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Anonymous Shuts Down New York, London, Baltic, Philippines, Turkey, Athens, Panama, Lao Stock Exchange Pages

June 8th, 2016 | by righteous
Anonymous Shuts Down New York, London, Baltic, Philippines, Turkey, Athens, Panama, Lao Stock Exchange Pages

#OpIcarus continues – Anonymous has claimed credit for massive DDoS attacks which have shut down Stock Exchange websites across the globe. The latest round of attacks, occurring between June 1-6, were made in conjunction with Phase 3 of #OpIcarus known as #Project Mayhem .

As of June 3, 2016, #OpIcarus has successfully attacked their 67th Central Banking web site. You can read more about the history of this operation here:

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One Comment

  1. sh4d0wx says:

    sazjoker222 thank to you for all hard work you done

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