Sign the Boycott Target Pledge!
Target's store policy endangers women and children by allowing men to frequent women's facilities.
Sign The Boycott Target Pledge

Sign The Boycott Target Pledge

Tim Wildmon | 4/21/2016 9:47:44 AM

Target has crossed the line by intentionally exposing women and girls to voyeurs and sexual predators with their restroom and dressing room policy.

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AFA Attends Target Shareholder's Meeting - Video

Tim Wildmon | 6/10/2016 1:02:53 PM

Tim and Abe discuss Abe's attendance at Target's annual shareholders meeting and a subsequent exchange between Abe and Target CEO Brian Cornell.


Why Political Campaigns Get Bitter

Bryan Fischer | 6/10/2016 11:16:44 AM

Authority to govern comes from God. When it is grabbed for self-promotion, chaos ensues.


Sign the #PrayforVBS Pledge!

Monica Cole | 6/9/2016 2:42:14 PM

Thousands and thousands of kids will be attending Vacation Bible Schools this summer. Sign the pledge to commit to praying that kids come to Christ.


Keep Cross-dressing Cowboys Out of Ladies' Room

Bryan Fischer | 6/8/2016 12:58:13 PM

Despite what the main stream media would have you believe, there is more and more push back taking place across America against the normalization of sexual deviancy.

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Tim Wildmon | 6/8/2016 11:19:53 AM

With the anniversary of D-Day on his mind, the president of American Family Association challenges believers to value faithfulness above success.


AFA at Target Shareholder Meeting

Tim Wildmon | 6/8/2016 9:06:06 AM

An AFA representative will be present at Target's shareholder meeting to speak on behalf of the over 1.3 million people who have signed the boycott Target pledge.

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