la moarte. Trifon a căutat pasărea prin toată pădurea dar fără rezultat.
În cea de-a treia zi, sfârşit de oboseală după atâta căutare, îngrijitorul s-a întors la Moscova, la locul numit Crângul Marinaya. Întinzându-se ca să se odihnească, s-a rugat sfântului patron al său, Sf. Mucenic Trifon, chemându-l în ajutor.
În vis a văzut un tânăr pe un cal alb care ţinea pe mână şoimul ţarului. Acesta i-a spus: "Ia pasărea pierdută şi o du ţarului şi nu te mai necăji." Când s-a trezit, îngrijitorul a zărit pasărea stând pe un brad. A luat-o, a dus-o ţarului şi i-a spus ce ajutor miraculos a primit de la Sf. Mucenic Trifon. Drept mulţumire că i-a salvat viaţa, Trifon Patrikeiev a construit o capelă în locul unde i-a apărut Sf. Trifon. Mai târziu, a construit chiar şi o biserică cu hramul Sf. Trifon în Moscova.
În Biserica Ortodoxă Rusă sfântul este slăvit ca şi protectorul divin al Moscovei. În multe icoane ruseşti, Sfântul Trifon apare cu un şoim pe braţ.
wn.com/Manastirea Dervent .Slujba Sfantului Mucenic Trifon 01 02 2015
Sfântul Mucenic Trifon s-a născut în Frigia, unul din districtele Asiei Mici, în satul Lampsacus. Încă din tinereţe Domnul l-a învrednicit cu puterea izgonirii demonilor şi a vindecării diferitelor boli. Odată, mucenicul a salvat întreaga sa comunitate de la înfometare, oprind cu puterea rugăciunii, invazia lăcustelor care devorau culturile şi grânele oamenilor.
Sf. Trifon a devenit faimos o dată cu izgonirea unui demon din fiica împăratului roman Gordian (238-244) şi atunci când îi ajuta pe cei neputincioşi nu le cerea altceva decât credinţă în Mântuitorul Iisus Hristos cu a Cărui slavă îi vindeca.
Când la tronul imperial a ajuns împăratul Decius (249-251), acesta a început o persecuţie atroce împotriva creştinilor. Cineva l-a pârât comandantului Aquilinus pe Sf. Trifon spunându-i că acesta propovăduia cu mare evlavie credinţa în Hristos şi că pe mulţi i-a botezat. Curând sfântul a fost arestat şi interogat, timp în care şi-a apărat cu putere credinţa sa.
Pentru mărturisirea sa sfântul a fost supus unor torturi îngrozitoare: a fost lovit cu bâtele, trupul i-a fost scrijelit cu gheare de fier, a fost ars, i s-au bătut cuie în tălpi şi dus prin oraş pe jos. Toate acestea sfântul le-a îndurat cu răbdare.
În cele din urmă a fost condamnat la tăierea capului cu sabia. Sfântul mucenic s-a rugat înainte de execuţie, mulţumind lui Dumnezeu pentru că l-a întărit în încercările sale. El s-a mai rugat Domnului să miluiască pe cei care-l vor chema în ajutor. Când soldaţii au ridicat sabia să-i taie capul, sfântul şi-a şi dat sufletul în mâinile lui Dumnezeu, acestea petrecându-se în Niceea, în anul 250.
Creştinii au înfăşurat trupul sfântului într-un giulgiu curat, cu intenţia de a-l îngropa în Niceea, acolo unde a suferit, dar sfântul li s-a arătat şi le-a cerut să-i ducă trupul în satul natal, Lampsacus. Mai târziu, moaştele Sfântului Trifon au fost mutate la Constantinopol şi apoi la Roma.
În Rusia, Sf. Trifon este considerat sfântul patron al păsărilor deoarece, după cum se povesteşte, odată Ţarul Ivan cel Groaznic a ieşit la vânătoare iar îngrijitorul şoimului a scăpat din neatenţie pasărea preferată a ţarului. Acesta i-a dat termen îngrijitorului Trifon Patrikeiev să aducă pasărea în trei zile, iar dacă nu, va fi condamnat la moarte. Trifon a căutat pasărea prin toată pădurea dar fără rezultat.
În cea de-a treia zi, sfârşit de oboseală după atâta căutare, îngrijitorul s-a întors la Moscova, la locul numit Crângul Marinaya. Întinzându-se ca să se odihnească, s-a rugat sfântului patron al său, Sf. Mucenic Trifon, chemându-l în ajutor.
În vis a văzut un tânăr pe un cal alb care ţinea pe mână şoimul ţarului. Acesta i-a spus: "Ia pasărea pierdută şi o du ţarului şi nu te mai necăji." Când s-a trezit, îngrijitorul a zărit pasărea stând pe un brad. A luat-o, a dus-o ţarului şi i-a spus ce ajutor miraculos a primit de la Sf. Mucenic Trifon. Drept mulţumire că i-a salvat viaţa, Trifon Patrikeiev a construit o capelă în locul unde i-a apărut Sf. Trifon. Mai târziu, a construit chiar şi o biserică cu hramul Sf. Trifon în Moscova.
În Biserica Ortodoxă Rusă sfântul este slăvit ca şi protectorul divin al Moscovei. În multe icoane ruseşti, Sfântul Trifon apare cu un şoim pe braţ.
- published: 04 Feb 2015
- views: 7
Faust - Flashback Caruso
You, you are my LSD... I see the world like this song, with you, or without you, forever, in my mind... ______......
You, you are my LSD... I see the world like this song, with you, or without you, forever, in my mind... ______...
wn.com/Faust Flashback Caruso
You, you are my LSD... I see the world like this song, with you, or without you, forever, in my mind... ______...
- published: 07 Apr 2010
- views: 5413
author: Lampsacus
Let's Play Rome: Total War: Alexander - Episode 05
By request, the fifth episode of my Rome: Total War: Alexander let's play. In this episode: Alexander engages with the forces of Captain Arsaces, Astrabacus ......
By request, the fifth episode of my Rome: Total War: Alexander let's play. In this episode: Alexander engages with the forces of Captain Arsaces, Astrabacus ...
wn.com/Let's Play Rome Total War Alexander Episode 05
By request, the fifth episode of my Rome: Total War: Alexander let's play. In this episode: Alexander engages with the forces of Captain Arsaces, Astrabacus ...
La Expression Connue #1 - Dormirse en los laureles
Episodio #1 de "La Expression Connue" sobre el origen de la expresión "Dormirse en los laureles".
Música utilizada:
Soft - Jingle Punks
Imágenes utilizadas:
Episodio #1 de "La Expression Connue" sobre el origen de la expresión "Dormirse en los laureles".
Música utilizada:
Soft - Jingle Punks
Imágenes utilizadas:
"Amphi-Rome" by Tataryn77 - Via Wikimedia Commons
"Greek Colonization Archaic Period" de Regaliorum - Via Wikimedia Commons
"Stater Zeus Lampsacus CdM" de Marie-Lan Nguyen - Via Wikimedia Commons
"Julius Caesar" de Nicolas Coustou - Via Wikimedia Commons
YouTube button image - Andrew Macarthy
wn.com/La Expression Connue 1 Dormirse En Los Laureles
Episodio #1 de "La Expression Connue" sobre el origen de la expresión "Dormirse en los laureles".
Música utilizada:
Soft - Jingle Punks
Imágenes utilizadas:
"Amphi-Rome" by Tataryn77 - Via Wikimedia Commons
"Greek Colonization Archaic Period" de Regaliorum - Via Wikimedia Commons
"Stater Zeus Lampsacus CdM" de Marie-Lan Nguyen - Via Wikimedia Commons
"Julius Caesar" de Nicolas Coustou - Via Wikimedia Commons
YouTube button image - Andrew Macarthy
- published: 08 Sep 2014
- views: 4
The angel of this day for The Holy Martyr Tryphon- Bekhit Fahim
Coptic church music
The Holy Martyr Tryphon was from Lampsacus in Phrygia, and as a young man he tended geese. Being fill...
Coptic church music
The Holy Martyr Tryphon was from Lampsacus in Phrygia, and as a young man he tended geese. Being filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, he also healed sufferings and cast out demons. During the reign of the Emperor Decius, about the year 250, he was betrayed as a Christian and taken to Nicea, where he was beaten, bound to horses and dragged over rough ground, then dragged naked over nails; his sides were burned with torches; finally he was sentenced to beheading, but gave up his holy soul in his torments before the stroke of the sword. Saint Tryphon is one of the Holy Unmercenaries, and is also invoked for the protection of gardens from insects and pests.
O the angel of this day, flying up with this hymn, remember us before the Lord, that he may forgive us our sins.
+ The sick heal them, those who have slept O Lord repose them, and all of our brothers in distress, help us my Lord and all of them.
May God bless us, and let us bless His holy name, and may His praise continually be, always upon our mouths.
+ For blessed is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the perfect Trinity, we worship Him and glorify Him.
wn.com/The Angel Of This Day For The Holy Martyr Tryphon Bekhit Fahim
Coptic church music
The Holy Martyr Tryphon was from Lampsacus in Phrygia, and as a young man he tended geese. Being filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, he also healed sufferings and cast out demons. During the reign of the Emperor Decius, about the year 250, he was betrayed as a Christian and taken to Nicea, where he was beaten, bound to horses and dragged over rough ground, then dragged naked over nails; his sides were burned with torches; finally he was sentenced to beheading, but gave up his holy soul in his torments before the stroke of the sword. Saint Tryphon is one of the Holy Unmercenaries, and is also invoked for the protection of gardens from insects and pests.
O the angel of this day, flying up with this hymn, remember us before the Lord, that he may forgive us our sins.
+ The sick heal them, those who have slept O Lord repose them, and all of our brothers in distress, help us my Lord and all of them.
May God bless us, and let us bless His holy name, and may His praise continually be, always upon our mouths.
+ For blessed is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the perfect Trinity, we worship Him and glorify Him.
- published: 14 Feb 2014
- views: 30
Making Your Own Custom Coin
In this video we're looking closer at how to make your own brass coin, all the way from getting a 3d model of a head to put on the coin, to milling and finishin...
In this video we're looking closer at how to make your own brass coin, all the way from getting a 3d model of a head to put on the coin, to milling and finishing the coin to make it look interesting. Follow along on this numismatic journey!
Autodesk 123D Catch: http://www.123dapp.com/catch
Shapeways: http://www.shapeways.com
Follow and like Switch & Lever on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SwitchAndLever
Instagram: http://instagram.com/switchandlever
Twitter: https://twitter.com/switchandlever
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/switchandlever/
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=174927629
And check out the Switch & Lever online store at:
Josh Woodward - She Lost Her Wings
Josh Woodward - Frannie
KINGS of Lydia. Uncertain King. Early 6th century BC. EL Third Stater - Trite (4.71 gm)
Yapese stone money in the stone money bank.
1711 Austria Taler - US Dollar Was Name after Talers
Aire-sur-la-Lys 1641, siege coin, silver, 30 x 30 mm
Coin of King George IV of Georgia "Lasha", 1210 AD
Public domain
British florin 1967 reverse
Public domain
Genuine Mohawk Nickel
jetons plastiek
Tasty Treat
Stater Zeus Lampsacus CdM
Public domain
Silver Coin
Star Wars
Marshall Islands - 10 dollars - 1995 (Elvis Presley)
Cubic Stucture and Floor Depth Map
My First Metallic 3D Print
cling film
wn.com/Making Your Own Custom Coin
In this video we're looking closer at how to make your own brass coin, all the way from getting a 3d model of a head to put on the coin, to milling and finishing the coin to make it look interesting. Follow along on this numismatic journey!
Autodesk 123D Catch: http://www.123dapp.com/catch
Shapeways: http://www.shapeways.com
Follow and like Switch & Lever on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SwitchAndLever
Instagram: http://instagram.com/switchandlever
Twitter: https://twitter.com/switchandlever
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/switchandlever/
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=174927629
And check out the Switch & Lever online store at:
Josh Woodward - She Lost Her Wings
Josh Woodward - Frannie
KINGS of Lydia. Uncertain King. Early 6th century BC. EL Third Stater - Trite (4.71 gm)
Yapese stone money in the stone money bank.
1711 Austria Taler - US Dollar Was Name after Talers
Aire-sur-la-Lys 1641, siege coin, silver, 30 x 30 mm
Coin of King George IV of Georgia "Lasha", 1210 AD
Public domain
British florin 1967 reverse
Public domain
Genuine Mohawk Nickel
jetons plastiek
Tasty Treat
Stater Zeus Lampsacus CdM
Public domain
Silver Coin
Star Wars
Marshall Islands - 10 dollars - 1995 (Elvis Presley)
Cubic Stucture and Floor Depth Map
My First Metallic 3D Print
cling film
- published: 30 Jul 2015
- views: 301
The strange and fascinating counter-culture or underground that flourished in that decade. No satisfactory scholarly history of this period presently exists,......
The strange and fascinating counter-culture or underground that flourished in that decade. No satisfactory scholarly history of this period presently exists,...
The strange and fascinating counter-culture or underground that flourished in that decade. No satisfactory scholarly history of this period presently exists,...
- published: 30 Aug 2009
- views: 216
author: vitrohype
The Courageous Sufferings of Faith
The Courageous Sufferings of Faith (Hebrews 11:35b-38) by Rev. Martyn McGeown I. Terrible Sufferings II. Sufferings Through Faith III. Victorious Sufferings ......
The Courageous Sufferings of Faith (Hebrews 11:35b-38) by Rev. Martyn McGeown I. Terrible Sufferings II. Sufferings Through Faith III. Victorious Sufferings ...
wn.com/The Courageous Sufferings Of Faith
The Courageous Sufferings of Faith (Hebrews 11:35b-38) by Rev. Martyn McGeown I. Terrible Sufferings II. Sufferings Through Faith III. Victorious Sufferings ...
- published: 12 May 2013
- views: 63
author: CPRCNI
Shogun: Total War [Part 1]: Clan Shimazu
It is the middle of the 15th century, the Sengoku Jidai- the age of a country at war- is upon us. Seven warring clans are fighting for control over Japan, bu......
It is the middle of the 15th century, the Sengoku Jidai- the age of a country at war- is upon us. Seven warring clans are fighting for control over Japan, bu...
wn.com/Shogun Total War Part 1 Clan Shimazu
It is the middle of the 15th century, the Sengoku Jidai- the age of a country at war- is upon us. Seven warring clans are fighting for control over Japan, bu...
King Arthur's Gold - Zombie What?
Messed up rendering Shogun Total War, it will resume tomorrow....
Messed up rendering Shogun Total War, it will resume tomorrow.
wn.com/King Arthur's Gold Zombie What
Messed up rendering Shogun Total War, it will resume tomorrow.
- published: 14 Mar 2013
- views: 273
author: MarkAtWar
Amber is fossilized tree resin , which has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since Neolithic times. Much valued from antiquity to the present......
Amber is fossilized tree resin , which has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since Neolithic times. Much valued from antiquity to the present...
Amber is fossilized tree resin , which has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since Neolithic times. Much valued from antiquity to the present...
(Re-Upload) Zombie Genocide #01
This is a re-upload from my old channel, TheWanderMark. The game is King Arthur's Gold, developed by Transhuman Design. Thanks for watching, enjoy!...
This is a re-upload from my old channel, TheWanderMark. The game is King Arthur's Gold, developed by Transhuman Design. Thanks for watching, enjoy!
wn.com/(Re Upload) Zombie Genocide 01
This is a re-upload from my old channel, TheWanderMark. The game is King Arthur's Gold, developed by Transhuman Design. Thanks for watching, enjoy!
- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 284
author: MarkAtWar
(Re-Upload) Zombie Genocide #08
This is a re-upload from my old channel, TheWanderMark. The game is King Arthur's Gold, developed by Transhuman Design. Thanks for watching, enjoy!...
This is a re-upload from my old channel, TheWanderMark. The game is King Arthur's Gold, developed by Transhuman Design. Thanks for watching, enjoy!
wn.com/(Re Upload) Zombie Genocide 08
This is a re-upload from my old channel, TheWanderMark. The game is King Arthur's Gold, developed by Transhuman Design. Thanks for watching, enjoy!
- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 55
Rome Total War: Alexander [Part 04] - March To War!
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!...
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
wn.com/Rome Total War Alexander Part 04 March To War
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
- published: 26 Apr 2014
- views: 9
author: MarkAtWar
Rome Total War: Alexander [Part 01] - Fortune Favors The Bold!
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!...
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
wn.com/Rome Total War Alexander Part 01 Fortune Favors The Bold
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
- published: 23 Apr 2014
- views: 46
author: MarkAtWar
Project: Total War
I want to strangle myself right now! I tried to make it sound all epic-like, but it ended up all un-epic....
I want to strangle myself right now! I tried to make it sound all epic-like, but it ended up all un-epic.
wn.com/Project Total War
I want to strangle myself right now! I tried to make it sound all epic-like, but it ended up all un-epic.
- published: 10 Mar 2013
- views: 22
Rome Total War: Alexander [Part 03] - Surrounded, Not Hopeless!
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!...
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
wn.com/Rome Total War Alexander Part 03 Surrounded, Not Hopeless
Once upon a time, there was this dude name Alexander, he was kinda great. Will he be able to conquer the whole wide world? Let's find out!
- published: 25 Apr 2014
- views: 14
author: MarkAtWar
Themistocles or Themistokles (/θəˈmɪstəˌkliːz/; Greek: Θεμιστοκλῆς [tʰemistoklɛ̂ːs]; "Glory of the Law"; c. 524–459 BC) was an Athenian politician and genera......
Themistocles or Themistokles (/θəˈmɪstəˌkliːz/; Greek: Θεμιστοκλῆς [tʰemistoklɛ̂ːs]; "Glory of the Law"; c. 524–459 BC) was an Athenian politician and genera...
Themistocles or Themistokles (/θəˈmɪstəˌkliːz/; Greek: Θεμιστοκλῆς [tʰemistoklɛ̂ːs]; "Glory of the Law"; c. 524–459 BC) was an Athenian politician and genera...
- published: 05 Aug 2014
- views: 8
author: Audiopedia
ockpii and WanderMark Play KAG Zombie Fortress Special! Part 2
Hi, hey, hello! Here's a special treat, for all of you that are into good old fashioned, pixelated carnage! In this King Arthur's Gold special, I've joined f......
Hi, hey, hello! Here's a special treat, for all of you that are into good old fashioned, pixelated carnage! In this King Arthur's Gold special, I've joined f...
wn.com/Ockpii And Wandermark Play Kag Zombie Fortress Special Part 2
Hi, hey, hello! Here's a special treat, for all of you that are into good old fashioned, pixelated carnage! In this King Arthur's Gold special, I've joined f...
- published: 21 Dec 2012
- views: 1993
author: MarkAtWar
Alexander The Great --- Book (Full) With Subtitles
Visit to read with original illustration:: http://mysticbookz.blogspot.com/2013/07/alexander-great-by-jacob-abbott.html Please Subscribe and Share:: Alexande......
Visit to read with original illustration:: http://mysticbookz.blogspot.com/2013/07/alexander-great-by-jacob-abbott.html Please Subscribe and Share:: Alexande...
wn.com/Alexander The Great Book (Full) With Subtitles
Visit to read with original illustration:: http://mysticbookz.blogspot.com/2013/07/alexander-great-by-jacob-abbott.html Please Subscribe and Share:: Alexande...
Shogun: Total War [Part 2]: Conquering The Isle
It is the middle of the 15th century, the Sengoku Jidai- the age of a country at war- is upon us. Seven warring clans are fighting for control over Japan, bu......
It is the middle of the 15th century, the Sengoku Jidai- the age of a country at war- is upon us. Seven warring clans are fighting for control over Japan, bu...
wn.com/Shogun Total War Part 2 Conquering The Isle
It is the middle of the 15th century, the Sengoku Jidai- the age of a country at war- is upon us. Seven warring clans are fighting for control over Japan, bu...
- published: 17 Mar 2013
- views: 137
author: MarkAtWar