- published: 20 May 2014
- views: 242
Anna Záborská (born 7 June 1948 in Zürich) is a Slovak politician of the "Christian Democratic Movement" party (Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie, KDH), living in Bojnice. Since 2004 she is a Member of the European Parliament, where she is a member of the Group of the European People's Party (EPP), the largest of the seven political groups in the EP, which is linked to the Pan-European European People's Party (EPP).
From 1966 to 1972 she studied medicine at the Comenius University (Univerzita Komenského) in Martin, Slovakia (Turčiansky Svätý Martin).
She speaks Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Slovak.
On 10 July 1972 she married the architect Vladimír Záborský; together they have two children: Veronika (*1973, living in Rome) and Eva (*1976, living in Bojnice).
She worked from 1972 to 1998 as a medical doctor in Žilina, Béjaïa (Algeria) and Prievidza.
Her political engagement was heavily influenced by her father, the medical doctor Anton Neuwirth (1921-2004), activist of Catholic Action, political prisoner, Member of Parliament, Presidential candidate, Honorary President of KDH and Ambassador.
Anna may refer to:
The European Parliament (EP) is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union (EU). Together with the Council of the European Union (the Council) and the European Commission, it exercises the legislative function of the EU. The Parliament is composed of 751 (previously 766) members, who represent the second largest democratic electorate in the world (after the Parliament of India) and the largest trans-national democratic electorate in the world (375 million eligible voters in 2009).
It has been directly elected every five years by universal suffrage since 1979. However, turnout at European Parliament elections has fallen consecutively at each election since that date, and has been under 50% since 1999. Turnout in 2014 stood at 42.54% of all European voters.
Although the European Parliament has legislative power that the Council and Commission do not possess, it does not formally possess legislative initiative, as most national parliaments of European Union member states do. The Parliament is the "first institution" of the EU (mentioned first in the treaties, having ceremonial precedence over all authority at European level), and shares equal legislative and budgetary powers with the Council (except in a few areas where the special legislative procedures apply). It likewise has equal control over the EU budget. Finally, the European Commission, the executive body of the EU, is accountable to Parliament. In particular, Parliament elects the President of the Commission, and approves (or rejects) the appointment of the Commission as a whole. It can subsequently force the Commission as a body to resign by adopting a motion of censure.
Coordinates: 33°18′0.94″N 44°14′47.68″E / 33.3002611°N 44.2465778°E / 33.3002611; 44.2465778
Camp Liberty is a former United States military installation in Baghdad, Iraq, now being used to house the members of the People's Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI, also called MEK) who were forcibly evicted from Camp Ashraf.
The MEK is a political party that was banned in Iran in the aftermath of the Iranian Revolution, which the government of its host country of Iraq still considers to be a terrorist organization.
Camp Liberty first came into existence during the 2003 invasion of Iraq as Camp Victory North, and was renamed (its Arabic translation is "Camp Al-Tahreer") in mid-September 2004 to its later name of Camp Liberty (in Arabic "Camp Hurriya"). Other camps that made up the Victory Base Complex include Camp Victory (formerly known as Camp Victory South), Camp Striker, Seitz, and Camp Slayer. The renaming was part of an effort to give U.S. facilities around Baghdad friendlier connotations, and an attempt to resolve the issue of constantly changing facility names.
Naživo s Braňom Závodským
Anna Zaboroska, Member of the European Parliament talks about the importance of investing in education regardless any economic or financial crisis, at European Development Days 2016.
Slovak Member of the European Parliament, Anna Zaborska, declared that, after three years of the supposedly 'moderate' President, Hassan Rouhani, MEPs are 'extremely worried by the situation in Iran'. Citing the oppressive treatment of women, children and religious minorities, as well as the increase in executions, Ms Zaborska said that more than 270 MEPs, from all political persuasions, had demanded that the EU conditions its relationship with the regime on respect for human rights. Speaking of Iranian Resistance President-elect Maryam Rajavi, whom she knew well, Ms Zaborska said Mrs Rajavi had 'sacrificed herself for her country'. The Iranian people had shown great courage, and Ms Zaborska was sure the mass rally planned in Paris this week would further a solution for Iran. The Free Ir...
Fenomenálne vystúpenie Slovenskej folklórnej skupiny Lúčnica a hudobníkov zo Zlatých huslí v priestoroch Európskeho parlamentu.
Anna Zaborska, a Member of the European Parliament from Slovakia, has urged international protection for members of the main Iranian opposition group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq. A statement signed by 170 Members of the European Parliament, representing all political groups, condemned the brutal attack of 29 October 2015 on the defenceless Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty and called for international protection for these refugees. This camp is home to over 2000 members of the Iranian opposition PMOI [MEK] which advocates a free and secular Iran, equality between men and women and abolition of the death penalty.
Naživo s Braňom Závodským
Anna Zaborska, a Member of the European Parliament from Slovakia, has urged international protection for members of the main Iranian opposition group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq. A statement signed by 170 Members of the European Parliament, representing all political groups, condemned the brutal attack of 29 October 2015 on the defenceless Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty and called for international protection for these refugees. This camp is home to over 2000 members of the Iranian opposition PMOI [MEK] which advocates a free and secular Iran, equality between men and women and abolition of the death penalty.
Séance Inaugurale Congrès Européen Ethique 2008, avec notamment Anna Zaborska, Malcom Harbour, Philippe Morillon, Claude Baty... Retrouvez la radio PHARE FM sur internet : www.pharefm.com Extrait de la Playlist : Retrouvez en vidéo les interviews réalisées lors du Congrès Européen d'Ethique 2008. Les 23, 24 et 25 mai a eu lieu un forum à l'échelle européenne sur le thème : Chrétien et citoyen, Espérance et responsabilité. Pas moins d'une trentaine d'intervenants et de personnalités tels que députés européens, historiens, théologiens, journalistes et sociologues, animeront des ateliers non-stop du vendredi 23 mai 15h au dimanche 25 mai midi. Durant ces trois jours, à l'heure des infos, retrouvez toute l'Actu du Congrès sur PHARE FM du 23 au 25 mai. Pour tout savoir sur ce congrès...
Anna Záborská – Zmena stravovacích návykov patrí do sféry starostlivosti o verejné zdravie Viac na http://www.europskenoviny.sk
5. máj 2014. UPeCe Bratislava. Ďalšie stretnutie z cyklu „Nenápadní ľudia s veľkým príbehom". Tentokrát s mamou, starou mamou, lekárkou a špičkovou političkou, ktorá obhajuje práva rodiny v Európskom parlamente, bojovníčkou za občianske práva kresťanov v EÚ a patrónkou projektu „Zechráňme životy". Anna Záborská je dcérou Antona Neuwirtha -- jedného z najznámejších katolíckych intelektuálov Slovenska.
Fórum občana na tému "Spravodlivá, efektívna a udržateľná poľnohospodárska politika", ktorú zorganizovala Informačná kancelária Európskeho parlamentu na Slovensku. Prebehlo 15. októbra na na pôde Slovenskej poľnohospodárskej univerzity v Nitre.
A truly epochal event occurred in Moscow on June 29-30/20011: Moscow Demographic Summit has taken place. Russian and foreign advocates of traditional family values had long been waiting for this very important event. The summit speech of ANNA ZABORSKA proposing to your attention.
Anna Záborská – Posilnenie rodinného podnikania pomôže zvýšiť zamestnanosť Viac na http://www.europskenoviny.sk
Anna Záborská – Rodová rovnosť Viac na http://www.europskenoviny.sk
Anna Záborská – Nepodporujem správu o kvótach na základe sociálneho pokroku Viac na http://www.europskenoviny.sk
Anna Záborská – Zmena stravovacích návykov patrí do sféry starostlivosti o verejné zdravie Viac na http://www.europskenoviny.sk
Anna Záborská – Medzinárodný trestný tribunál by sa mal zaoberať skutkami Islamského štátu Viac na http://www.europskenoviny.sk
Europoslankyňa Anna Záborská rozpráva o kontroverznej správe M. Tarabellu.
5. máj 2014. UPeCe Bratislava. Ďalšie stretnutie z cyklu „Nenápadní ľudia s veľkým príbehom". Tentokrát s mamou, starou mamou, lekárkou a špičkovou političkou, ktorá obhajuje práva rodiny v Európskom parlamente, bojovníčkou za občianske práva kresťanov v EÚ a patrónkou projektu „Zechráňme životy". Anna Záborská je dcérou Antona Neuwirtha -- jedného z najznámejších katolíckych intelektuálov Slovenska.
Informačná kancelária Európskeho parlamentu v Bratislave zorganizovala diskusné podujatie zo série "DEBATUJEM S EUROPOSLANCAMI", ktoré sa uskutočnilo v pondelok 9. novembra 2015 o 18:00 v kaviarni FOXFORD na Laurinskej ulici. Debaty sa zúčastnili poslanci EP: Richard Sulík (ECR) a Anna Záborská (EPP).
Europoslanci zvolení na obdobie 2014-2019: Pál Csáky (SMK) Jana Žitňanská (NOVA) Branislav Škripek (OĽaNO) Eduard Kukan (SDKÚ) Richard Sulík (SaS) Ivan Štefanec (SDKÚ) Jósef Nagy (Most-Híd) Anna Záborská (KDH) Miroslav Mikolášik (KDH) Volebná účasť dosiahla 13,04%
EUROPEAN UNION: 'More Focus - More Voters?' (Second panel) Chair: Vladimír Bilčík, Slovak Foreign Policy Association Anna Záborská - Member of the European Parliament (EPP) Monika Flašíková Beňová - Member of the European Parliament (S&D;) Marietje Schaake - Member of the European Parliament (ALDE) //video message// Juraj Droba - Member of the National Council of the SR (NOVA) Robert Hajšel - Head of the EP Information Office in Slovakia Bratislava, 11.04.2014
Ako Úniu ovplyvnia Brexit, voľby v USA, migrácia či terorizmus? Dňa 28. novembra 2016 sa uskutočnila debata na tému: "Mala by sa EÚ reformovať, ak chce prežiť?" Diskusia prebiehala v kaviarni FOXFORD na Obchodnej ulici v Bratislave. Tradičné podujatie organizovala Informačná kancelária EP v spolupráci s Paneurópskou úniou na Slovensku. Cieľom bolo priblížiť postoje Európskeho parlamentu a poslancov EP na aktuálne rezonujúce témy v EÚ. V debate vystúpili poslanci Európskeho parlamentu Anna Záborská (EĽS), Boris Zala (S&D;) a politológ Eduard Chmelár.
Diskusia bola súčasťou festivalu Bratislavské Hanusove dni 2013. Viac info na www.bhd.sk Ako vidia súčasné Slovensko politička, PR manažérka, historik a akademik zo Spoločenstva Ladislava Hanusa? Diskutujú: MONIKA KLOBUŠICKÁ, MARTIN LUTERÁN, JÁN ŠIMULČÍK, ANNA ZÁBORSKÁ