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    John Oliver Makes ‘TV History’ by Forgiving $15 Million in Medical Debt
    CNN Money | 06 June 2016
    Double the value of Oprah…

    JPMorgan: Odds of a Recession Starting in 12 Months Hit High
    Newsmax | 06 June 2016
    Enters the model in two ways…

    Deutsche Bank ATMs Block Cash Withdrawal Due To “Technical Glitch”
    Zero Hedge | 04 June 2016
    Desperate times have led to…

    Funniest BLS Report Ever
    Burning Platform | 03 June 2016
    Acolytes of propaganda have kicked it into…

    Blackstone Charitable Foundation Expands Campus Entrepreneurship Program “Blackstone LaunchPad” to Three Leading Texas Universities
    Yahoo Finance | 02 June 2016
    Build strong enterprises rooted in the state and…

    Wall Street Behind Brazil Coup d’Etat
    Global Research | 01 June 2016
    Ties…Vice-Chair of the US Federal Reserve…


    BMO Gold Product Takes Aim at Big ETF Market, New Investors
    Reuters | 04 February 2015
    (From last year) GOLDRs will track the…


    Nato Countries begin Largest War Game in Eastern Europe since Cold War
    Guardian | 06 June 2016
    31,000 troops and thousands of…

    MIT Commencement Speaker Matt Damon

    You Tube | 03 June 2016
    Look them in the eye…decide…

    Bilderberg 2016: We can expect desperate lobbying against Brexit from Big Business
    IB Times | 06 June 2016
    Future of their beloved free…

    Clinton Clinches Democratic Nomination: AP Delegate Count
    Reuters | 06 June 2016
    Clinton has…pledged delegates…support of…superdelegates…

    He sold a $40 printer. Then he was sued in Indiana for $30,000
    Indy Star | 06 June 2016
    Appeals court ordered the trial court to…


    Wal-Mart Plans to Employ Drones
    Investopedia | 03 June 2016
    Showed it’s not losing ground to…

    Moon Express Becomes First Private Company in History to Initiate a Commercial Lunar Mission Approval Process with the U.S. Government
    PR News Wire | 08 April 2016
    Avoidance of…

    This House Costs Just $20,000—But It’s Nicer Than Yours
    Fast Coexist | 03 February 2016
    Your life without…


    Toxic Phenol Ingredient in Vaccines
    Vaccine Reaction | 04 June 2016
    Amount of tissue damage depends on…

    Vaxxed: “Get Off the Bus!” Sheila Lewis Ealey Unites Compton!

    Vimeo | 22 May 2016
    A Holocaust…Sheila’s son…stand up…

    Microcephaly Cases in Brazil Vastly Overestimated
    Vaccine Reaction | 28 May 2016
    Even though only…

    Dr. Bonnie Dunbar Testimony to Congress
    VN | 18 May 1999
    Partially blind following…which is the principal component…


    An Impending Coup at St. John’s College
    Real Clear Politics | 06 June 2016
    Not answers, have priority…

    Leaked Questions Rekindle Debate Over Common Core Tests
    NY Times | 25 May 2016
    Tell others how “the high-stakes accountability system has…

    Muhammad Ali: In Memoriam

    YouTube | 04 June 2016
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    Muhammad Ali, the Greatest, Dies at 74
    WSJ | 04 June 2016
    Charismatic champion of…

    Muhammad Ali: Praise Pours Out for the Three-Time Champ
    WSJ | 04 June 2016
    Most lasting victories…


    Gold to Monetary Base Ratio
    Mcro Trends | 29 May 2016
    Review charts…


    The Koch Brothers Could Walk Away With Madoff Cash
    Bloomberg | 03 June2016
    Sent overseas and is beyond…

    China’s $1 Trillion New Silk Road Investment Gets Frontal Canadian Media Insults
    Geopolitics | 03 June 2016
    Reputation of all non…

    [Bob Rubin competing with Alan Greenspan for Backpedaling Hypocrite of the Year]
    How to Help Former Inmates Thrive
    NY Times | 03 June 2016
    Doing what’s right for our…

    Is the CIA Getting Ready to Dump the Clintons?
    Jon Rappoport | 03 June 2016
    Taking apart the entire Clinton…

    MSNBC: Clinton’s Jeffrey Epstein Connection Could ‘Blow Up’ Campaign

    Free Beacon | 16 May 2016
    [Money & Marktes mention]Underage children…


    How To Misallocate Hundreds Of Millions Of Taxpayer Dollars: Luxembourg Begins Push For Asteroid Mining
    Zero Hedge | 04 June 2016
    Share information and cooperate with…

    EU Proposes Government ID to Use Internet
    Infowars | 02 June 2016
    Mark of the…

    Exclusive: Fed Records Show Dozens of Cybersecurity Breaches
    Yahoo Finance | 1 June 2016
    Process more than $3…

    Fannie Mae’s Financing for Solar: A Game Changer for the Solar Industry
    RMI | 01 June 2016
    Value of solar within…

    Internet Boom Times Are Over, Says Mary Meeker’s Influential Report
    Bloomberg | 01 June 2016
    Highlights from the report…

    Internet Trends 2016 Code Conference Mary Meeker – Slide Show
    Slideshare | 01 June 2016
    Annual internet trends report…


    No Room in U.S. Grain Silos Means Dumping Wheat in Parking Lots
    Bloomberg | 02 June 2016
    30 years I have…

    First Rise in U.S. Death Rate in Years Surprises Experts
    NY TImes | 01 June 2016
    Dying from…

    US Foods IPO Delivers Long-Awaited Gains on LBO
    WSJ | 27 May 2016

    Major Cell Phone Radiation Study Reignites Cancer Questions
    Scientific America | 27 May 2016
    Tested the possibility of links between…

    Report of Partial Findings from the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Hsd – PDF
    BIOR XIV | 26 May 2016
    The study…results are not yet published…

    FDA Approves Anti-addiction Implant to Prevent Opioid Dependence
    Guardian | 27 May 2016
    Committee voted 12-5…


    It’s Time to Ditch 4 Years of Costly College for Directed Apprenticeships
    Of Two Minds | 02 June 2016
    These two charts are the…

    The Average Student at a For-Profit College Was Worse Off After Attending
    WSJ | 31 May 2016
    Study found devastating…

    Catherine’s Latest Donation
    Widow, 90, Could Lose Home She has Lived in for 70 Years Because Neighbors Complained the Property Fell into Disrepair when her Air Force Veteran Husband Died
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    Supporters have set up a GoFundMe page to help…

    My new favorite commercial.
    Goodnessknows®: Know A Note

    YouTube | 02 May 2016


    “When the rich make war, it’s the poor that die.” ~  Old Russian Saying

    By Catherine Austin Fitts

    The Saker hears the drumbeats of war. On this week’s Solari Report, Saker and I discuss his latest, A Russian Warning co-authored with Dmitri Orlov and Dr. Eugenia V Gurevich:

    “We, the undersigned, are Russians living and working in the USA. We have been watching with increasing anxiety as the current US and NATO policies have set us on an extremely dangerous collision course with the Russian Federation, as well as with China. Many respected, patriotic Americans, such as Paul Craig Roberts, Stephen Cohen, Philip Giraldi, Ray McGovern and many others have been issuing warnings of a looming Third World War. But their voices have been all but lost among the din of a mass media that is full of deceptive and inaccurate stories that characterize the Russian economy as being in shambles and the Russian military as weak—all based on no evidence. But we—knowing both Russian history and the current state of Russian society and the Russian military, cannot swallow these lies. We now feel that it is our duty, as Russians living in the US, to warn the American people that they are being lied to, and to tell them the truth. And the truth is simply this: If there is going to be a war with Russia, then the United States will most certainly be destroyed, and most of us will end up dead.”

    The Saker gives us an update on the Ukraine and the impact, along with events in the Middle East and US and European sanctions, on the Russian economy. We cover the ancient history of tensions between Russia and the Western nations and revisit why the Russian people are so supportive of Putin’s efforts to resist accommodation. Saker suggests some of the actions we can each take to reduce the chances of war.

    Our discussion raises important questions about the shift to a multi-polar world. If the US offers countries two options – submit to multinational corporate control or be destroyed – it is only a matter of time before the world shifts into a deflationary spiral or war. Where are the incentives to cooperate and honor agreements that are the basis of global economic growth?

    In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review the film 13 Hours about the six soldiers (as contractors, they were referred to as “security operators”) who fought to protect the US State Department Special Mission Compound and a nearby CIA station in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. The US Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens died in the attack along with his information officer Sean Smith and two soldiers, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy Seals. The unanswered questions about the events of that evening as well as the destruction of Libya continue to plague both US foreign policy and relations. The film is also a reminder of the reliance of the US on current and former special forces officers given a military stretched globally and why the chances of an institution of a draft after the Presidential election are rising.

    This week’s Solari Report is a reminder of the importance of praying for and supporting peace in all that we each do.

    Please send your questions for the Ask Catherine section of my Money & Market segment by e-mail or post them at the comment section.

    If you’re not a subscriber yet, you can learn more about becoming one here.

    Related Solari Reports:

    A Unipolar vs. Multipolar World with The Saker

    Russia and Global Geopolitics with The Saker

    Related Memorials and Foundations:

    Solari’s latest donation: Glen Doherty Foundation

    Tyrone Woods Memorial Page


    Erdbeben-Katastrophe auf Haiti. Landkarte [Abdruck nur mit Honorar, Namensnennung und Belegexemplar Henning Riediger Tannenhof 117c 22397 Hamburg Tel. 040/6080742 E-Mail: henning.riediger@t-online.de Steuer-Nr. 09/160/58306 USt.-IdNr. DE 118420134 Bankverbindung: Hamburger Sparkasse BLZ 200 505 50 Konto-Nr. 1299/475663 IBAN DE 27 2005 0550 1299 475663 BIC HASPDEHH]

    “It is imperative to choose one’s weapons well.” ~ Dr. Dady Cherry

    The story of Haiti is important and rarely told. Lead by the brilliant and charismatic Toussaint L’Ouverture, Haiti’s slave armies achieved in 1798 the first and only successful slave rebellion. Haiti’s rebellion contributed to the French selling Louisiana and withdrawing from North America. It is also contributed to the end of slavery in the United States. After Haiti’s army of former slaves defeated the French, then the English and finally the Spanish armies and established a successful government and free agricultural economy, Haiti became a sobering reminder to American business and political interests of the risks of slavery.

    As a result of efforts at occupation and subjugation by US and other national and corporate interests, Haiti has continued to struggle to maintain its independence for more than two centuries.  The latest onslaught began with the earthquake of January 2010 that lead to invasion and occupation by US and UN forces and the establishment of a various governmental structures that engineered low cost access to local natural resources and labor for foreign and corporate interests.  Haiti is not the first country to be targeted by the forces of “disaster capitalism.” It may, however, be the ugliest example to date of this particularly virulent form of economic harvesting.



    a crocodile while knotting his tie looks in the mirror and sees himself as a mild sheep

    “She was a murderess, but on top of that she has also murdered herself. For one who commits such a crime destroys his own soul. The murder has already passed sentence on himself. If someone has committed a crime and is caught, he suffers judicial punishment. If he has done it secretly, without moral consciousness of it, and remains undiscovered, the punishment can nevertheless be visited upon him, as our case shows. It comes out in the end. Sometimes it seems as if even animals and plants “know” it.” ~ Carl Jung, “Memories, Dreams, Reflections”

    “As long as I can get government subsidies, what do I care if people have education or jobs?” ~ Dick Ravitch, Chairman, AFL- CIO Housing Trust, Developer of HUD and Mitchell Lama Housing in New York City

    By Catherine Austin Fitts

    The G-7 establishment is uneasy about the lethal combination of flatlining productivity and populist anger. With the debt growth model slowing, governments can no longer subsidize our unproductive behavior, whether by corporations, governments, not-for-profits and foundations, universities, military or the general population.

    We have known for many years this time was coming. The leadership shifted significant amounts of assets out of existing legal structures (the financial coup d’etat) in anticipation of this time. So the day of reckoning is here. We have to convert from the non-sustainable to the sustainable.  The retirees whom the system owes are at risk from those who engineered the assets out of the system in the financial coup and related financial fraud and corruption.

    We are seeing a growing number of pronouncements and proposed solutions from members of the establishment. Unfortunately, many of these are coming from the members of the establishment whose bank accounts are particularly ripe with the profits of corruption and financial coup d’etat. In addition to the possibility of the Clintons returning to the White House, recent examples just this past week include:





    “On 1/10 of an acre in Pasadena, the Dervaes family grows 6-7,000 lbs of vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries each year, providing 90% of their produce at an estimated annual savings of $75,000.” ~ urbanhomestead.org

    By Catherine Austin Fitts

    In the post WWII era, power flowed from control of the reserve currency backed by oil. In the emerging multipolar world, as new technologies revolutionize our energy models, power increasingly flows from ownership and access to water, soil and food.

    This Thursday, I will be joined by Harry Blazer to launch our new series on food. Harry is my “go to” person on food. In my opinion there is no one who knows more about the subject.

    Harry founded “Harry’s Farmers Market” in Atlanta in 1987 and grew it into the largest fresh food market in the country, before selling his business in 2001. In 2005, I moved to the Flathead Valley in western Montana at Harry’s request, to work with him on creating a venture model to finance revitalizing local food production.  While Harry taught me about food, I taught Harry about the real political and economic systems operating on planet Earth.

    Harry has agreed to join me on the Solari Report to produce an exciting new series on food – to share with our subscribers his extraordinary understanding of the global food ecosystem and the role of food at the heart of nurturing human health and political and economic freedom.

    In this introduction, Harry and I will provide an overview of the future of food and what it means to you – and what you can do about it. Harry will also give us a snapshot of some of the upcoming Solari Reports he will be hosting. We will post an in-depth audio introduction to Harry and a selection of related links, so make sure to login and check out the Subscriber Links.

    In Let’s Go to the Movies, Harry and I will discuss Scientists Under Attack which documents efforts to suppress scientific evidence and destroy scientists that question genetically modified organisms and other synthetic introductions into the food supply.

    Please send your questions for the Ask Catherine section of my Money & Market segment by e-mail or post them at the comment section.

    If you’re not a subscriber yet, you can learn more about becoming one here.

    Related Reading:

    Solari Reports:


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