
'The tip of the iceberg'

Peter Hannam 6:00 PM   The state's farmers have lopped paddock trees at an accelerating rate in the past 18 months even before a new land-clearing law eases controls further, government figures obtained by the Greens show.

Woman ditches corporate life to save elephants

Sharon's moment kissing Willa when she was pregnant and needed comforting.

Amy Mitchell-Whittington   One woman's battle to save her family of elephants in Africa.

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Dead gorilla Harambe could yet become a father

Harambe was shot after a young boy entered his enclosure at Cincinnati Zoo.

Bridie Smith   The gorilla shot and killed after a four-year-old child broke into his zoo enclosure will live on - albeit in an unrecognisable and frozen form.

The woman saving NSW rainforests one precious seed at a time

Warrior bush (Apophyllum anoma) seed embryo.

Marcus Strom   More than 100 rainforest species are threatened in NSW.

Gorilla death: Ohio boy's mother says 'accident happen' as anger mounts

Animal rights activists and mourners gather for a Memorial Day vigil outside the Cincinnati Zoo.

Ginny McCabe   Animal lovers mobilised on Monday as outrage mounted over the Cincinnati Zoo's killing of a gorilla to rescue a 4-year-old boy who fell into the animal's enclosure.

Reef needs Murray Darling Basin-style funds boost: conservationists

Before photo of mature staghorn corals taken in 1996 at low tide, two years before the 1998 bleaching event, Orpheus ...

Tony Moore   The Great Barrier Reef deserves a "billion dollar" funding rescue package like the $10 billion promised in 2008 to revitalise the Murray Darling Basin, conservation groups said on Monday.

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Outrage after gorilla Harambe killed to save boy at Ohio zoo

Harambe was shot after a young boy entered his enclosure at Cincinnati Zoo.

Barbara Goldberg   The killing of a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo has triggered outrage and questions about safety, but zoo officials called the decision tough but necessary .

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US zoo shoots gorilla dead to save boy

Harambe was shot after a young boy entered his enclosure at Cincinnati Zoo.

A 180 kilogram male gorilla in a US zoo has been shot dead after grabbing a three-year-old boy who fell into the ape exhibit moat.

Korean words, straight from the elephant's mouth

Koshik, an Asian male elephant who is held in a zoo outside Seoul, speaks Korean.

Russell Goldman   There's an elephant at a zoo outside Seoul that speaks Korean.

Lions lick water from tent as camper films video from inside

Francie Lubbe said three lionesses licked rainwater from her tent as she camped in southern Africa.

As the lionesses lick rain water from the transparent side of an open tent, a camper films from within.

Fate of primeval forest in balance as Poland plans logging

A stork flies over the grass in the Bialowieza Forest Park in eastern Poland, the best preserved relic of an ancient ...

Vanessa Gera   It is the last remaining relic of an ancient forest that stretched for millennia across the lowlands of Europe and Russia,but logging is to begin within days.

Unusual bear a victim of global warming: expert

Inuit hunter Didji Ishalook shot an unusual white bear with a dark nose in the north-east of Canada. The bear was ...

Julie Power   Dave Garshelis, a research scientist from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and one of the world's foremost bear experts, told the Canadian Broadcating Corporation (CBC)  that the bear is very likely a grizzly-polar bear hybrid, and not an albino grizzly bear.

Fairy penguins put on rare harbour show

The "nervous" birds, spotted farther west than usual, are often seen in groups.

Julie Power   Three endangered fairy penguins were spotted swimming in Sydney's Darling Harbour, in a rare show farther west than their usual fishing grounds.

Rhino named Hope gets facial reconstruction after vicious attack by poachers

Hope gets facial reconstruction after an attack by poachers.

A year ago, a South African rhino survived a horrific attack by poachers who hacked off her horns and part of her face.

'That would be tragic': worries over new land-clearing laws

Ringbarked trees on a property near Cobar, north-western NSW.

Peter Hannam   The government says its new native vegetation laws will protect biodiversity. Even the Queensland government warns against them.

Rhinos Australia-bound in bid to save species

The white rhino, mainly hunted for its horn, is listed as near threatened.

Bridie Smith   Rhinos could be grazing the grasslands of Australia as early as this year, if an ambitious plan to import an "insurance population" of the iconic species goes ahead.

'Very high mortality' for northern corals

Coral bleaching is now leading to mortality in large parts of the northern Great Barrier Reef

Peter Hannam   Half the corals in reefs off the far north Queensland coast killed by bleaching, says Marine Park Authority official.

'Bombshell' finding that most land-clearing goes undetected

Tough work: Environment Minister Mark Speakman says the burden of biodiversity protection is increasingly falling to farmers.

Peter Hannam   Farmers are clearing land six times faster than detected by the NSW government, and most offsets used to compensate for vegetation destruction merely preserve existing conservation areas, according to unpublished research by Philip Gibbons, a leading biodiversity expert.

Ringling circus elephants take final bows

Elephant trainer Edward Healy makes one of the animals perform tricks during the opening of the Ringling Bros and Barnum ...

Eleven Asian elephants from one of the United States' largest circus companies, Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey, have performed for the last time before going into retirement two years ahead of schedule.

33 lions rescued from South American circuses arrive in South Africa

A former circus lion peers from inside a cage during their arrival at OR Tambo International airport in Johannesburg, ...

Thirty-three lions rescued from circuses in Peru and Colombia are heading to South Africa to live out the rest of their lives in a private sanctuary.

Anger at NSW plans to cull 5000 brumbies in Snowy Mountains

Pest or icon: Brumbies run free in the Snowy Mountains.

Jonathan Pearlman   The NSW government is planning a controversial cull of more than 5000 wild horses to effectively wipe out the Snowy Mountains brumbies, a breed descended from animals brought over by the British colonists.

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33 lions rescued from circuses to be flown to new home in Africa

One of the rescued circus lions looks from inside his cage on the outskirts of Lima, Peru.

Thirty-three lions rescued from circuses in Peru and Colombia are heading to South Africa to live out the rest of their lives in a private sanctuary.

Endangered southern corroboree frog population set to jump

An adult southern corroboree frog.

The critically endangered southern corroboree frog population has been given a boost with thousands of zoo-bred eggs released in the NSW Snowy Mountains.

Gorilla gives birth unexpectedly at Prague Zoo

Shinda holds her newborn baby at the zoo in Prague on Sunday.

It was an unexpected birth that took everyone at the Prague zoo by surprise.

Sir David Attenborough makes heartfelt plea for the Reef

David Attenborough.

Nathanael Cooper   As news broke that 93 per cent of the coral on the Great Barrier Reef was suffering from some level of bleaching, the ABC was preparing to broadcast the final episode of David Attenborough's ground breaking documentary on the reef.

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Australia may take in African rhinos

A white rhino female and calf in the road in the Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Zimasa Mpemnyama   ​Wildlife groups plan to relocate 80 rhinoceros from South Africa to Australia in a bid to prevent them being hunted to extinction, one of the project's leaders says.

'When you hear it, your heart stops'

John Gould's 1867 illustration of the night parrot.

Bridie Smith   Ecologists working in remote Queensland to save one of the world's most elusive birds have their work cut out for them.

Researchers bringing the Amazon to the experts to save jungle cats

Queensland researchers have contributed virtual reality technology in a big to save these big Peruvian cats.

Amy Remeikis   Sometimes, you just have to move the mountain to Muhammad.

Plants that might save us – if we save them first

Dorrigo waratah (Alloxylon pinnatum).

Tim Barlass   Australia has a pretty poor record when it comes to animals lost to extinction. For plants, it's worse – and the losses could come at a cost.