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  • Financial Intelligence Collection: Increase Your Knowledge, Confidence, and Impact

    Finance & Accounting Special Offer
    Calculating and assessing the overall financial health of the business is an important part of any managerial position. Companies expect managers to...
  • Freemark Abbey Winery

    Strategy & Execution Case Study
    Freemark Abbey must decide whether to harvest in view of the possibility of rain. Rain could damage the crop but delaying the harvest would be risky....
  • Tesla Motors

    Strategy & Execution Case Study
    In mid-2013, Tesla Motors was riding a wave of success: It had launched its first really mass-produced car-the model S-to rave reviews; had recently raised...
  • eHarmony

    Strategy & Execution Case Study
    eHarmony's CEO needs to decide how to react to imitations of its business model, encroachment by competing models and ascendance of free substitutes....
  • Google Inc. in 2014

    Strategy & Execution Case Study
    The case 'Google Inc. in 2014' describes Google's history, business model, governance structure, corporate culture, and processes for managing innovation....
  • Trader Joe's

    Strategy & Execution Case Study
    Based on a variety of metrics, Trader Joe's ranked as one of the most successful grocers in the United States in 2013. Experts estimated that the company...
  • Google Inc.

    Strategy & Execution Case Study
    The case 'Google Inc.' describes Google's history, business model, governance structure, corporate culture, and processes for managing innovation. It...
  • The "Chongqing Model" and the Future of China

    Global Business Case Study
    Since opening to the global economy in 1979, but especially since entering the WTO in 2001, China's economy grew at rates around 10% annually by attracting...
  • Facebook

    Technology & Operations Case Study
    As Facebook topped one billion monthly users in October 2012, the online social network continued to face questions about how best to monetize its surging...
  • U.S. Current Account Deficit

    Global Business Case Study
    Investors and policymakers throughout the world were confronted with the risk of painful economic consequences arising from the large U.S. current account...
  • Berkshire Partners: Bidding for Carter's

    Finance & Accounting Case Study
    A five-member team from Berkshire Partners must recommend a final bid and financial structure for a leveraged buyout of William Carter Co., a leading...
  • Nucor at a Crossroads

    Strategy & Execution Case Study
    Nucor is a minimill deciding whether to spend a significant fraction of its net worth on a commercially unproven technology in order to penetrate a large...
  • Creating Competitive Advantage

    Strategy & Execution Case Study
    A firm such as Schering-Plough that earns superior, long-run financial returns within its industry is said to enjoy a competitive advantage over its rivals....
  • Stedman Place: Buy or Rent?

    Finance & Accounting Case Study
    A couple has to decide whether to continue renting a townhouse or buy the one next door. Allows for a discussion of net present value, internal rate of...
  • Hedging at Porsche

    Finance & Accounting Case Study
    Porsche is taking in more money from its options strategies than it is from the sale of cars. Some of the earnings are on foreign exchange options, but...
  • United Breaks Guitars

    Sales & Marketing Case Study
    When social media propagate a complaint about poor customer service, an international media event ensues. How do viral videos spread and what can firms...
  • Note on Microeconomics for Strategists

    Strategy & Execution Case Study
    Summarizes the core ideas about the microeconomics of markets that are most relevant to business strategy. Sections I and II develop two basic building...
  • Transforming Alkermes into a Global Biopharmaceutical Company

    Finance & Accounting Case Study
    In the summer of 2011, Jim Frates, CFO of Alkermes faced choices about how to finance the acquisition of Dublin, Ireland-based Elan Drug Technologies...
  • Martini Klinik: Prostate Cancer Care

    Strategy & Execution Case Study
    Since its establishment in 2005, Hamburg's Martini Klinik had single-mindedly focused on prostate cancer care with a commitment to measure long term health...
  • Turkey - A Work in Progress?

    Leadership & Managing People Case Study
    For the past 10 years, Turkey has grown its real GDP at about 6% annually. This came after a huge debt crisis in 2001-02, wherein Turkey had to borrow...