Whale watch

Mexican navy says 24 beached whales die

Mexican soldiers and villagers try in vain to move beached whales into deeper waters.

Two dozen pilot whales have died after beaching themselves on the Baja California Peninsula despite efforts to move them into deeper waters, Mexico's navy says.

Japan's whaling fleet returns from Antarctic hunt with 333 whales

The Japanese whaling fleet operating in the Southern Ocean in 2013.

Japan's whaling fleet returned on Thursday from its Antarctic hunt after a year-long suspension with a take of more than 300 whales, including pregnant females.

Tilikum, the SeaWorld killer whale at the centre of Blackfish, is slowly dying

Tilikum, the killer whale responsible for the death of a trainer is very sick.

Yanan Wang   As the focus of the 2013 documentary Blackfish, Tilikum - affectionately called "Tili" - has been at once regarded as a victim of captivity and a maker of tragedy. Now it's been announced that the tale of Tili may be coming to a slow and quiet end.

Queensland researcher collects 'blow' to understand whale populations

Over 100 blow samples will be collected over the year.

Amy Mitchell-Whittington   A PhD student is collecting whale "blow" to understand population increases.

The mystery of the dying whales: 29 sperm whales wash up on beaches

Three of the eight sperm whales to have washed up on the mud flats near Dithmarschen, Germany.

Sarah Young   A sixth sperm whale has died on a British beach, the latest of nearly 30 to have become stranded in shallow waters of the North Sea over the past month.

Unna the orca becomes third cetacean to die in six months at Texas SeaWorld

Unna the orca died on Monday at SeaWorld, San Antonio, Texas, after developing a candida infection.

After two beluga deaths at SeaWorld, San Antonio, questions are being raised after death of an orca on Monday.


Japan whale hunt tensions to flare

Sea Shepherd dispatched its ship Steve Irwin to patrol the Southern Ocean over summer but was unable to locate the ...

Daniel Flitton, Andrew Darby   Australia is considering dragging Japan back to the international court in an attempt to halt whaling.

Call for action against Japanese whaling as Royal Navy heads south

Japanese whalers with a minke whale alongside in the Antarctic in 2014

Andrew Darby   Britain has taken a stand beside Australia against renewed Japanese whaling, as it sends a naval fisheries patrol to the Antarctic.

Japanese to go whaling as Turnbull government relies on diplomacy

Minke whales on the deck of the Japanese factory ship Nisshin Maru in the 2013 season.

Andrew Darby   The Turnbull government appears to have been caught out by Japan's whalers - pinning hopes on diplomacy to halt them, just as the fleet's departure for the Antarctic was announced.

Japan gives green light to its whalers

Minke whales aboard the Japanese factory ship Nisshin Maru in 2014. Japan is to resume whaling this summer.

Andrew Darby   Japan has finally confirmed it will commence whaling in the Antarctic this summer, despite the weight of court decisions and scientific opinion against it.

Court fines Japanese whalers $1 million

Japanese whalers in the Antarctic, with a minke whale alongside their ship.

Andrew Darby   Japan's whalers have been fined $1 million over their hunt in the Australian Antarctic whale sanctuary, on the eve of ministerial talks between the two countries.

Rare whale caught on film for the first time

The "beautiful" Omura's whale has light and dark patches and stripes along its body.

Brittany Ruppert   They grow up to 12 metres long and have a distinctive pattern, but until now scientists had never seen the elusive Omura's whale in the wild.

Japan's ploy to enable whaling 'surprising'

Under a new whaling plan, Japan intends to kill nearly 4000 minke whales over the next 12 years.

Andrew Darby   Japan has moved suddenly to fence itself off from any future challenge to its Antarctic whaling in the International Court of Justice.

Young whale freed off NSW South Coast

The humpback whale calf caught in a net and rope off Narooma on Tuesday morning.

Stan Gorton   A young humpback whale has swum off into the sunset with its mother after being freed from a web of nylon rope off the NSW south coast.

Whale calf entangled in '150 metres' of fishing net freed

National Parks crews mount the rescue operation tracking the whale from Narooma down to Bermagui where it was cut free.

Stan Gorton and Katie Burgess   Whale calf entangled in fishing net off Narooma free

Rescuers to disentangle humpback whale calf trapped in net

The calf after it got trapped in the net.

Kerrie O'Connor, Stan Gorton, Kate Aubusson, Katie Burgess   Rescuers could attach floating buoys to a humpback whale calf trapped in a fishing net to prevent it diving.

Japanese whalers "in contempt" of court

Minke whales on the deck of the Japanese factory ship Nisshin Maru.

Andrew Darby   A legal case is being revived against Japanese whaling in Australian Antarctic waters, with a claim the whalers stand in contempt of the Federal Court.

The krilling season: Whales keep tourists migrating south

A humpback whale in a feeding frenzy off the coast of Eden.

Katie Burgess   Earlybird whale watchers in Eden have been rewarded with astounding acrobatic displays in the bay.

Australia brings in big gun for whaling fight

Australian diplomat Peter Woolcott has a whaling fight ahead of him.

Andrew Darby   He's one of Australia's most deeply experienced, best credentialled diplomats – and he has just weeks to try to persuade Japan not go to whaling in the Antarctic again.

Sperm whales use different dialects to 'click' with social clans

Morse code: Codas are the clicking sounds made by sperm whales to communicate within social units.

Lucy Cormack   Learning the local slang can be a challenge for humans when fitting into a new neighbourhood, but it seems the same can be said for sperm whales.

Australian Antarctic director a bet on science

New Australian Antarctic Division director Nick Gales (left) with other scientists tagging a seal on Heard Island.

Andrew Darby   Science has been cemented at the top of national polar work, with the choice of the Australian Antarctic Division's internationally recognised Chief Scientist, Nick Gales, as its new Director.

Australian actor David Field stars in graphic anti-whaling video

Australian actor David Field portrays the death of a whale in a video <em>The Ultimate Death Scene</em> by Sea Shepherd.

Bloodied and writhing in pain, an Australian actor stars in a graphic video calling for an end to global whaling.

Humpback whales doing swimmingly

On the increase: Humpback whales

Australia's humpback populations are rapidly recovering from the damage caused by whaling and could soon be delisted as a threatened species, scientists say.

Up to 50 dolphins delight beachgoers at Coogee

A pod of up to 50 dolphins seemed delighted to frolic with swimmers at Coogee Beach on Monday.

Inga Ting   A pod of more than 30 dolphins has put on a spectacular show, herding fish and frolicking with swimmers at Coogee on Monday morning.

Ricky Gervais condemns whale slaughter on Faroe Islands

Ricky Gervais.

[WARNING: GRAPHIC] Comedian Ricky Gervais has denounced online the slaughter of pilot whales on the Faroe Islands near Norway. 

Comments 2

Australia will have to kill 'nuisance' whales, Icelandic whaler says

A whale off Port Stephens, NSW, Australia.

Nick Miller   Icelanders appear to be coming round to the view that upholding their nation's reputation is more lucrative than sales of whale meat.

Activists sue Miami aquarium for captive orca's release

Lolita in her Seaquarium pool, photographed in 2010.

Zachary Fagenson   Animal rights groups seeking the release of Lolita, a killer whale in captivity since 1970, have sued the Miami Seaquarium saying her conditions violate the Endangered Species Act.

Record number of humpback whales off New Zealand

Looking up: Humpback whales.

Humpback whales are making a comeback, a New Zealand survey shows.

Migaloo takes a turn through New Zealand

The white whale Migaloo cruises Cook Strait, New Zealand, on Sunday

Andrew Darby   Australia's best known whale, Migaloo, appears to have turned up again. But not where he usually does.