- published: 29 Mar 2016
- views: 2302
Gaiters are garments worn over the shoe and lower pants leg, and used primarily as personal protective equipment; similar garments used primarily for display are spats. Originally, gaiters were made of leather. Today, gaiters for walking are commonly made of plasticized synthetic cloth such as polyester. Gaiters for use on horseback continue to be made of leather.
In Army parlance, a gaiter covers leg and bootlacing; a legging covers only the leg. In RAF parlance, gaiter includes legging. The American Army during World War I and World War II had leggings, which were gaiters. Above the knee spatterdashes were cotton or canvas, as were many gaiters of varying lengths thereafter. Leather gaiters were rare in military, though sometimes a calf-length cotton gaiter had leather kneecaps added. Leggings, however, were very often made of leather, but also canvas.
Gaiters are a type of protective clothing for a person's ankles and legs below the knee. Gaiters are worn when walking, hiking, running (especially orienteering and rogaining) outdoors amongst dense underbrush or in snow, with or without snowshoes. Heavy gaiters are often worn when using crampons, to protect the leg and ankle from the spikes of the opposite foot. Gaiters strap over the hiking boot and around the person's leg to provide protection from branches and thorns and to prevent mud, snow, etc. from entering the top of the boot. Gaiters may also be worn as protection against snake bites.
How to choose the best gaiters for backpacking
Outdoor Research Men's Crocodiles Gaiters
OUTAD Bluefield Waterproof Gaiters Real Review
Outdoor Research Sparkplug Gaiters
Leg Protection from Snakes, Hiking Boots and Waterproof Gaiters
How to Put on a Gaiter
Fjallraven G-1000 Gaiters review by Trailblazer Outdoors
Snow Gear: Outdoor Research Rocky Mountain High Gaiters
Sea To Summit Gaiters
Want to cut weight on your backpacking or hiking boots? Then, consider adding a pair of gaiters to your gear. Gaiters protect your lower legs, while keeping trail debris out of your shoes. Read the complete story:http://survivalcommonsense.com/gaiters-five-tips-to-choose-the-best-pair-for-any-conditions/ And please sign up for our email update: http://survivalcommonsense.com/contact-us-at-survival-common-sensefeed/ And "Like" our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/survivalcommonsense/ Thanks for watching!
Check out the Outdoor Research Men's Crocodile Gaiters at Backcountry Edge: http://www.backcountryedge.com/outdoor_research-crocodiles.aspx Made from durable, waterproof fabrics, the Outdoor Research Men's Crocodiles Gaiters are well-equipped for backpacking, alpine climbing and other outdoor pursuits.
In this video we take a look at some waterproof gaiters manufactured by Bluefield and sold on Amazon by OUTAD. My opinion has always been that if you need gaiters, there is a good chance you are wearing the wrong pants and footwear. While I still hold that same opinion after testing this product over several weeks, I was pleasantly surprised that I did actually like these gaiters and I can see why some people would want to use them. This is NOT a paid advertising or review. My testing and review of this product was completely voluntary. This review represents MY OPINION only, and your experience may vary. Check out OUTAD's Amazon Store here: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_nr_p_4_2?me=A1F8NSKJA5BK&fst;=as:off&rh;=p_4:OUTAD&ie;=UTF8&qid;=1458116766 Direct link to OUTAD's Waterproof Gai...
Check out the Outdoor Research Sparkplug Gaiters at Backcountry Edge: https://www.backcountryedge.com/sparkplug-gaiters.html Ultra-lightweight Outdoor Research Sparkplug Gaiters are ideal for trail runners seeking breathable, water-resistant protection. Stretch fabric and a simple attachments work with most running shoes to keep out stones, debris, and light rain without inhibiting movement.
How to protect your legs from snakebites, desert spinifex grass, bush thorns while hiking and we talk about waterproof snow hiking gaiters. Depending on which season or terrain I'm hiking in, depends on which gaiters I use; personally I have 3 different pairs of gaiters. 8oz GAITERS (Autumn & Spring) My standard bush walking gaiters are 8oz canvas and undoubtedly the most useful, I use them when hiking in the Australian bush in Autumn and Spring. Also I'd recommend 8oz canvas gaiters for jungle trekking (both dry or rainy season). The name of this product is Quagmire Gaiters. 22oz SNAKE GAITERS (Summer, Late Spring, Early Autumn) My 22oz canvas gaiters are my all round favourite for maximum protection. I took a pair of 8oz canvas gaiters and had a gear alterations company add an extra la...
Outdoor Research, manufacturers of the Crocodile gaiter, shows you how to properly use your gaiters. Phil Ershler and Erica Engle, owner and guide for International Mountain Guides, shows you how to use your gaiters. Video Transcription: Hi, I'm Phil Ershler and I'm joined today with Erica Engle, one of our top senior guides at International Mountain Guides, and we're here to talk a little bit today about how we're going to fit a pair of gaiters for the Alpine environment. I don't know about you, Erica, but when I think about gaiters, I think in terms of crocodiles. The two words for me have always been synonymous, so how do we start with these things? Let's start by opening the gaiter fully, and Erica puts the gaiter on from the back, working forward, and you notice that the OR label i...
An in depth review of the Fjallraven G1000 gaiters by Trailblazer Outdoors Andy. Used in bonny Scotland in his September trip. As the name suggests, they are made from the Fjallraven G1000 material a hard wearing Polyester/Cotton blend that is waxed with Greenland wax. Just had it confirmed, this gaiter is now discontinued. We will wait and see if it is to be replaced by another. Real shame, as it's a great gaiter, (glad I got a pair now). Trailblazer is in discussion with Fjallraven to see if we can get some made, as it's such a great product! (But we aren't holding out breaths).
When playing in the snow, you need to keep snow out of your gear. Gaiters do that for you, and after doing some research I landed on the Outdoor Research Rocky Mountain High Gaiters. So, come with us on one of our recent treks and let me show you why we picked and love these gaiters. Where To Buy: http://www.rei.com/product/852793/outdoor-research-rocky-mountain-high-gaiters https://twitter.com/gideonstactical https://www.instagram.com/gideonstactical/ https://www.facebook.com/gideonstactical300/
These gaiters are great for mud/slush and even snow, they fit great and will save your pants getting wet or spoilt.
A quick review after a few hours field testing my new Sea To Summit Quagmire eVent Gaiters & Superfeet GREEN innersoles ! (No Affiliation with Sea to Summit) Sorry for the black pixelation at the start, not sure what happened there, I think it's the upload 'cos it wasn't there when it was rendered and this is the second time uploading after render adjustment :\
You break me- I want my peices badly
You take me- I want myself back madly
You fight me- I want a nice peace tready
You light me- I want the darkness completely
Tape my wing down
Hold my blue toe to the ground
Take my senses
But you can't take my license to thrill
You can't mold me- I'll take the clay and make a snake
You can't hold me- I can't be anything that's fake
take my life
But don't take my license to thrill
I wonder- why I ever bothered
You can't see- I've been plenty fathered
And sometimes- I can see straight through your blue eyes
You're so blind- you can't see when someone else crys
I guess it's not so bad
You gaurd me and hold my hand
You just can't strip away
My quirkiness today
I guess it's not so bad