During a BSEE-directed unannounced exercise in the Gulf of Mexico (April 2013) offshore operator Noble Energy shipped this 600-ton capping stack to a simulated well hole 5, 047 feet below the surface.
Platforms Ellen and Elly offshore near Long Beach, Calif in BSEE’s Pacific Region. Ellen (right) is a production platform connected by a walkway to Platform Elly (left), a processing platform for both Ellen and another platform, Eureka.
Alaska’s Northstar Island in the Beaufort Sea, built of gravel six miles off the Alaska coastline. Built during the winter months of 2000, it has been in operation since 2001.
Testing oil spill containment equipment is a critical part of BSEE's mission protecting safety and the environment on the Outer Continental Shelf. Some testing is done at Ohmsett National Oil Spill Response Research Facility in BSEE's 2.6 million-gallon salt water tank for simulating ocean conditions.

News Briefs


06/09/2016 - WASHINGTON –  More than 600 people gathered at the Newseum on May 7-9 to address the variety of challenges the world’s oceans face during Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW), the Nation’s premier ocean stewardship event.

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06/07/2016 - NEW ORLEANS - Engineers and analysts from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement's (BSEE) Gulf of Mexico and Alaska Regions recently evaluated Spill Response Operations Training and Equipment Verification exercises conducted by the Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company and its oil spill removal contractor at the Port of Morgan City, La. These exercises are required periodically to test spill response team training and resource availability, as part of each operator’s Oil Spill Response Plan.

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05/27/2016 - To commemorate the upcoming Memorial Day holiday, staff from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) held a ceremony May 26 in Sterling, Virginia.  Keynote speakers included Brian Salerno, BSEE Director; Dr. Rodney Cluck, BOEM Chief of Environmental Sciences; Deanna Meyer-Pietruska, BOEM Chief of Policy, Regulation and Analysis; and Jacob Lee from BSEE’s Office of Policy and Analysis.  Organized by veterans from BOEM and BSEE, the event was attended by more than 100 employees.  During the event a memorial plaque was presented and will be displayed in the Bureaus’ offices.

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