Home / Gaza


Gaza: Rebuilding from rubble

by Ruqaya Izzidien 29 November 2011 | Al Akhbar English Despite Israel’s blockade on building materials entering the Gaza Strip, local entrepreneurs have come up with a way to turn destruction into reconstruction by recycling rubble into construction material. The ...

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Thanksgiving in Gaza

by Radhika Sainath 25 November 2011 | Notes from Behind the Blockade It all started with a simple question from Jabar, a Palestinian farmer from Faraheen, during Eid al-Adha, the festival of sacrifice. “Is there an American eid (holiday) where ...

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Israeli navy hunts Gaza fishermen

24 November 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza Video of our international human rights observation boat outrunning the Israeli navy as it attempts to fire a watercannon on Palestinian fishing boats under 3 miles out to sea. Publicly, Israel ‘allows’ ...

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No go zone protest in Beit Hanoun

by Nathan Stuckey 24 November 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza We gathered in the road in front of the Agricultural College of Beit Hanoun, the same place that we gather every week. There were about forty people, members of ...

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Sowing wheat in Israel’s kill zone

by Radhika Sainath 22 November 2011 | Notes from Behind the Blockade One need not be an agronomist to know that its been a long time since the farmers of Khuza’a, Gaza have tended to their land near the border.  ...

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Bittersweet Eid

by Lydia de Leeuw 19 November 2011 | A Second Glance Last week Eid al Adha was celebrated in Gaza and other Muslim communities worldwide. Eid al Adha is one of the most important holidays in Islam, marking the end ...

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Gaza lives on

16 November 2011 | Al Jazeera English The Israeli blockade may have taken a heavy toll on Gazans, but this film reveals life and hope among the devastation. Since 2007, most of the approximately 1.5 million Palestinians living in the ...

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Independence Day in the Buffer Zone

by Nathan Stuckey 16 November 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza Twenty three years ago today the Palestinian declaration of independence was released.  Written by Mahmoud Darwish, and unveiled to the world by Yasser Arafat in Algiers where he was ...

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Meanwhile in Gaza

by Radhika S. 15 November 2011 | Notes from Behind the Blockade I awoke today with the news that the NYPD was clearing out Occupy Wall Street and that Israeli tanks were shelling “northern Gaza.”  In the West Bank, Palestinian Freedom ...

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