- published: 24 Jul 2014
- views: 42444
Khaybar (Arabic: خيبر, IPA: [ˈxɑjbɑrˤ, ˈxajbɑr, ˈχæjbɑr, ˈχɛjbɑrˤ]) is the name of an oasis some 153 km to the north of Medina (ancient Yathrib), Saudi Arabia. Before the rise of Islam, this fortress town was inhabited in former times by Jewish tribes. It fell to Muslim forces in 629 AD
In 567, Khaybar was invaded and vacated of its Jewish inhabitants by the Ghassanid Arab Christian king Al-Harith ibn Jabalah. He later freed the captives upon his return to the Levant. A brief account of the campaign is given by Ibn Qutaybah, and confirmed by the Harran Inscription. See Irfan Shahid's Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century for full details.
In the 7th century, Khaybar was inhabited by Jews, who pioneered the cultivation of the oasis and made their living growing date palm trees, as well as through commerce and craftsmanship, accumulating considerable wealth. Some objects found by the Muslims when they entered Khaybar — a siege-engine, 20 bales of Yemenite cloth, and 500 cloaks — point out to an intense trade carried out by the Jews. In the past some scholars attempted to explain the siege-engine by suggesting that it was used for settling quarrels among the families of the community. Today most academics believe it was stored in a depôt for future sale, in the same way that swords, lances, shields, and other weaponry had been sold by the Jews to Arabs. Equally, the cloth and the cloaks may have been intended for sale, as it was unlikely that such a quantity of luxury goods were kept for the exclusive use of the Jews.
http://www.answeringmuslims.com/2014/07/remember-khaybar.html Muslim rallies against Israel often include the chant, "Khaybar, Khaybar, Ya Yahud! Jaish Muhammad Sa Ya'ud!" ("Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews! The Army of Muhammad Will Return!"). Interestingly, Muhammad was poisoned at Khaybar, and he eventually died from the effects of the poison. Should Muslims be telling Jews to remember the battle that got their prophet killed? This video is a call for peace between Muslims and Jews.
- تابعوني على قناتي الجديدة الخاصة بالفلوقات العفوية : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbsv9Bzb15oJJ_IKr0EW1Mg - يوجد لتسمية خيبر ثلاثة أقوال: مشتق من قولهم ارض خبرة أي طيبة الطين سهلة. إنها سميت باسم رجل من العمالقة نزل بها وهو خيبر بن قانية بن عبيل بن مهلائل بن ارم وهذا هو أول من نزلها وهو أخو عاد بن عوض بن ارم بن سام بن نوح علية السلام. إن الخيبر بلسان اليهود هو الحصن ولكون هذه البقعة تشتمل على حصون سموها خيابر ومفردها خيبر والي هذا القول مال الكثير نظرا لان سكانها كانوا من اليهود وورد اسم خيبر في أحاديث عن النبي (صلى الله علية وسلم) منها (خربت خيبر.....) ومنها (إنا إذا نزلنا بساحة قوم فساء صباح المنذرين) ومنها حديث اخر (خيبر مقدسة والسوارقية مؤتفكة) وحديث (نعم القرية من سنيات المسيح خيبر) يعني زمان الدجال . - وجد في خيبر ثمانية حصون منيعة وقوية وهي: 1. حصن ناعم : وهو أول ما هاجمة ال...
Download this video here: http://al-masumeen.com/series/islamic-films/the-battle-of-khaybar.html A short film depicting the conquest of the Fort of Khaybar by the Muslim Army, led by the Holy Prophet and Imam Ali. After the failure of Abu Bakr and Umar to succeed in conquering the fort, the banner of Islam fell to Ali, who single handedly killed Marhab, the chief of the Jews, and then went on to slay Harith, the commander of the Jews. After the death of the two "lions" of the Jewish tribe, the fortress the Jews had been hiding behind was conquered and the Muslims were victorious. It was the courage of Ali, instilled in him due to his immense and unswerving faith in Allah which brought the Muslims victory, it was in this battle that the Prophet announced that the fortress of Khaybar...
Title: The Battle of Khaybar - Part 1 Study the biography of the single greatest human being that ever walked the surface of this earth, whom Allah sent as a Mercy to Mankind. This lecture was recorded on 9th October 2013
The Battle Of Khaybar. Film in Farsi. Must See who ran away..
Au Nord de Médine, se trouvait une terre fertile appelée la Vallée de Khaybar. Elle était peuplée de 20 000 Juifs, fermiers et guerriers très compétents. Ils avaient construit sept forts à Khaybar pour se protéger de toute attaque. Lorsque les tribus juives des Bani Kaynkaa et des Bani Nouzayr furent expulsés de Médine à cause de leur complot contre l'Islam, certains d'entre eux s'installèrent à Khaybar. Là, ils continuèrent à encourager et à aider les Arabes à s'attaquer à l'Etat de l'Islam . Même après avoir perdu la Bataille des coalisées contre les Musulmans, les Juifs demeuraient une menace pour les Musulmans. De plus, le Saint Prophète (s) avaient envoyé des lettres à plusieurs chefs de pays avoisinants, et il craignait que ceux d'entre eux qui avaient refusé l...
Seerat-un-Nabi Series in Urdu started by IslamSearch.org and in this series we used the symbol of Prophet Muhammad (s) seal and today this seal is used by some "extremist" group and we want to make this clear to the masses that using Prophet's seal cannot make someone a true Muslim unless he/she follows the Quran and hadith as understood by the Prophet and his companion. Thus, here we are presenting the life of Prophet Muhammad(s) who was best to his family, companion and to the world and taught us to spread peaceful teaching of Islam to masses and explain the beauty of Islam. IslamSearch.org is an Islamic Search Engine striving to provide Authentic Islamic information to the masses and Alhamdulillah it is working in about 100 languages of the world which includes Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Tel...
The Battle Of Khaybar (Cartoons) In Arabic With English Subtitles
السيرة النبوية الشريفة لحبيبنا المصطفى محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم للشيخ نبيل العوضي الحلقة الثالثة والعشرون - فتح خيبر يحكي الشيخ في هذه الحلقة فتح خيبر وكيف فتحها وحصونها المنيعة حصنا بعد حصنا وشجلعه الصحابة الزبير وعلي رضي الله عنهم VIE DU PROPHÈTE MOHAMED (MAHOMET) - CHEIKH NABIL IOUADHI 23- KHAIBAR - CHEIKH NABIL IOUADHI
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Swat is a valley and an administrative district in the KPK, (Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa) Pakistan.The capital of Swat is Saidu Sharif, but the main town in the Swat .
Khaybar (Arabic,خيبر) is the name of an oasis some 180 km to the north of Medina (ancient Yathrib), Saudi Arabia. Before the rise of Islam, this fortress town was inhabited by Jewish tribes engaged in the weapons trade. It fell to Muslim forces in 629 C.E. Khaybar's geographic situation, in the middle of a valley between mountains has graced it with natural wells that have been utilised for irrigation since ancient times. It is this oasis that has made Khaybar and indispensable stop along the incense trade route from Yemen to the Levant, which brought great prosperity to its inhabitants - other oases along the route included Yathrib (Medina) and Dedan (al-Ula). Although not as extensive as al-Ula's, Khaybar's oasis is also a producer of dates in the present day. Palm groves stretch around...
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Edited travelogue with narrative titles India 1930, Khyber Pass is Featured, unknown shotlist.
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I've got a broken sky
Miles above
I talk to every night
It used to be the one to say it's all right
Now it's the setting sun
Every part of me is you
Can we make this black sky blue?
Well maybe I wouldn't be so broken-hearted
If you were still here with me
Love is just a disease
I'm taught about it
It only makes me cry
I walk these empty rooms
Half alive
And not the way I knew
Sometimes the silence seems so loud
I hear it in my dreams
Every part of me is you
Can we fill these empty rooms?
Maybe I wouldn't be so broken-hearted
If you were still here with me
Love is just a disease
I'm taught about it
It only makes me cry, ohhh...
Every part of me is you
Can we make this black sky blue?
Well maybe I wouldn't be so broken-hearted
If you were still here with me
Love is just a disease
I'm taught about it
It only makes me cry... oooh...