- published: 06 Jan 2016
- views: 443
Members of Ukraine's Orthodox Christian community are attending a Christmas Day church service in Kyiv's St. Volodymyr's Cathedral. The Christian Orthodox Church uses the Gregorian calendar and celebrates Christmas 13 days after most of the Western world, which uses the Julian calendar. Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
Our family visited the cathedral at 5:00 am on April 15, 2012. St. Volodymyr's Cathedral is the mother church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Kiev Patriarchy.
http://www.visitkievukraine.com/attractions/volodymyr.htm St Volodymyr's Cathedral is the mother cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church -- Kiev Patriarchate. It is situated on Shevchenko Boulevard in the centre of Kiev, Ukraine. This video shows: 0:09 -- Worshippers arriving for an Orthodox service 0:13 -- The main entrance to St Volodymyr's Cathedral 0:34 -- The yellow façade and cupolas 0:36 -- A babushka sitting in a doorway 0:55 -- The interior of the cathedral
St Volodymyr's Cathedral in Kiev. The bells are ringing after the mass on 25.03.11
La cathédrale Saint Volodymyr se trouve dans le quartier Ukrainien de Chicago . C'est la cathédrale orthodoxe mais il existe aussi à quelques pâtés de maison de là une autre cathédrale ukrainienne catholique. Celle ci date de 1911. Elle possède un tympan orné d'une belle mosaïque. photos et montage : Patrick Boschet musique : " Balkano " de Hicham Chahidi http://www.musicscreen.be/musique-libre-de-droit/Catalogue/Balkano.html
Liturgy at St Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Thunder Bay Ontario on August 19, 2016.
360Vr Video 360 Degrees. Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev. Located on the Boulevard of Taras Shevchenko. Visible Lane of Poplars on the Boulevard Shevchenko. Shevchenko Boulevard With Passing Vehicles. Summer Day. Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here: http://goo.gl/Ql3XGQ
Kiev/ukraine - Jul 28 2016: 360Vr Video 360 Degrees, Interior of Vladimir Cathedral, Wedding Day, Iconostasis of the Church, St. Volodymyr's Cathedral in Kiev. Photographer is Ready to Take a Photo. Interior of the Cathedral. Congregation in the Church. Bride in White Fluffy Dress and Groom on a Ceremony of Wedding, Are Walking Around the Altar. Priest in Religious Garments is Holding the Ceremony. Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here: http://goo.gl/PUAQ7A
Kiev/ukraine - Jul 28 2016: 360Vr Video 360 Degrees, Interior of Vladimir Cathedral, Wedding Day, Candelabra, Candles. Iconostasis of the Church, St. Volodymyr's Cathedral in Kiev. Interior of the Cathedral. Congregation in the Church. Bride in White Fluffy Dress and Groom on a Ceremony of Wedding. Altar. Priest in Religious Garments is Holding the Ceremony. Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here: http://goo.gl/4dBcye
Kiev/ukraine - Jul 28 2016: 360Vr Video 360 Degrees, Interior of Vladimir Cathedral, Wedding Day, Iconostasis of the Church, St. Volodymyr's Cathedral in Kiev. Photographer is Ready to Take a Photo. Interior of the Cathedral. Congregation in the Church. Guests Are Watching the Wedding. Bride in White Fluffy Dress and Groom on a Ceremony of Wedding. Priest in Religious Garments is Holding the Ceremony. People Are Walking by the Hall of a Church and Looking at the Icons Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here: http://goo.gl/064O2d
Kiev/ukraine - Jul 28 2016: 360Vr Video 360 Degrees, Interior of Vladimir Cathedral, Wedding Day, Iconostasis of the Church, St. Volodymyr's Cathedral in Kiev. Interior of the Cathedral. Father Leads Away a Little Boy, Son is Dressed in Ukrainian Embroidered Shirt. Congregation in the Church. Guests Are Watching the Wedding. Bride in White Fluffy Dress and Groom on a Ceremony of Wedding. Priest in Religious Garments is Holding the Ceremony. People Are Walking by the Hall of a Church and Looking at the Icons Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here: http://goo.gl/XD1iV5
Kiev/ukraine - Jul 28 2016: 360Vr Video 360 Degrees, People at Wedding Ceremony. Interior of Vladimir Cathedral, Wedding Day, People Are Standing in Line, Approaching to the Altar, Iconostasis of the Church, St. Volodymyr's Cathedral in Kiev. Interior of the Cathedral. Congregation in the Church. Ceremony of Wedding, Are Walking Around the Altar. Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here: http://goo.gl/9eNadC
Kiev/ukraine - Jul 28 2016: 360Vr Video 360 Degrees, Man Filming Vladimir Cathedral Spherical Panorama, Wedding Day, Iconostasis of the Church, St. Volodymyr's Cathedral in Kiev. Cameraman is Walking by Church Halls, Taking Video of Interior of the Cathedral. Candles, Lamps. Daylight Comes Through Windows. Congregation in the Church. People Are Looking at the Icons, Praying in Front of Images, Indoors Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here: http://goo.gl/Q6CiFc
Kiev/ukraine - Jul 28 2016: 360Vr Video 360 Degrees, Man Filming Vladimir Cathedral Spherical Panorama, Wedding Day in St. Volodymyr's Cathedral in Kiev. Iconostasis of the Church, Cameraman is Walking by Church Halls, Taking Video of Interior of the Cathedral. Candles, Lamps. Daylight Comes Through Windows. Senior Aged Woman, Men and Women, Congregation in the Church. People Are Looking at the Icons, Praying in Front of Images, Indoors Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here: http://goo.gl/eryiGa
Kiev/ukraine - Jul 28 2016: 360Vr Video 360 Degrees, Cameraman Enters Vladimir Cathedral, Spherical Panorama. Kiev, Taras Shevchenko Boulevard, Wedding Day in St. Volodymyr's Cathedral, Ukraine. Cathedral Interior, Images, Columns. People, Congregation. the Temple is Executed in Neo-Byzantine Style. Walls of the Church Are Painted in Yellow. People Are Walking by Paving Tiles, Strolling by Kiev Streets in Sunny Summer Day. Cityscape, Cars, Bus on the Road. Green Trees, Blue Sky, White Clouds, Outdoors Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here: http://goo.gl/brpzrS
6th Annual Festival of Carols at the Ukrainian Cathedral of Immaculate Conception FESTIVAL PROGRAM Combined choir from Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and St. Josaphat parish, Philadelphia, PA Director: Bohdan Henhalo Choir from Annunciation of the BVM parish, Melrose Park, PA Directors: Lesya Penkalskyj, Irene Zwarych, Bohdan Henhalo Choir from St. Josaphat parish, Trenton, NJ Director: Roman Kuczarsky Alexander Koshetz Choir of St Volodymyr's Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Philadelphia, PA Director: Karen Melnyk-Ferraro Chamber Choir "Accolade", Philadelphia, PA Director: Dmytro Terleckyj Choir of St. Basil Academy, Jenkintown, PA Director: Sr. Germana Senita OSBM Bells of St. Basil Academy, Jenkintown, PA Director: Lesya Penkalskyj Leopolis Consort of The Ukrain...
Свято Т.Г. Шевченка у школі Українознавства при церкві св.кн. Володимира м Чикаго 5 березня 2016. Taras Schevchenko Celebration. School of Ukrainian Studies at st. Volodymyr Ukrainian Ortodox Cathedral. Call (773)- 278 -2827
Presentation of historical and regional embroidered shirts of Ukraine Sunday, May 4, 2014. St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre. Oakville, Ontario. Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch and Kniahynia Olha Branch. St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral. With sincere thanks, please send donations to: Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch and Kniahynia Olha Branch St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral 620 Spadina Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5S 2H4 Phone: 416-923-3318 www.umcontario.com https://www.facebook.com/lighton.thedarkness/media_set?set=a.10154164135475385.1073741830.643525384&type;=1&l;=3ca963f519 The Ethnographic Regions of Ukraine Represented by our Sorochky Polissia Festive linen sorochka from the Rivnе Oblast. Purchased as part o...
"Різдвяна Містерія" 2012 "Christmas Mystery" performed by "Svitlo" / "Світло" @ Factory Theatre Mainspace. 125 Bathurst St. Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012. 3:00 pm. [ Contact information: Kathy Matkowskyj@yahoo.com ] ( Група "Світло" під патронатом Православної Катедри Св. Володимира ) Духовна Постановка. Продюсер: Катя Матковська Режисер: Сергій Котеленець Дійові особи: предцтавники церковних громад Онтаріо Декламатори - Ігор Мисливчук / Лариса Баюсь Архангел Гавриїл - Максим Столяревський Пресвята Діва Марія - Мейгіл Фаулер Святий Йосиф - Мирослав Ковалевич Праведна Єлисавета - Оксана Кліновська Прабедній Захарія - Юрій Келебай Вношення Хреста - Анна Гейчук Хрустос - Кирило Ґубарев Праведний Сумеон - Іван Тронь Псальм 8-ий - Пророк - Микола Маскулка Пастухи - Роман Кулик / Юрій Гомзяк / Орест...
Різдвяна Містерія - Група *Світло* Духовна Постановка 2013 -- (7 ій рік), під патронатом Української Православної Катедри Св. Володимира. Торонто. Канада. [The Christmas Story, in Ukrainian] * (№) - кількість вистав - represents years of participation Продюсер: Катя Матковська (7) Пежисер: Сергій Котоленець (6) * Декламатори: Ігор Мисливчук (6), Лариса Баюс (6) Архангел ГавриЇл: Максим Столяревський (6) Пресвята Діва Марія: Жанна Зінченко (5) Святий Йосиф: Мирослав Ковалевич (6) Праведна Єлисавета: Оксана Кліновська (3) Праведний Захарія: Юрій Келебай (2) Вношеня Хреста: Анна Гейчук (3) Христос: Сергій Данко (1) Праведний Симеон: Іван Тронь (6) Пророк: Микола Маскулка (6) Пастухи: Роман Кулик (6), Юрій Комзяк (3), Роман Ботюк (1) Три Царі: Зенон Чавлюк (7), Володимир Цвігун (5), Богдан Пр...
[ Братство для оновлення українського православ'я в Канаді ] [ The Brotherhood for the Revitalization of Ukrainian Orthodoxy in Canada ] http://www.bruoc.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view;=article&id;=43&Itemid;=29 http://www.facebook.com/groups/BRUOC/?fref=ts Second Informational Seminar Saturday, December 1, 2012 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, 400 Bathurst Street. Toronto Topics to be presented*: 1). Edmonton Eparchial Conference .................................................................... Gloria Sametz-Chewchuk Highlights of the Educational Seminar regarding the Eucharistic Union between the UOCC and the EP, hosted by the Western Eparchy on October 25 in Edmonton 2.) Eastern Eparchial Conference .......................................
[ Братство для оновлення українського православ'я в Канаді ] [ The Brotherhood for the Revitalization of Ukrainian Orthodoxy in Canada ] http://www.bruoc.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view;=article&id;=43&Itemid;=29 http://www.facebook.com/groups/BRUOC/?fref=ts Second Informational Seminar Saturday, December 1, 2012 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, 400 Bathurst Street. Toronto Topics to be presented*: 1). Edmonton Eparchial Conference .................................................................... Gloria Sametz-Chewchuk Highlights of the Educational Seminar regarding the Eucharistic Union between the UOCC and the EP, hosted by the Western Eparchy on October 25 in Edmonton 2.) Eastern Eparchial Conference .......................................
Традиційна Різдвяна зустріч правління Каси з українським духовенством околиці Чікаґо, 14 грудня 2011 р. Духовні провідники поділяються своїми думками про свою працю та про Касу "Самопоміч". Слово Єпископа -- англійською мовою, інші виступи -- українською: Митрофорний Архімандрит Панкратій зі Українського Православного Собору св. кн. Волидимира в Чікаґо; о. Віктор Полярний, настоятель Української Православної парафії св. Андрія Первозваного у Блумінґдейл; Пастор Александ Калінін з Української Баптистської Церкви у Бервін; о. Олег Кривокульський, настоятель Українського Катольцького Собору св. Володимира і Ольги в Чікаґо; о. Микола Боднарчук із Православної Церкви св. Йосифа у Вітон; о. Богдан Налисник з Української Католицької Катедри св. о. Миколая в Чікаґо; о. Микола Бурядник із Укра...
Різдвяна Містерія - Група *Світло* Духовна Постановка 2014 -- (8 ій рік), під патронатом Української Православної Катедри Св. Володимира. Торонто. Канада. [The Christmas Story, in Ukrainian] - NATIVITY STORY - Factory Theatre Mainspace Saturday, Dec, 20, 2014 3:00 PM - Ensemble "Svitlo" - Nativity Story. Faith makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work, Love makes all things beautiful, May you have all the three for this Christmas. * The Holy Trinity Church, in Toronto, has been staging their production of "The Christmas Story" since 1938. "Svitlo" appreciates that they allowed us to adapt their format and bring the story of the birth of Jesus Christ to the Ukrainian community. * SPONSORS: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Foundation Temerty Family SUS Foundation St. Vol...
Sunday Liturgy on December 27, 2015 at Saints Volodymyr & Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church in Chicago, IL