
About our weather station

Tempe weather data is updated every ten minutes. The station is at the west end of Tempe Town Lake. This is a perfect location for you to check the current sailing conditions at the lake or how to dress for an event at Tempe Beach Park. Remember you can never go wrong bringing your sunscreen to Tempe!

Town Lake Weather Monitor
Click the link above to open a page with the current Town Lake weather. The page automatically updates every 10 minutes.

Research data available

These links are data files in NOAA format:

This month summary
Last month summary

This year summary
Last year summary

These links are every five minutes in table format:

Last two days
Last eight days

This link is the current raw data from the weather station in XML format:

Current data in XML

For software developers:

Tempe offers a free web service you can use to retrieve the weather data.




Dew Point
