- published: 27 Aug 2010
- views: 14310
Ukrainian Baroque or Cossack Baroque or Mazepa baroque is an architectural style that emerged in Ukraine during the Hetmanate era, in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Ukrainian Baroque is distinct from the Western European Baroque in having more moderate ornamentation and simpler forms, and as such was considered more constructivist. Many Ukrainian Baroque buildings have been preserved, including several buildings in Kyiv Pechersk Lavra and the Vydubychi Monastery in Kyiv.
The best examples of Baroque painting are the church paintings in the Holy Trinity Church of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Rapid development in engraving techniques occurred during the Ukrainian Baroque period. Advances utilized a complex system of symbolism, allegories, heraldic signs, and sumptuous ornamentation.
Certain features of the Ukrainian baroque, such as bud and pear-shaped domes, were borrowed by the similar Naryshkin baroque movement in 17th-18th century Moscow. Modern Ukrainian church buildings, such as Troeshchina Cathedral, are also built in this style, but it is not typical for Ukrainian baroque. Originating in the 17th century, Ukrainian baroque reached its golden age in the time of Ivan Mazepa. Mazepa baroque is original synthesis of West-European baroque architectural forms and Ukrainian national baroque architectural traditions.
Ukrainian polyphonic choral concerto from the first half of the 18th century (anon. composer).
Choral concerto by anonymous composer from the first half of the 18th century ("Adam sat at the gate of Paradise")
Відео до пісні, авторство якої приписують графу Олексію Розумовському, зняте в рамках мистецького проекту "Родинні гнізда, духовні та мистецькі осердя старої Руси-України". Проект, що складається з ряду фотовиставок, круглих столів, прес-конференцій та відеорепортажів, має на меті привернути увагу громадськості до об'єктів мистецько-культурної спадщини України, які перебувають у жалюгідному стані і потребують порятунку. Відкриває проект унікальна пам'ятка садибної дерев'яної архітектури Лівобережя сер. 18 ст., унікальний ансамбль часів старої гетьманщини - садиба Дараганів (смт. Козелець, Покорщина)
Ivan Georg Pinzel La scultura ucraina nel periodo barocco in Louvre New exhibition in Louvre Museum exhibition of works of Ukrainian baroque sculptor Ivan Georg Pinzel in Louvre Museum (November 21, 2012 - February 25, 2013) Le 21 novembre 2012 une exposition du sculpteur ukrainien de la période baroque Ivan Georg Pinzel a été inaugurée au musée du Louvre. L'exposition sera ouverte au musée du Louvre pendant trois mois. Der Louvre (Vom Donnerstag 22.November 2012 bis Montag 25.Februar 2013) Ivan Georg Pinzel:ein barocker Bildhauer in der Ukraine im 18.Jahrhundert December 28, 2012 Now you can buy in Louvre shop a new Ukraine's catalog of artwork of Ukrainian sculptor Ivan Georg Pinzel in Ukrainian and in English with a lot of illustration and full information about works of Ukrain...
Voskresensky Kanon (pt 1,2) by Mykola Diletsky, Ukrainian baroque composer. Performed by Musicus Bortnianskii conducted by Myron Maksymiw
Kievo Pecherska Lavra is one of the oldest, most important and largest monastery complexes of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Holy Gate of the Trinity-Gate-Church is the main entrance into Kiev's cave monastery. It features Ukrainian Baroque architecture with stucco work and numerous icons. Gate churches were typical of Kiev Rus' and also served as watchtowers for fortified walls. Later, great artists were employed to add further embellishments. However, the history of the monastery began quite modestly. Revered monk, Antonius, lived for many years in a monastery on the Holy Mountain of Athos in Greece. He subsequently returned to his home country and lived as a hermit for the rest of his life within a cave on the banks of the River Dnjepr. Further monks followed and a community of ...
Н. Матвієнко та Ансамбль старовинної музики під кер. К. Чечені. Музика українського барокко. Музыка украинского барокко. Кінець 16 - 17 ст. Конец 16 - 17 ст.Ukrainian baroque music .
After the Union of Lublin, the Ukrainian lands had become part of the western civilization. In XVI and XVII century Ukraine began to absorb, trough Poland the ideas of European renaissance and baroque.
Performers: Ukrainian Radio Symphony Orchestra Ukrainian Radio Choir. Director: Julia Tkach. Soloists: Bohdana Pivnenko (violin), Svitlana Shabaltina, Olga Shadrina-Lychak, Natalia Fomenko, Natalia Sikors'ka (Harpsichord) Conductor: Vladimir Sheiko
"Kyiv Theological Tradition in Georges Florovsky's Ways of Russian Theology: A Critical Assessment" by Father Deacon Dr. Paul Gavrilyuk, University of Toronto, 8 May 2014. - Georges Florovsky "The Ways of Russian Theology". Failed to sufficiently understand the distinctiveness of the Kyivan theological tradition because he took the narrative of Russian imperial history for granted. - 1:17 Unique features of the Kyivan theological tradition. Florovsky family background. - 1:45 Georges Florovsky born in 1893, youth spent in Odesa, Ukraine. Ancestors on father's side were Russian, on mother's side Ukrainian. Georges Florovsky family background - 3:20 Ukrainian intellectual history - 3:45 Florovsky was a founding father of the Eurasian movement. Eurasian ideology postulated a unity of the pe...
Kiev is the capital of the Ukraine and, as with Rome, is built on seven hills. It is dominated by many churches and monasteries. The Latin Quarter originated in 1837 according to the design of Vicenti Beretti, with splendid buildings such as the National Philharmonic and the Baroque Opera and Ballet Theatre that is a more recent building because the original burned down soon after its construction. A unique monument of architectural splendour and culture overlooks the upper town, Sofiysky Sobor Cathedral, that was modelled on the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. The Orthodox Church is one of several mainstream Christian religions the most well known of which was established in Russia. The city�s river is affectionately known as Father Dnepr. It is large and an ancient trading route betwe...
Ukraine is an off-beat destination for most travelers, including Holly Morris, who nonetheless, dives right into her Globe Trekker journey to discover plenty of unexpected charms, cultural curiosities, and historical perspectives that range from fun to deeply haunting. Holly's Ukraine itinerary cuts a wide circular swath through this vast country which is slightly bigger then France, and home to over 45 million people. Within Ukraine's current borders lies a history of overlapping empires, conquering armies and a patchwork of ethnic populations that sets the scene for today's visitor at every turn. A uniquely condensed collection of Renaissance and Baroque churches and architecture is Holly's first impression when she lands in the city of Lviv, Ukraine's north western "cultural capital",...
Heinrich Schütz, Musikalische Exequien, SWV 279/281. English Baroque Soloists, Monteverdi Choir, conducted by John Eliot Gardiner. Buy the CD here: http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/en/cat/4234052
Merry Christmas 1. The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy (2:59) 2. Away in a Manger (6:25) 3. White Christmas (12:14) 4. Carol of the Bells (16:18) 5. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (21:31) 6. Deck the Halls (26:58) 7. O Come, O Come, Emanuel (33:07) 8. Angels We have Heard on High (36:31) 9. What Child is This (41:11) 10. Carol of the Birds (47:13) 11. While Shepherds Watched (52:40) 12. Santa Claus is Coming to Town (57:45) 13. How Far is it to Bethlehem (1:01:40) 14. The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy (Reprise) (1:03:36)
Concert of Baroque Music. Ukrainian musicians & performers play music of ХVI-XVIII centures. Музыка композиторов ХVI-XVIII столетий в исполнении ансамбля "Лира". Руководитель Анатолий Шпаков. Укртелефильм 1982г.
Aнсамбль "Мадригaл" Худож. рук.- Андрей Волконский 1960-e Л. Давыдовa - сопрано; Р. Лисициан - сопрано; К. Лисициан - меццо-сопрано; Р. Лисициан - тенор; А. Туманов - баритон Эккард И. Песнь Адвенты Боденшац Э. О страстях, бициниум Преториус М. Рождественская песнь Нейзидлер - Г. Два танца Шютц Г. - Две духовные симфонии 1. Paratum cor meum. 2. Venite ad me Дуцис Б. - Мотет Финк Г. - О прекрасная женщина Шейн Г. - Хоральный концерт Шейдт С. - Вариации на тему гальярды Дж. Доуленда Хасслер Х. - 4 песни. 1. Начинайте! 2. Радость и веселье 3. Ты пленила меня 4. Попляшем и попрыгаем Ensemble "Madrigal" Dir.Andrei Volkonski L.Davydova - soprano; R.Lisitsian - soprano; K.Lisitsian - mezzo-soprano; R.Lisitsian - tenor; A.Tumanov - bariton Johannes Eccard - So...
Maxim Berezovsky (1745-1777) The Ukrainian Sacred Music of the 18th Century. Performed by the Chamber Choir of the Ukrainian Music "Vidrodgennia", founded in 1985, by Mstyslav Yurchenko. 1. Creating the Angels their ghosts 0:00 2. In memory eternal will be the blessed 2:17 3. The salvation cup I will receive 5:45 4. All over the world 9:02 5. Come on us 12:10 6. Joy for the Blessed 16:04 7. Praise the Lord in heaven #1 17:32 8. Praise the Lord in heaven #2 20:57 9. Praise the Lord in heaven #3 26:39 10. The Blessed I've already chosen 29:54 11. Glory be... o thou the only-begotten son 35:14 12. Come, let us worship and trisagion 38:00 13. Cherubical hymn 41:45 14. Credo 46:25 15. A mercy of peace 49:10 16. Meet it us 53:41 17. The Lord's prayer 55:12 18. Let the Lord enthrone (the concer...
The first is "Quell'usignolo" from Geminiano Giacomelli's opera Merope, sung by Vivica Genaux with the Akademie fuer Alte Musik under Rene Jacobs. The second is "Sweet bird, that shun'st the noise of folly" from Handel's L'Allegro, Il Penseroso ed il Moderato, sung by Christine Brandes with the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, under John Nelson
Directed by Julie Andrijeski (DMA 2006) Works By Lully, Biber, Telemann Date: October 4, 2008 Performed at Harkness Chapel on the campus of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio Performances by Former and Current Students of Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Institute of Music in Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Joint Music Program. Search - Case Music, CIM, Joint Music Program