Adam Bielan o wyborach do europarlamentu (Gość Poranka TVP Info, 13.02.2014)
Janusz Korwin Mikke w REŻIMOWEJ TV kontra Adam Bielan i Joanna Racewicz 13 05 2014
Adam Bielan mówi dla Zasady
Adam Bielan dołączy do partii Jarosława Gowina? (Trójka)
Jacek Sobala - Adam Bielan
Unia Europejskia - plusy i minusy: Joanna Senyszyn vs. Adam Bielan (live)
Walka z gender? - Beata Gosiewska (PIS) vs Adam Bielan (Polska Razem)
Adam Bielan: Jadwigi Kaczyńskiej nie będzie na pogrzebie syna
Adam Bielan: Wypowiedź Kaczyńskiego była niepotrzebna. Nie pomogła PiS
Strefa Euro ? - Beata Gosiewska (PIS) vs Adam Bielan (Polska Razem)
Jarosław Gowin, Krystyna Iglicka-Okólska i Adam Bielan mówią dla Zasady
Adam Bielan życzy Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 2014
Adam Bielan razem z Jarosławem Gowinem?
Adam Bielan: nie mrugam do PiS-u (Gość poranka TVP Info, 23.09.2013)
Adam Bielan o wyborach do europarlamentu (Gość Poranka TVP Info, 13.02.2014)
Janusz Korwin Mikke w REŻIMOWEJ TV kontra Adam Bielan i Joanna Racewicz 13 05 2014
Adam Bielan mówi dla Zasady
Adam Bielan dołączy do partii Jarosława Gowina? (Trójka)
Jacek Sobala - Adam Bielan
Unia Europejskia - plusy i minusy: Joanna Senyszyn vs. Adam Bielan (live)
Walka z gender? - Beata Gosiewska (PIS) vs Adam Bielan (Polska Razem)
Adam Bielan: Jadwigi Kaczyńskiej nie będzie na pogrzebie syna
Adam Bielan: Wypowiedź Kaczyńskiego była niepotrzebna. Nie pomogła PiS
Strefa Euro ? - Beata Gosiewska (PIS) vs Adam Bielan (Polska Razem)
Jarosław Gowin, Krystyna Iglicka-Okólska i Adam Bielan mówią dla Zasady
Adam Bielan życzy Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 2014
Adam Bielan razem z Jarosławem Gowinem?
Adam Bielan: nie mrugam do PiS-u (Gość poranka TVP Info, 23.09.2013)
Adam Bielan: Rozłam w PiS nie rozłamał mojego serca
Adam Bielan komentuje bieżącą sytuację polityczną (TVP Info, 02.10.2013)
Adam Bielan: Palikot, Niesiołowski i Kutz wyginą jak dinozaury
Adam Bielan w szeregach Gowina (TVP Info, 20.01.2014)
Europoseł Adam Bielan o partii Jarosława Gowina i sytuacji PO (TVP Info, 18.12.2013 r.)
Adam Bielan o lewicowości Donalda Tuska (Gość Poranka TVP Info, 10.06.2013)
Adam Bielan o skutkach stołecznego referendum (TVP Info, 16.10.2013)
Adam Bielan
Adam Bielan w Ostrołęce cz1
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Adam Jerzy Bielan ([ˈadam ˈjɛʐɨ ˈbjɛlan], born on 12 September 1974 in Gdańsk, Poland) is a Polish politician and Member of the European Parliament for Lesser Poland and Świętokrzyskie with Poland Comes First. He is Vice-Chairman of the European Conservatives and Reformists political grouping.
Bielan sits on the European Parliament's Committee on Regional Development. Bielan is a substitute for the Committee on Transport and Tourism, a member of the Delegation for relations with Mercosur and a substitute for the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly.
Bielan was chairman of the Independent Students' Union from 1996 to 1998. In September 1997, he was elected to the Sejm for Solidarity Electoral Action on the national list: 9 days after his 23rd birthday. The following year, he joined the Conservative People's Party. In 1999, he became vice-chairman of the European Democrat Students, in which capacity he served for one year.
He joined the Right Alliance (PP) when it was formed in 2001, and ran successfully on the Law and Justice (PiS) list at that year's election in Chrzanów. He joined Law and Justice when the PP merged into it in 2002. He was appointed to the European Parliament on Poland's accession on 1 May 2004 and was re-elected at the election in June 2004, representing Lesser Poland and Świętokrzyskie, which includes Chrzanów.
Adam (Hebrew: אָדָם, Arabic: آدم, Syriac: ܐܵܕ݂ܵܡ) is a figure in the Book of Genesis, the Qur'an and the Kitáb-i-Íqán. According to the creation myth of Abrahamic religions, he is the first human. In the Genesis creation narratives, he was created by Yahweh-Elohim ("Yahweh-God", the god of Israel), though the term "adam" can refer to both the first individual person, as well as to the general creation of humankind. Christian churches differ on how they view Adam's subsequent behavior (often called the Fall of man), and to the consequences that those actions had on the rest of humanity. Christian and Jewish teachings sometimes hold Adam and Eve (the first woman) to a different level of responsibility for the Fall, though Islamic teaching holds both equally responsible. In addition, Islam holds that Adam was eventually forgiven, while Christianity holds that redemption occurred only later through the sacrifice of God's son, Jesus Christ. Bahá'í Faith, Islam and some Christian denominations consider Adam to be the first Prophet.
Janusz Ryszard Korwin-Mikke (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjanuʂ ˈkɔrvʲin ˈmʲikkɛ]) often referred to by his initials JKM, born 27 October 1942 in Warsaw, Poland) is a Polish politician and political commentator. He is the leader of the Congress of the New Right, which was formed in 2011 from Freedom and Lawfulness, which he led from its formation in 2009, and the Real Politics Union (UPR), which he led from 1990–1997 and 1999–2003.
Janusz Ryszard Korwin-Mikke studied at the Faculty of Mathematics and Faculty of Philosophy of the Warsaw University. In 1965 he was detained by the communist authorities, while studying psychology, law, and sociology. In 1968 he was again arrested and relegated from the university for his participation in student protests. He passed the master's examination without attending a course of Philosophy.
In years 1969–1974 he was a researcher in the Institute of Motor Transport (Instytut Transportu Samochodowego), and then at Warsaw University. In 1978 he established "Liberal Publishing House" (Oficyna Liberałów), an underground publishing house.
Joanna Senyszyn(Polish pronunciation: [jɔˈanna sɛˈnɨʂɨn]; born February 1, 1949 in Gdynia) is a Polish left-wing politician, vice-president of the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) and member of the European Parliament.
In the 1970s, Senyszyn was a member of the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR), the governing party in the communist People's Republic of Poland. In 1980 she joined Solidarność, of which she continued to be a member until 1995. Later, she joined SLD and was a successful candidate in the 2001 parliamentary election from the Democratic Left Alliance-Labor Union (SLD-UP) list, becoming a member of the Sejm. She was also a candidate in the European Parliament election in 2004, but did not win a seat. In 2005, she secured herself another Sejm term in the election (getting 11925 votes in district 26 Gdynia) and became a vice-president of her party. Since 2009 she's a member of the European Parliament.
Joanna Senyszyn is often featured in the media, in no small way thanks to her brash manners, expressive image and distinctive, high-pitched voice. Her public appearances, both in the Sejm and on other occasions, are often marked by the use of provocative language and satire. She is credited with coining the term kaczyzm to describe her political opponents of the Prawo i Sprawiedliwość government. She also raised some controversy (and gained media attention) when she paraphrased the words of the late Pope John Paul II during the so called Parada Równości, a demonstration promoting LGBT rights in Poland coupled with a gay pride parade.
Jarosław Gowin (born December 4, 1961 in Krakow) is a Polish conservative politician, and currently is Poland's minister of justice. He was elected to the Senate on September 25, 2005, as a candidate of the Civic Platform. During the 2007 Polish parliamentary elections, he was Platform's leader in the Krakow constituency after Jan Rokita had decided not to run. He was elected to the Sejm with 160,465 votes, which gave him second place, just behind Zbigniew Ziobro. Gowin has a PhD in political science and is the founder and dean of Krakow's Jozef Tischner Higher European School, which is named after his one-time professor and personal friend Józef Tischner. He is the former editor of the monthly Znak and is known to be an expert on the philosophy of John Paul II, having established the first graduate course in Poland dedicated to the field.
He is one of the first proponents of introducing school vouchers in Poland, and he believes that privatization is necessary for the improvement of Polish education standards.