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Tag Archive: Conflicts of Interest

Pertaining to various conflicts of interest

Outside Psychologists Shielded US Torture Program, Report Finds

Photo of CIA director George Tenet approved waterboarding

Originally published at The NYTimes by James Risen on 7/10/15

WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency’s health professionals repeatedly criticized the agency’s post-Sept. 11 interrogation program, but their protests were rebuffed by prominent outside psychologists who lent credibility to the program, according to a new report.

The 542-page report, …

Kevin Ryan on the legitimate 9/11 suspects

Who are some of the legitimate 9/11 suspects?

Editor’s Note:
Recently we have been inundated with emails asking us who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. The detailed background needed to be able to evaluate any list of potential 9/11 suspects requires a great deal of determination to obtain. We …

Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al Qaeda chief spiked?

Photo of Sibel Edmonds - Ceasefire Magazine

By Nafeez Ahmed

Ceasefire Magazine


A whistleblower has revealed extraordinary information on the U.S. government’s support for international terrorist networks and organised crime. The government has denied the allegations yet gone to extraordinary lengths to silence her. Her critics have derided her as a fabulist and fabricator. But now …

The Book the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read is a Book Everyone Must Read

by Sibel Edmonds at Boiling Frogs Post

Update: Classified Woman website is now up & running. You can visit the site here: http://classifiedwoman.comCover image of Classified Woman

A Surreal Journey into the Heart of the Beast Called the Police State

In this startling new memoir, Sibel Edmonds–the most classified woman in U.S. history–takes …

Washington’s High-powered Terrorist Supporters

By Glenn Greenwald

We now have an extraordinary situation that reveals the impunity with which political elites commit the most egregious crimes, as well as the special privileges to which they explicitly believe they — and they alone — are entitled. That a large bipartisan cast of Washington officials …

The War on Whistleblowers – Sibel Edmonds on GRTV

Sibel Edmonds militaryphoto

by James Corbett The Corbett Report; posted at Corbett’s Blog at 911blogger.com

This week GRTV talks to Sibel Edmonds, famed FBI whistleblower and the Editor of http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/ about the various ways that whistleblowers in the national security establishment are retaliated against, set upon by the establishment, and undermined by …

Who Funded 9/11 Attacks? Insurers, 9/11 Families Still Want Answers

Sept. 15, 2011

Photo of Joseph Doyle

Joseph Doyle

After the 10-year anniversary of Sept. 11 and six months after the death of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, questions still remain regarding who funded the attacks that led to thousands of deaths and billions of dollars in damages.

The …

Who gains from debt deal? The Pentagon, for one

By Nancy A. Youssef
August 1, 2011
McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — The last-minute deal that Congress is considering to raise the federal debt limit probably will mean trillions of dollars in government spending reductions for most agencies. But one department stands to gain: the Pentagon.

Rather than cutting $400 billion …

9/11 Family Members Demand Answers from the 9/11 Commission: The Censored Testimony of FBI’s Behrooz Sarshar

Behrooz Sarshar

Originally published at Boiling Frogs by Sibel Edmonds on 1/31/11

Behrooz Sarshar: The Witnessed & Documented “Kamikaze Pilots” Case

In a public statement issued today (see below), members of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee demanded a prompt response from the former Chairman and Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission regarding …

FBI Documents Support Explosive Claims by Former FBI Translator Sibel Edmonds

BoilingFrogsPost.com (Sibel Edmonds’ Blog)

Recently released FBI documents prove the existence of highly sensitive National Security and criminal investigations of “Turkish Activities” in Chicago prior to September 11, 2001. These documents add further support to many of the allegations that former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has claimed, in public and …

The Secret Global Empires: Russ Baker & John Perkins

GRITtv – link now dead
December 26, 2009

U.S. history has seen many presidents elected on a wave of progressive promises, only to see them compromise again and again once in office, caving to the very interests, military and corporate, that they railed against so effectively. Barack Obama is only …

Carlyle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence

Kevin Ryan

Careful investigation leads one to notice that a number of intriguing groups of people and organizations converged on the events of September 11th, 2001. An example is the group of men who were members of Cornell University’s Quill & Dagger society. This included Paul Wolfowitz, National Security Advisors …

The Facts Speak For Themselves

by Jon Gold

This is dedicated to the 9/11 Truth Movement. – Jon
Before I begin, I would like to say that theorizing about what happened on 9/11, when you’re not being given answers to your questions about that day by the people who SHOULD be able to do …

2009 Truth Statement

2009 Truth Statement

We STILL Want Real Answers About 9/11
[Signatures have been closed as of March, 2010]

On August 31, 2004, Zogby International, the official North American political polling agency for Reuters, released a poll that found nearly half (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of those …

Ex-ISI Chief Says Purpose of New Afghan Intelligence Agency RAMA Is ‘to destabilize Pakistan’

August 12, 2009
by Jeremy R. Hammond
Shahid R. Siddiqi contributed to this report

Photo of Major General Hamid Gul with CIA

Then Maj. Gen. Hamid Gul, Director General of the ISI (far left), with William Webster, Director of Central Intelligence, Clair George, Deputy Director for Operations, and Milt Bearden, CIA station chief, at a training camp

Did the real ‘cyber 9/11’ happen on 9/11?

James Corbett
The Corbett Report
17 July, 2009

Government sources immediately began blaming North Korea for the recent cyberterror attacks on South Korea and the U.S., despite having no evidence to back up those claims. Now, an examination of the evidence by independent computer experts show that the attack seems …

Demolition access to the World Trade Center towers: Part one – Tenants

by Kevin R. Ryan
Distribution via the Unanswered Questions Wire

Note: The author is indebted to a few particularly useful sources of information and inspiration, including Russ Baker’s book “Family of Secrets”, the websites nndb.com, sourcewatch.org and secinfo.com, and Richard Gage.

On occasion, the public has been asked …