- published: 18 Feb 2013
- views: 3330
The Elder Scrolls is a series of action role-playing open world fantasy video games primarily developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. The series is known for its elaborate and richly detailed open worlds and its focus on free-form gameplay. Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim all won Game of the Year awards from multiple outlets. The series has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide.
Prior to working on The Elder Scrolls series, Bethesda had worked predominantly with sports and action games. In the six years from its founding to Arena's 1994 release, Bethesda had released ten games, six of them sports games, with such titles as Hockey League Simulator, NCAA Basketball: Road to the Final Four ('91/'92 Edition), and Wayne Gretzky Hockey, and the remaining four adaptations from other media, primarily the Terminator series. Bethesda's course changed abruptly when it began its first action role-playing venture. Designer Ted Peterson recalls: "I remember talking to the guys at Sir-Tech who were doing Wizardry VII: Crusaders of the Dark Savant at the time, and them literally laughing at us for thinking we could do it." Ted Peterson worked alongside Vijay Lakshman as one of the initial designers of what was then simply Arena, a "medieval-style gladiator game."
The Elder is an independent film adaptation of the 1981 Kiss concept album, Music from "The Elder". The film's plot derives from that concept, devised by Kiss co-founder Gene Simmons.
The film is being produced by British author and musician Seb Hunter and partner Owen Oakeshott. The film has so far not been acknowledged or sanctioned by Kiss or their management.
In April 2014, a new, synthetic variant of the bird-flu virus (H5N1) was 'accidentally' released into South East England by American pharmaceutical giant Blackwell Corp, as a consequence of which, 99.9% of the local population perished.
Ten years after this unprecedented catastrophe, in the continued absence of any centralised infrastructure, Blackwell (Steve Webster) himself now personally oversees the remaining 0.1% with his own, heavily armed, roving Priesthood.
The Citizenship's highest honour is to become one of the Chosen - the latest of whom, just a boy (Billy Mackie), who must be escorted from the West Country across the deserted English countryside by Father Morpheus (Owen Oakeshott), to Blackwell's laboratory on the Isle of Wight.
Let's play may refer to:
An elder is someone with a degree of seniority or authority. The term may refer to:
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is an action role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks and the Take-Two Interactive subsidiary, 2K Games. It is the fourth installment in The Elder Scrolls action fantasy video game series, following The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and preceding The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Oblivion was first released in March 2006 for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360. A mobile phone version of the game was released in May 2006, and a PlayStation 3 version was shipped in March 2007. After a number of smaller content releases, a major expansion pack, Shivering Isles, was distributed. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition (a package including both Shivering Isles and the official expansion pack Knights of the Nine) was released in 2007 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. A fifth-anniversary edition was shipped in 2011.
Oblivion's main story revolves around the player character's efforts to thwart a fanatical cult known as the "Mythic Dawn" that plans to open the gates to a realm called "Oblivion". The game continues the open world tradition of its predecessors by allowing the player to travel anywhere in the game world at any time and to ignore or postpone the main storyline indefinitely. A perpetual objective for players is to improve their character's skills, which are numerical representations of certain abilities. Seven skills are selected early in the game as major skills, with the remainder termed minor. Developers opted for tighter pacing in gameplay and greater plot focus than in past titles.
Let's Play - The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion [HD] - Deutsch (Part 145)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GBRs Edition - Прохождение #145: Чужой контракт
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Walkthrough Part 145 - Chatty Dragon
Let's Play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion #145 [Deutsch][HD] - Die kahle Sandbank-Höhle
HEART OF THE HIST! - Elder Scrolls Online Let's Play 145 (ESO Gameplay/Commentary/PC)
Let's Play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Part 145
Let's Play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim #145 Zusammenführung
Let's Play The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (german) #145 Übermächtiger Vampir
Zagrajmy w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim odc. 145
Let's Play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Deutsch German) #145 -
Wir haben erfahren, dass ein Fluch auf dem Schrein von Tiber Septim lastet. Wir erforschen die anderen Bereiche von Sancre Tor und kämpfen gegen die anderen untoten Klingen. Wir befreien nacheinander die Geister von Alain, Casnar und Valdemar. Gemeinsam können die vier verstorbenen Klingen den Fluch brechen und wir nehmen die Rüstung von Tiber Septim an uns.
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion: Прохождение игры Обливион с модами сборки GBR's Edition (2016 / HD) за лучника по совместительству за вора с комментариями на русском. Подпишись на канал: https://www.youtube.com/c/DeniMarsGame GBR’s Edition – это коллекция из популярной игры TES:Oblivion и тщательно отобранных модов к ней. Сборка сделана на принципиально новой основе – её автор не только отбирает лучшие моды, но и вручную дорабатывает каждый на своё усмотрение, порой забирая мод не целиком, а только самую удачную его часть. В процессе меняются текстуры, исправляются карты, оптимизируются скрипты и трёхмерные модели – автор сборки разбирает все игровые ресурсы, а потом собирает заново, в единый цельный модуль. Это нужно для двух целей: повысить скорость работы игры и расширить ролевой элеме...
If you liked the video please remember to leave a rating, helps me out a lot :D Boy he loves to talk Connections TWITTER - https://twitter.com/#!/SSoHPKC Check out and like mine Facebook plox - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Seamus-ODoherty-SSoHPKC/203781079633644 Websites - http://ssohpkc.com/ http://thecreaturehub.com/
► LET'S PLAY The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ◄ ● Erste Folge: http://goo.gl/VpcRFJ ● Playlist: http://goo.gl/d3sfjS ● Oblivion kaufen: http://goo.gl/ntPlCQ Bist du auch sozial? :P ● Like auf Facebook: http://goo.gl/Zr1rB0 ● Folgen auf Twitter: http://goo.gl/KPwc3s ● Abonnieren auf YouTube: http://goo.gl/fqvxeh ► Alles begann ... ◄ ... im Gefängnis der Kaiserstadt. Wir waren ganz unten, in den Tiefen der kaiserlichen Gefängnisses, aus dem eine Flucht schier unmöglich ist. Doch unser Schicksal hat für uns etwas anderes vorgesehen! Tamriel ist in grosser Gefahr, denn Mehrunes Dagon hat Portale geöffnet, die die Barierre zwischen der Oblivion Ebene und der unseren Welt vollständig durchbricht. Die Daedra, mächtige Wesen, die den Tod nicht scheuen, dringen durch die Portale ein und verbreiten...
Subscribe if you haven't and click Like if you enjoyed the video! Helps me out a lot! Welcome, everyone, to the world that merges Skyrim, Morrowind, and Oblivion together into an epic Elder Scrolls Online Experience where players get to travel around all over the Elder Scrolls lands and plains and play with other players together and level and do quests and even engage in epic world PvP! We are starting our adventure here since this has also been requested by several people in the past and I have recently taken advantage of some epic Steam sales xD Enjoy! :D Add Me In-Game: @ThamriyellWoW (PC) Let's Play Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjaHEXlIr9S8Hnn5VCZZpbaESYdHs_QzS -------------------------------- Consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Thamriyel...
Echte Abenteuer und echte Helden findet Ihr hier: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMOSTWANTEDx12 Ja Skyrim! Was gibt's dazu zu sagen? Es ist DAS Spiel des Jahres 2011. Ich wünsch euch einfach viel Spaß beim zuschauen und beim Miterleben meines einzigartigen Abenteuers.
Willkommen zu meinem Let's Play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in Deutsch oder German, je nach dem wie ihr wollt. Das Spiel stammt aus dem Hause Bethesda und ist am 11. November 2011 erstmalig erschienen. Das Spiel findet seinen Platz im Genre RPG. Das Spielgeschehen findet Storytechnisch 200 Jahre nach seinem Vorgänger The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, im Norden Tamriels in Skyrim statt. Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß bei meinen TES Folgen und hoffe ich kann euch damit ein wenig Zeit vertreiben. Da die Videobeschreibung sonst nicht angenommen wird findet ihr hier meinen Skyrim Content(Addons, Mods, etc.): ⇒ http://pastebin.com/32fLdAVf Mehr BlackHand seht ihr auf: ⇒ http://de.twitch.tv/blackhandcom1337 Ihr wollt auf dem laufendem bleiben? Dann schaut regelmäßig hier vorbei: ⇒ http://www.facebo...
Watch full episode: https://goo.gl/Qmo9yN SUBSCRIBE to the REACT Channel: http://goo.gl/47iJqh All REACT channel videos from this week: http://goo.gl/th0yyt IMPORTANT: Kids, Teens, Elders, Adults, & YouTubers React are all still uploaded on TheFineBros channel: http://goo.gl/4iDVa Thanks for watching the bonus content from this week's episode! What should we show the kids next? Subscribe to this channel for more extra content! Follow Fine Brothers Entertainment: MAIN CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/FBE SECOND CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/FBE2 REACT CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/REACT FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/FineBros TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/thefinebros INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/fbe SNAPCHAT: finebros VINE: https://vine.co/TheFineBros TUMBLR: http://fbeof...
Всем привет, это Кейн, и это мой 90 эпизод обзоров на моды для майнкрафта :) Ставте лайки, подписывайтесь на канал и оставляйте комментарии если вам понравилось :) Группа ВК: http://vk.com/kaneussvk Ссылкa на мод: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1558952-145-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-minecraft-mod-v127-sspsmp-3000-downloads/
For more information contact Wendy Cunningham at Elders Burnie 0418 145 795
Hey guys and welcome to The Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge! Baby Count: 81 BUY MY POSTER: http://yammyxox.bigcartel.com/product/yammy-pets-a2-poster Yammy's 100 Baby Challenge Rules: 1. Every Father must be different 2. No cheats unless the kids are in danger, or a sim needs resetting. 3. You can use fertility rewards to increase your chances of getting twins and triplets. 4. No babysitters unless all capable sims are gone, mother is in hospital. 5. You CANNOT get married 6. One parent's life revolves around the kids, they do not go to work, they can earn extra income by working a home profession. 7. play on EPIC lifespan. 8. Story progression is on. 9. Birthday cakes are allowed for instant aging. 10. You must try your hardest to reach a good school grade. 11. The kids can move out with t...
Walkthrough Playthrough GamePlay LetsPlay | No Commentary |The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited |PS4| Walkthrough Gameplay [Part 145] |No Commentary|
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Dwa artefakty z Głębin Kogoruhn. Nowe elementy daedrycznego pancerza. Strome zbocza Ognistej Góry.
Elder Mable Jordan 145 Jamestown Rd Windsor NC 27983
Welcome to a brand-new episode of Let's Play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition! In this video Adrenoch takes down a former mentor and threat to Skyrim. Playlist for this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdx-MmfUterw3siGQKvn7hnE6_nMscQ_t Watch my Twitch stream every Mon/Wed/Fri from 7pm-10pm MT: http://www.twitch.tv/grohlvana Become a Patreon and choose my next Let's Play! https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=182422 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's that? You want to be a super cool guy and/or gal and support me even MORE? Well, here are my social media links - go wild! Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Grohlvana/ Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Grohlvana Add me on Sna...
Elder Scrolls Off the Record 145: The Thanes Return -- This week's gameplay focuses on ESO, Skyrim and Oblivion, as we incorporate a new "Activities" feature of our show, that we encourage you to take part in. News this week comes from ESO's recent Cyrodiil updates, new pets on April 9th make their way to the Crown Store, and ESO's 1st year anniversary! Should Elder Scrolls revisit a province already used in previous TES game? We explore this in our "Tamriel's Rumors" section. Afterward, we resurrect one of our first segments of the show and give solid advice on some downloads you may want to try out in ESO and Skyrim. Your tweets, emails, and You Tube comments cap our show at the bottom of the second hour. We're getting back to our roots, and we think you're going to love the change. Lis...
Купить игры можно здесь - http://steambuy.com/RedSonja Прохождение The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Играю за симпатичную Орочку на уровне сложности "Легендарный". Плейлист: http://bit.ly/1exQsFp Приятного просмотра! The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Древние свитки 5: Скайрим) —мультиплатформенная ролевая игра с открытым миром, разработанная студией Bethesda Game Studios и выпущенная компанией Bethesda Softworks. Действие Skyrim происходит в вымышленной провинции Скайрим на материке Тамриэль, спустя двести лет после событий предыдущей игры серии, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Основная сюжетная линия игры связана с появлением в Скайриме могущественного дракона Алдуина, Пожирателя Миров; на безымянного главного героя, известного как Довакин, Драконорождённый, возложена задача остановить возвращени...
Any and all spoilers will be met with extreme prejudice. You have been warned! One Hundred Forty Fifth (145) episode in my blind Let's Play of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (Legendary) video series. This video covers me finally locating Colette and learning a bit more about Restoration magic from her. We then head out in search of Mzulft and hopefully finding some information that will lead us to the Staff of Magnus but apparently there's been some trouble here that we need to resolve, naturally. AwesomeMattG on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/awesomemattg AwesomeMattG on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/awesomemattgyt
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion: Прохождение игры Обливион с модами сборки GBR's Edition (2016 / HD) за лучника по совместительству за вора с комментариями на русском. Подпишись на канал: https://www.youtube.com/c/DeniMarsGame GBR’s Edition – это коллекция из популярной игры TES:Oblivion и тщательно отобранных модов к ней. Сборка сделана на принципиально новой основе – её автор не только отбирает лучшие моды, но и вручную дорабатывает каждый на своё усмотрение, порой забирая мод не целиком, а только самую удачную его часть. В процессе меняются текстуры, исправляются карты, оптимизируются скрипты и трёхмерные модели – автор сборки разбирает все игровые ресурсы, а потом собирает заново, в единый цельный модуль. Это нужно для двух целей: повысить скорость работы игры и расширить ролевой элеме...
Dick Morris - Associate Minister Brandon Perry - Youth Minister Angie Slaughter - Worship Leader Jerry Cook - Elder Billy Wilkes - Elder "Fairest Lord Jesus" "More Precious Than Silver" Psalm 145 "Let Everything Has Breath" "Enough" "You Are My King" Sermon - "The Pearl of Great Price" Matthew 13:10-16 James 1:5 Matthew 13:45 Luke 19:10 Romans 3:11 "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" "Let It Be Said Of Us"
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion #145 ............................................. 100 Jahre, nachdem wir Dagoth Ur in den Tiefen des Roten für immer vernichtet haben, erwartet uns nun eine neue Gefahr! Im Lande Cyrodiil erscheinen überall Portale, aus denen höllische Kreaturen hervorkriechen! ............................................. Offiziele Webseite der Entwickler: http://bethsoft.com/de-de ............................................. Verwendete Mods: Oblivion Reloaded - http://bit.ly/1XUXgAN Unique Landscapes Compilation - bit.ly/1lJQF6E Really AEVWD - bit.ly/1KXIKX6 Oblivion Grass Overhaul - bit.ly/1WS4qEE Oblivion Stutter Remover - bit.ly/1d89mUv TES4LODGen - bit.ly/1GrT3Ke Natural Environments - bit.ly/1T5THsf DarNified UI - bit.ly/1QpK994 Cyrodiil Travel Services - bit....
Thaikku Thalaimagan (1967) - Full Tamil Movie The eldest son of a family who owns a garage falls in love with a beautiful girl, but her intentions may not be trustworthy. Starring - M.G Ramachandram , Nagesh , S.V Ranga Rao Music by - K.V Mahadevan Directed by - M.A Thirumugham Subscribe to our channel for more videos http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=nirvanatamil Directed by M.A.Thirumugham Produced by « Sandow » M.M.A.Chinnappa Devar Written by « Sandow » M.M.A.Chinnappa Devar Story by « Sandow » M.M.A.Chinnappa Devar Starring M. G. Ramachandran Jayalalitha S. V. Ranga Rao S. A. Asokan R. S. Manohar Nagesh Music by K. V. Mahadevan Cinematography N.S.Varma Edited by M.A.Thirumugham Production company Devar Films Distributed by Devar Films Release dates 13 January ...
"Johnny, uh, some kids on the show yesterday mentioned a new kind of music - Ska. You know anything about it?" "Nothing but a modern off-shoot of Reggae, updated by rock influences. Deafeningly upbeat. Can never become really popular because even though they've made the back-beat more conventional, it's still too exotic for man's acceptance."
Hello, hey now
The Fonz is cool, Fonzy don't cry
Hello, hey now
Well ask Mr. T, he's a really nice guy
There we go with a sign of a smile
Slap in the goonies, we're lost for a while
Where'd you go my breakfast club girl?
Will you stand by me in a stand by World?
(Will you stand by me in a stand by World?
Will you stand by me? Oh yeah)
Hello, hey now
The Fonz is cool, Fonzy don't cry
Hello, hey now
Well ask Mr. T, he's a really nice guy
There we go with a sign of a smile
Slap in the Ferris, we're cool for a while
They sit like a diamond inside of me
In one
A portable vacuum
In two
A mini-bar
In three
A holiday weekend
In four a Jaguar
In five
A soda stream machine
In six
A Betamax
In seven
A Remington shaver
Once you try it you'll never go back
Well look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
About to fall apart
Yes I'm even empty-handed with my bulls-eye dart
Taking it back to summer of '85
Piggyback fights I was so
Will I find
Boba Fett?
And maybe my old Lego playset
Ip dip dog shit
You're on my friend
Cos you trod in it
Turkey Lurkey one, two, three
Tic off ground and it's home for tea
In one
A portable vacuum
In two
A mini-bar
In three
A holiday weekend
In four a Jaguar
In five
A soda stream machine
In six
A Betamax
In seven
A Remington shaver
Once you try it you'll never go back
Well look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
About to fall apart
Yes I'm even empty-handed with my bulls-eye dart
Well look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
About to fall apart
Yes I'm even empty-handed with my bulls-eye dart
(Dum da-dum, Dum da-dum, Da-dum da-dum)
(Doo de-doo doo doo doo-doo)
(Michael J Fox, Michael J Fox, Michael J Fox)
(Paul Daniels)
(MC Hammer, MC Hammer, MC Hammer)