- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 808
Alexander Radwan (born on 30 August 1964 in München) is a German politician and Member of the European Parliament for Bavaria with the Christian Social Union in Bavaria, Member of the Bureau of the European People's Party and sits on the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.
He is a substitute for the Committee on Legal Affairs and a vice-chair of the Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries.
Alexander Radwan (CSU) | Politik direkt - Traumziel Bundestag
Alexander Radwan (CSU) | People & Politics - Dream Destination: The Bundestag
Alexander Radwan on Crisis, Germany, and the EU
BVK im Gespräch: Alexander Radwan MdB
Serie estival, 3ª entrega. La ambición de ser diputado: Alexander Radwan (CSU) | Berlín político
Radwan Ebnaya Hochzeit Bonn .abdo zeko 23 .05 .2009.
Rede zu Verbraucherrechten bei Anlagepleiten - 02.06.2016
Rede zum europäischen Einlagensicherungssystem - 25.02.2016
Rede zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie zu Zahlungskonten - 25.02.2016
Wir portraitieren interessante Kandidaten für den nächsten deutschen Bundestag. Was bewegt die Aspiranten? Warum wollen sie Berufspolitiker werden? Alexander Radwan ist Vollblutpolitiker der CDU-Schwesterpartei CSU. Er war Mitglied im Europa-Parlament und im Bayerischen Landtag. Nun will der Bayer in den Bundestag. Er übernimmt einen ziemlich sicheren Wahlkreis; das Voralpenland. Weitere Beiträge unter: http://www.dw.de/politikdirekt
Alexander Radwan is an experienced politician, and a member of the CSU -- the Bavarian affiliate of the Christian Democrats. He's been a member of the European Parliament and the Bavarian state legislature. Now, Radwan is campaigning for a seat in the German Bundestag. He's running in a pretty safe district in southern Bavaria. Read more: http://www.dw.de/program/people-and-politics/s-3217-9798
In this At Issue Interview, Alexander Radwan, an CSU politician and member of the German Bundestag, discusses current crisis and challenges facing Germany and Europe, including the Greek crisis and unprecedented influx of refugees. Mr. Radwan suggests that a stronger and more powerful EU is needed to addresses these challenges effectively and politicians around Europe should resist the temptation of nationalist rhetoric, which distracts from reaching an effective European solution.
Der BVK im Gespräch mit dem Bundestagsabgeordneten Alexander Radwan (CSU) zu zwei Jahren GroKo und den bisherigen Ergebnissen für die Beteiligungsbranche. Darüber hinaus gibt Radwan einen perspektivischen Ausblick, was die Branche auf Bundes- und EU-Ebene erwartet und wie er die Entwicklung der Bankenwelt - Stichwort Fintech - einschätzt. Produktion: Egon Huschitt, attention media: http://attentionmedia.de/
En esta serie de Berlín político retratamos a interesantes candidatos que aspiran a un escaño en el Bundestag. ¿Cuál es su motivación? ¿Por qué quieren hacer de la política su profesión? ¿Cuáles son sus objetivos y visiones de futuro? ¿Qué quieren obtener para su partido político?
173. Sitzung vom 02.06.2016 | 22:00:00 Uhr | Dauer: 00:03:53
Just a week after Germany’s Christian Social Union party called for stricter regulation of Islam in the country, Alexander Radwan, a CSU member of the Bundestag, has recommended the introduction of a so-called “church tax” for Muslims living in Germany. "If you stop foreign funding of mosques, of course you have to provide sufficient funding here in Germany," Radwan, a member of the European Parliament for Bavaria, told German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung, adding that this could be done similar to the “existing church tax for Catholics and Protestants." Church members in Germany are required to pay tax to fund church activities, so when Germans register as Catholic, Protestant or Jewish on their tax forms, the government receives income tax from them which amounts to 8 or 9 percent of t...
Livevideobericht (Skype) durch Savina Dawood zur Bombenexplosion in Arbil/Irak, die sich am 19.11.2014 ereignete. Livevideoreport (Skype) by Savina Dawood about the suicide bombing happened at the 19th of November in Arbil/Iraq. Podiumsdiskussion am runden Tisch/Livebericht z “Der Arabische Frühling – der Nahe und Mittlere Osten im Umbruch” Gleich zu Beginn unserer Diskussionsrunde, unter Beteiligung von a) Alexander Radwan, MdB, Mitglied im Auswärtigen Ausschuss b) Scott E. Woodward, Stellvertreter des US - Generalkonsuls und Leiter der Abteilung für Politik und Wirtschaft berichtete Savina Dawood, die Botschafterin des ZOCD im Iraqk, via Skype live über den aktuellen Bombenanschlag in Aribl. At the beginning of our discussion with high representatives of the German and US -...
TOP ZP 1 Aktuelle Stunde zu der Verschärfung der kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen in Syrien 154. Sitzung vom 17.02.2016 | 18:24:09 Uhr | Dauer: 00:05:59
The best jokes that the Syrian National Council (SNC) can offer are covered by Radwan Ziadeh's cringeworthy "contributions" to Russia Today's CrossTalk with Peter Lavelle. by: retributionsquad
An der Bundestagsdebatte zum Europäischen Einlagensicherungssystem beteiligen sich: Antje Tillmann (CDU/CSU), Axel Troost (Die Linke), Manfred Zöllmer (SPD), Lisa Paus (B90/Grüne), Alexander Radwan (CDU/CSU), Christian Petry (SPD) und Thomas Dörflinger (CDU/CSU).
An der Bundestagsdebatte über das Europäische System der Finanzaufsicht beteiligen sich: Alexander Radwan (CDU/CSU), Axel Troost (Die Linke), Manfred Zöllmer (SPD), Gerhard Schick (B90/Grüne), Klaus-Peter Flosbach (CDU/CSU) und Christian Petry (SPD)
An der Bundestagsdebatte über Kontenzugang und Zahlungsverkehr in der EU beteiligten sich: Dr. Michael Meister (CDU/CSU), Caren Lay (Die Linke), Ulrich Kelber (SPD), Nicole Maisch (B90/Grüne), Matthias Hauer (CDU/CSU), Susanna Karawanskij (Die Linke), Sarah Ryglewski (SPD), Dr. Gerhard Schick (B90/Grüne), Alexander Radwan (CDU/CSU), Dr. Jens Zimmermann (SPD) und Mechthild Heil (CDU/CSU).
Debatte im Bundestag über Regelungen für die Europäische Bankenunion, mit Reden von: - Ulla Schmidt (SPD, Bundestagsvizepräsidentin) - Klaus-Peter Flosbach (CDU) - Alexander Ulrich (Die Linke) - Johannes Kahrs (SPD) - Sven-Christian Kindler (B90/Grüne) - Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU, Bundesfinanzminister) - Dr. Axel Troost (Die Linke) - Manfred Zöllmer (SPD) - Dr. Gerhard Schick (B90/Grüne) - Norbert Barthle (CDU) - Lothar Binding (SPD) - Alexander Radwan (CSU)
Debatte im Bundestag zur geplanten Europäischen Bankenunion, mit Reden von Wolfgang Schäuble (Bundesfinanzminister, CDU), Sahra Wagenknecht (Die Linke), Carsten Schneider (SPD), Gerhard Schick (B90/Grüne), Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU), Axel Troost (Die Linke), Lothar Binding (SPD), Manuel Sarrazin (B90/Grüne), Antje Tillmann (CDU), Manfred Zöllmer (SPD), Norbert Barthle (CDU) und Alexander Radwan (CSU).
Cornell University Middle Eastern Music Ensemble Spring Concert, Barnes Hall, April 20, 2016. Instrumentalists: Joseph Prusch, violin, director Rebecca Couillard, 'cello & kemence Husamettin Küçük, mandolin & bağlama Radwan Tajeddine, kanoun & vocals Philip Robinson, oud & fiddle Tim Moes, oud Çağrı Berk Onuk, guitar Julia Franke, guitar Bob Alexander, accordion Fatma Rekik, vocals Percussionists: Greg Ezra, daf, darbuka Alicia Freedman, rik, zil, & spoons Ahmad Rafiqi, darbuka, daf Kira Starfire, daf Ibrahim Dasooki, darbuka Dancers: Cornell Persian Dance Troupe Kira Starfire Selenya Mantra (Alicia Freedman) Mané Mehrabyan June Seaney Teszia (Cornell Belly Dance Troupe) For full program details, see: http://cmeme.arts.cornell.edu/images/2016 Spring Concert Program Cover.pdf http...
Camille audiobook by Alexandre Dumas (fils) http://free-audio-books.info/novel/camille-audiobook/ The Lady of the Camellias (French: La Dame aux camélias) is a novel by Alexandre Dumas, fils, first published in 1848, that was subsequently adapted for the stage. The Lady of the Camellias premiered at the Theatre de Vaudeville in Paris, France on February 2, 1852. An instant success, Giuseppe Verdi immediately set about to put the story to music. His work became the 1853 opera La Traviata with the female protagonist "Marguerite Gautier" renamed "Violetta Valéry".
Blair Academy (BLUE) 5 Andre Gayle 10 Findlay Wood 11 Joshua Palmer 20 Sam Newman 22 Michael New 32 Max Richardson 39 Ajou Deng 40 Denzel Ubiaro Cleveland Cavs (WHITE) 8 Patrick Lyons 12 Sedale Hanson-Young 18 Reece Turner 23 Joshua Steel 26 Akwasi Yeboah 28 Daniel Ogunseye 41 Ryan Knowles 49 Radwan Bakkali
Panel 4 Moderator: Ivan Watson, CNN International, US Marwan Kabalan, Sham Center for Research and Studies, Syria Radwan Ziadeh, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, Washington DC Mohammed Alaa Ghanem, American Syrian Council, Washington DC Recorded on 11/4/2013 - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/workshop-on-syria