- published: 28 Jun 2016
- views: 952
Philippe Lamberts (born 1963 in Brussels) is a Belgian politician.
Lamberts graduated as an engineer at the Université catholique de Louvain in 1986. From 1987 to 2009 he worked at IBM in a variety of positions, also as a manager. Between 1999 and 2003 he was an adviser of the Vice-Prime Minister Isabelle Durant on foreign affairs and defence.
Lamberts was the co-spokesperson of the European Green Party between 2006 and 2012. (first with Ulrike Lunacek, then with Monica Frassoni) and has been a Member of the European Parliament for the Ecolo party since 2009. He has been leading the Greens–European Free Alliance in the European Parliament since 2014, alongside co-chair Rebecca Harms. He is a member of the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) and the Committee for Industry, Research and Energy.
As a member of ECON, Lamberts was credited with an amendment to the Fourth Capital Requirements Directive that capped bonus payments in the financial services to no more than 100% of their salary, or 200% with shareholder approval. In 2015, he led calls for a special committee of inquiry into how EU Member States give special tax treatment to “national champions;” he later became a member of the parliament’s Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Other Measures Similar in Nature or Effect.
Décision de la Commission adoptée à propos du paquet "fiscalité des entreprises"
Following attempts by convervatives and socialists to block the extension of the TAXE committee investigating the Luxleaks scandal, Philippe Lamberts speaks his mind to EP President Martin Schulz.
Cette vidéo est une compilation des interventions marquantes de Philippe Lamberts, eurodéputé Ecolo, lors de son mandat 2009-2014. Il s'agit d' interviews, discours en plénière et interventions en commission parlementaire sur ses combats prioritaires. Abonnez-vous à la chaine pour les vidéos complètes et les actualités. Plus d'informations sur http://www.philippelamberts.eu
Philippe Lamberts, coprésident des Verts/ALE au Parlement européen, répond à Henk Koller, président de la Confédération fiscale européenne
The trade deal between the EU and the US is a controversial issue that is being discussed intensively ahead of the upcoming European elections. Green member of the European Parliament, Philippe Lamberts, warns that it will lower European social and environmental standards and it will also hit European democracy as it will give big multinationals powers over individual countries. Peter Chase of the US Chamber of Commerce assures that Europeans have nothing to worry about. Americans are not interested in lowering European standards and only in very specific cases will American companies be able to take European states to court. Get more details, soundbites and the audio recording of the debate at euranetplus-inside.eu/ttip-good-or-bad/
[BONUS #2 ] - La Guerre des Graines Intervention complète de Philippe Lamberts (député EELV) au Parlement Européen, le 18.09.2013, à l'occasion de la venue de Vandana SHIVA.
Emission du 01/05/16 C'est Philippe Lamberts qui s'accoude au "Bar". Le co-président du groupe des Verts semble devenir "Monsieur NON" au Parlement européen. Il est contre tout: contre le secret des affaires, contre le fichier PNR, contre l'accord avec la Turquie, contre le glyphosate...
Et toujours sur le même sujet, retrouvez mon intervention en séance plénière. "Offshoreleaks", "Luxleaks", "Swissleaks", "Panamaleaks": combien de scandales fiscaux faudra-t-il encore attendre pour que la Commission européenne et nos gouvernements se décident enfin à apporter une réponse à la hauteur de l'ampleur du problème? C'est le message que j'ai transmis hier après-midi à Mr. Moscovici (Commissaire européen en charge des affaires économiques et financières, de la fiscalité et l'union douanière).