- published: 25 Feb 2016
- views: 1700
Anti may refer to:
Masonic Education #20 Anti- Masonry
Anti Illuminati Anti Mason
Freemasonry Exposed: What Every Christian Should Know
What Is The Illuminati?
Masonry is Anti-Christian and Dishonors Jesus
Masonic crooks? Editor Of Freemasonry Watch, K. R. P. McNeil-Smith
Magick, Mysticism, and Masonry (Can you be both Freemason & Christian?)
Anti MASONRY Chant - Great Doxology - English Byzantine Orthodox Hymn
The Obelisk - What Freemasons Do Not Want You To Know
Enter the secret world of the Freemasons
In this video we look at various anti-masonic movements in history.
Is Baphomet the god of Masonry? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZi_wmf4oNs The Masonic Foundations Of The United States Shocking Revelations Of The Masonic Ties Of Many Important Early USA Leaders Study This Information Carefully. To View This Evidence, Click On The LINK Below. http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Illuminati/masonic_nwo.htm Statue of Liberty, Part 4 The Statue of Liberty (SL) was given to the U.S. by the Grand Orient Freemasons of France, who had helped bring about the French Revolution of 1789. Their Masonic lodges were infiltrated by the Illuminati, which was founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt whose philosophy was "do what thou wilt." This is also what the serpent told Eve in the Garden of Eden, and the serpent represented Satan/Lucifer (pr...
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml The Illuminati is one of the world's most famous secret organizations. Their rumored membership includes many public figures. So, what do we know about the Illuminati? Learn More: The European Illuminati http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/stauffer.html "THAT great European movement in the direction of the secularization of thought to which the expressive term, the Aufklädrung or Enlightenment, has been applied, and which reached its apogee in the latter half of the eighteenth century, encountered a stubborn opposition in southern Germany in the electorate of Bavaria." Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments carried On In The Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, And Reading Societies, Collected From Good Au...
MASONRY ON JESUS CHRIST Jim Shaw was a 33rd degree Mason, a Past Worshipful Master of the Blue Lodge, a Past Master of all Scottish Rite bodies, and a Knight Commander of the Court of Honor. He said that official Masonic doctrine maintains that "Jesus was just a man...not divine and certainly not the only means of redemption of lost mankind." (Shaw and McKenney, The Deadly Deception, pp. 126-127). The Masonic Maundy Thursday Ritual of the chapter of the Rose Croiz states officially: "We meet this day to commemorate the death [of Jesus], not as inspired or divine, for this is not for us to decide." (ibid, p. 127). Masonry is anti-Christian. Masons want to "strip from all religions their orthodox tenets, legends, allegories and dogmas." (Clausen, Clausen's Commentaries on Morals and Dogma...
The F.·.W.·. Inner Guard http://freemasonrywatch.org/freemasons_introduction.html G and compass Suggested background musical accompaniment: 'Requiem', by the suddenly departed Brother Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Freemasons, Freemason, Freemasonry, Occult Order, Secret Society, Hidden History, Masonic Ritual Secrets: Freemasonry Watch the source for news and information about Masonry. The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers, which are cited to justify it. President John F. Kennedy Address to Newspaper Publishers April...
I am adding "Magick, Mysticism, and Masonry" by Doc Marquis to my research playlist. About the DVD: This is THE ONE video every Mason to whom you are witnessing must see! Doc Marquis drives a wooden stake into the heart of Freemasonry by exposing truths only known to a former Satanist. After proving that Masonry does claim to be a religion, Marquis quotes from a Masonic handbook which says that 'The name Jesus Christ means absolutely nothing' to a Mason! Six parts to this video: 1) Legend of Hiram Abiff. Shows how Masons place Nimrod symbols inside their version of Solomon's Temple; 2) Captain Morgan fuels the Anti-Masonic Movement; 3) Religion and the Masons; 4) Illuminati - Masonic connection. Two Movements completely intertwined. Covers famous Masons and Witches. Very interesting! 5) M...
http://www.orthodoxphotos.com/history.shtml How old is the orthodox faith? Read it. It explains you very clearly why Orthodoxy is the Only True Faith. See the DIVINE MUSIC PROJECT! http://www.stanthonysmonastery.org/music/Index.html This website contains more than 6000 pages of Byzantine music in Western and Byzantine notation in the style of chanting used on the Holy Mountain Athos, translated to English. I am from Romania. All the links I present below are in English. Greetings and love from Romania! I also want to tell you that I pictured the miracle of the incorrupted body of a Romanian Orthodox saint John Jacob from Hozeve in august 2009 in a pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places in Israel. Saint Ioan Iacob from Hozeva died in 1960.His intact body wa...
What Islam says about Freemasonry: Many Islamic anti-Masonic arguments are closely tied with Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism, though other criticisms are made such as linking Freemasonry to Dajjal. Some Muslim anti-Masons argue that Freemasonry promotes the interests of the Jews around the world and that one of its aims is to rebuild the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem after destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque. In article 28 of its Covenant, Hamas states that Freemasonry, Rotary, and other similar groups "work in the interest of Zionism and according to its instructions...."
The Freemasons are the world's most well-known secret society, and are the subject of countless parodies and conspiracy theories. But who are they exactly? Mo Rocca ventures inside Masonic Lodges to find out.
In this video we look at various anti-masonic movements in history.
Masons and the government tried to stop this video from being made and published.
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml The Illuminati is one of the world's most famous secret organizations. Their rumored membership includes many public figures. So, what do we know about the Illuminati? Learn More: The European Illuminati http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/stauffer.html "THAT great European movement in the direction of the secularization of thought to which the expressive term, the Aufklädrung or Enlightenment, has been applied, and which reached its apogee in the latter half of the eighteenth century, encountered a stubborn opposition in southern Germany in the electorate of Bavaria." Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments carried On In The Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, And Reading Societies, Collected From Good Au...
Fakty o Iluminátech. Zdroje: http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/stauffer.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illuminati#Modern_Illuminati https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illuminati https://www.nsa.gov/ www.Itanimulli.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Weishaupt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_Providence https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ved%C5%BEat Pokud se vám video líbilo, prosím zanechte lajk, komentář nebo odběr (nebo všechny 3). Hudba - YouTube Audiolibrary Facebook stránka https://www.facebook.com/DIRADOSVETA-... A číslo účtu pro případný donate. :-) 2051741123/0800 🌑 diradosveta
THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY! THIS IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT!!!! THIS IS REAL!!!! More Cryptic Messaging REVEALED!!!!!!! Is it only a mere coincidence that we’ve been seeing Illuminati symbolisms embedded all over mainstream media — from Pyramids to “New World Order” references; from destruction to “Unleash the Cats,” it’s no wonder mainstream media are pushing Biblical themes and messaging such as Apocalypse and Four Horsemen — At Such A Time As This! But when you uncover the hidden symbolisms and meanings behind “X-Men Apocalypse,” and even the recent Jaguar commercial just this past week, you start to uncover some cryptic Illuminati messaging that has been ushered under the guises of “conspiracy theory.” Only, how much of a “conspiracy” is this REALLY? Even one of our presidents, George...
Shocked to discover Protestant churches have been infiltrated by Jesuit Freemasonry at their birth... many pastors of Protestant churches were in fact Freemasons peaching different gospels from the Bible, even the 'authorized' Protestant Bible KJV 1611 was born Masonic! http://www.blessedquietness.com/journal/housechu/sbc_cloud.htm http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/textfiles/famous.html http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/anti-masonry05.html#usa http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/006/freemasons.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_p6fbi32dQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlbNN46Y_b4 https://plus.google.com/112450395401854936791/posts/Bx3o4izEgxV
NOW IS THE TIME TO EXPOSE ALL EVIL!!! The Bohemian Club, founded in San Francisco in 1872, houses and owns the Bohemian Grove — which is where the rich, the powerful, the elite men and their entourage visit with each other, while camping out in cabins and tents. Typically held during the last two weeks of July, the Bohemian Grove is a "little retreat where the powerful relax, enjoy each other's company, and get to know some of the artists, entertainers, and professors who are included to give the occasion a thin veneer of cultural and intellectual pretension." But This Isn't Just ANY Ordinary "Summer Camp!" This is ALSO the meeting where a bunch of hefty elite men gather and meet at the Bohemian Grove to "have camp," talk about the world collectively as a whole, and discuss ways on ho...
IF YOU WATCHED THIS VIDEO, THE INFO IS HERE: 1. http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/baphomet.html 2. http://www.guardiansofdarkness.com/GoD/god-baphomet.html THE WEBSITES ABOVE EXPLAIN WHY BAPHOMET IS NOT SATANIC NOR WORSHIPED BY SATANIC PEOPLE OR BY FREEMASONRY. Just REMEMBER That Baphomet Was Created By Someone Who Just Thought About A Symbol Associated With History And Twisted The Whole Entire Story Of The Baphomet...
Exagramme, étoile à 6 branches, étoile de David, sceau de Salomon, double triangle, talisman de Saturne, ... Les noms ne manquent pas pour ce symbole célèbre! Les franc-maçons utilisent l'étoile à 6 branches. Voici ce qu'ils disent sur un de leur site (qui fait l'apologie de la Franc maçonnerie) pour expliquer leur utilisation de ce symbole: "L'étoile de David, ou Magen David (Bouclier de David) n'est historiquement pas limitée à son utilisation par les juifs. Comme le pentagramme, il sert de signe magique... Bien que la communauté juive de Prague ait adopté l'étoile de David comme emblème au 17è siècle, elle a continué a être utilisée au cours des 18è et 19è siècles... en tant que talisman contre les mauvais esprits sans connotation juive particulière. " http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-mas...
truth including Matthew 19- I decided to release before august needless to say but I will try to wait until august after the next video
The Door in the Wall by H.G. Wells. Performed by Frank Marcopolos of http://frankmarcopolos.com More? Sure: http://twitter.com/frankmarcopolos - FOLLOW ME! http://instagram.com/frankzmarcopolos - FOLLOW ME http://frankmarcopolos.com http://youtube.com/brooklynfrank - SUBSCRIBE!!! Music: Impact Andante by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100621 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ * I believe there may be some metaphysics involved. * From Encyclopedia.com: H. G. Wells’s short story “The Door in the Wall” was first published in 1911 as part of a collection titled The Door in the Wall, and Other Stories. The conflict between science ...
Kyle Hunt speaks to Jeff Wilkerson about his book Sion’s Army: The Freemasons. Topics include: the different sects of jews, the bloodline of Jesus, the Merovingians, the Priori de Sion, the Templars, the Rosicrucians, the Protestant Reformation, the Illuminati, the American & French Revolutions, the National Socialist reaction to judeo-Masonry, Donald Trump, and more. http://anti-freemason.com/ http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/ http://renegadetribune.com/ http://whiteresistance.org/ http://www.hellstormdocumentary.com/ http://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/ The Nordic Resistance Movement: SWE: https://www.nordfront.se/ NOR: https://www.frihetskamp.net/ FIN: http://www.patriootti.com/ DEN: http://www.nordfront.dk/
The "Taxil Hoax" Smoke Screen: Taxil Hoax? Really? That's interesting, but mostly nonsense. Some work attributed to Mr Taxil really came from letters written (1889) by Mr Mazzini (Head of Illuminati, Mafia Founder ( 00:50 )). What? Hello? How did Taxil get hold of Mazzini's letters? Furthermore, if Masons didn't approve, and were in control, they could have buried Taxil's work long ago, along with so many other things. Christians may say, "God is in control," but that doesn't answer, "By what means?" I'm reminded of the book, "Atlas Shrugged". This was supposed to be a "work of fiction", but was found to contain a "hidden message" for those people who are initiates. Taxil's work seems to be too direct to have any hidden message. His knowledge of daemonology, Freemasonry and "Lucifer bei...
Significance of 2015? Recruiting many to NWO globally.Top famous Mediums admit Lucifer's god of New Age+Spiritism,etc & from 12th+21st Dec '12 thru 2014, masses meditated globally to usher in Luciferianism & urge others to join the New Age or Occult. To increase NWO & false/demonic 'light.' Luciferianism within Spiritualism+NewAge Movements. Many groups feel 2015 is an important year for Lucifer! Famous Mediums+self confessed Luciferians, felt Lucifer is god-Madam Blavatsky('Mother of The New Age Movement'),+ famous Medium Alice Bailey founded Theosophy in 1830's+it still influences the New Age, Spiritualism,FreeMasonry,Illuminati, aiming towards Lucifer bringing light & peace via NWO, One World Religion+Govt, etc. Many thanks to my good friend Shazoolo for uploading this for me! Please s...
I can not understand, justify, or comprehend
Giving up my freedom of thought just to fit in
You don't even miss free will, brainwashed to the point you'd kill
A fellow man because he doesn't share your point of view
Spread your beliefs where will it end? How can you even try to defend
Your stolen holidays from pagan superstition
Learn from the mistakes of past, religious science just can't last
It really is all right to admit, "we don't understand"
Just because everyone believes in something
Isn't enough to make it true
There always has to be someone to wake up the world
Anti missionary